Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 163

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I can't remember how long have we made and how many time she has had orgasms. This woman is absolutely a sex monster who can make man to die for!

After making this woman crazy for the last time, I ignore her wriggling and struggling, force her to turn over and press her under my body.

She seems to be out of breath, gasping for a moment and glancing at me: "You... You didn't abide the agreement."

I'm also tired. I smile to her and say, "But I don't like to lie down either."

I roll off her, the two of us are simply lying side by side and have a rest.

Sophie leans slightly over, supports herself on her elbow and looks sideways at me. Her hair hangs down, covering half of her face, and another hand is still wandering back and forth on my body.

Suddenly, she sighs, looks into my eyes and says, "You're so strange... You're like a sheep when you're quiet... But just now you were like a lion... God... You're really weird."

Then she comes up and kisses me on the face, blinks at me and says: "Honey, I'm starting to like you a little bit now."

I smile lightly to her without any respond.

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I don't have much affection for her. At most, I just like her perfect body and beautiful appearance. As for her personality or herself, I don't feel much. Essentially, I am still conservative. Western women's attitude towards sex is not so much acceptable for me.

Besides, this woman is a super spycy girl. Although hot peppers are delicious and exciting, no one can stand them as the daily meals.

"Baby." Sophie sighs, her eyes are flashing a strange look, with some excitement looking at me. She seems to think of something suddenly: "I can't love you... But we can be lovers. What do you think of this proposal? Oh, my God, I'm a little reluctant to p give up on you now. You're great. It will be a pity to give you to someone else."

"Why should we be lovers?" I laugh, and I don't think there is any good about this proposal. We are obviously not suited to long-term relationships with each other.

But Sophie apparently misunderstands me. She gives me an exaggerated smile and looking at me: "Baby, aren't you satisfied? You won't fall in love with me, will you? But no, I can't marry you. Oh, I almost forgot that you have this tradition of getting married after going to bed. But I can't, baby, I haven't fallen in love with you enough. Uh huh. Maybe I'm pretty like you now, but I can't marry you. At least not until I fall in love with you. Let's be lovers, so we don't have to take responsibility to each other."

I laugh and turn aside. "Why haven't my shirts been delivered yet? Maybe we should call to let them hurry up."

Sophie is chuckling, and she sees that I don't seem to want to talk about it. So she doesn't continue this topic too.

We call the hotel to deliver the shirts. I change the clothes and rearrange my appearance.

At this time, my mobile phone finally rings.

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"Chen Yang. Come down at once." The the voice from the phone is from Papa 8. His voice can't be heard any emotional fluctuations.

"OK," I answer steadily.

I'm not surprised Papa 8 knows I'm upstairs. After all, today's banquet is held in this hotel. There must be a lot of Mr. Sorin's men here. We went out and came back to the hotel. Someone must have notified them at the first time.

Although I'm a little nervous, after all, I just had a "close contact" with Sophie. But on the other hand, I don't have too much pressure.

The charity banquet is already over.

Tonight's event seems to be a success. It is said that Mr. Sorin's charitable foundation has raised nearly ten million dollars for projects such as improving community facilities for children.

There are many charitable funds like this in Canada. Donation to charitable funds is considered the best way to do goodness.

But few people give alms to the beggars on the roadside! Because almost all beggars in Canada are drug addicts or alcoholics! Even the government expresses its hope that the citizens should not give money to vagrants or beggars. Because in that case, give them money is tantamount to encouraging them to continue to take drugs or excessive drinking!
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The banquet hall has quieted down. Some of the guests have left. The rest of the guests holds separate talks in VIP boxes beside.

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I know, usually at this kind of banquet, people don't talk about business. They may talk about the weather and gossip, but they will never talk about business on that occasion! But when the banquet is over, small-scale talks in some small rooms are the real conversations! Usually a lot of important things are decided on this occasion!

Sophie and I just walk into the banquet hall, two uniformed bodyguards come up and carefully guide us down the next corridor to a small cigar lounge in the back. Of course, the price must be very expensive.

When Sophie and I enter, Mr. Sorin is sitting on a large sofa with a burning cigar in his hand and the blue smoke is curling. The leader of the Canada underworld is gently rubbing his eyebrows with one hand.

Papa 8 is sitting on another sofa, and Tiger is standing behind him.

I see a man standing behind Mr. Sorin too. That's a black man. He's big and tall, around two meters tall.

When Mr. Sorin sees us come in, he just take a look at me. The expression on Papa 8's face is very calm. He just looks at me, and then motions me to come to him and sit down. I'm a little flattered.

On such an occasion, even Tiger is standing, but Papa 8 asks me to sit beside him. I don't know what the point is.

"Mr. Sorin, I still think Chen Yang is our best candidate."

Mr. Sorin nods and lets Sophie walk beside himself. Then he looks at me and says, "Young man, I don't know how you make my daughter interested in you, but it doesn't matter. I am an open father and I will not interfere in Sophie's private life. But I just hope you won't hurt her. That's all."

It's such a simple word. He doesn't say anything to threaten me because he doesn't need it at all. In his position, there is no need to say anything cruel to frighten me.

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Then he smiles and says softly, "Okay, the private topic is over. Let's continue our business now." The old man's words has a hidden momentum, which is a habitual tone of command from his superiors.

"Sophie, you go out first, let's talk about the next topic. You may not be interested." Mr. Sorin's voice is not very loud. But Sophie doesn't seem to dare to against. She takes a deep look at me and goes out.

"Well, let's go on." Mr. Sorin looks at Papa 8 and says: "Mr. Fang, do you really think this is a good idea?"

"Yes, Chen Yang will be my assistant. He is also the best young man I have ever met. So I'll let him do it..." This is Papa 8's answer.

I realized that something might happen!

Mr. Sorin takes a sip of his cigar, meditates for a moment, and then sighs, "Well, if it weren't for the damn El Nino climate, the damn typhoon would not have caused so much damages to our plantations in South America. Anyway, the supply channels in Asia belong to you. You should have the decision-making power in this matter. I promise you the terms." Later, the King of the Canadian Mafia taps his fingers on the armrest of the sofa with a smile on his face and wisdom in his eyes: "Hell Angels will share your Asian supply channels. And in exchange, in the coming year, you may get 5% of Hell Angels' benefit. It's fair."

At this point, Mr. Sorin stands up. He holds out his hand to me and says softly, "Congratulations to your, young man. Once this plan has started, you will be one of the most powerful people in Vancouver. Although Mr. Fang strongly recommends you, I still have reservations. I hope you can prove that Mr. Fang's words are correct with reality."

I'm dizzy and confused, but conditioning to shake hands with Mr. Sorin.

There are only a few words in my mind:

"Plan... One of the most powerful people in Vancouver."

God, what the hell is going on?

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