Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 168

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That night, JoJo and I sit on the roof until dawn. I don't know when the two of us have fallen asleep back to back.

We talked all night and we finished all my cigarettes. Both of us smell of tobacco.

When I wake up, it's already bright. I wake up earlier than Jojo, only to feel sore and painful in my waist and spine, which is not feeling well.

When I'm moving, she's waken up. When I watch her stretch, the stiffness of her body, I judge that she's also very uncomfortable. The two of us look at each other and smile.

"I'm going back." I look up at the sky and slowly open my mouth, "It's already morning. I didn't go back overnight. During the day, my brothers will be worried."

Jojo nods and says, "I'm going back, too. I'm going to Toronto in the next two days... Well, if I had known I could meet you in Vancouver, I would not have promised Winson to accompany him to Toronto."

"By the way, I haven't asked you why you came to Canada with Winson?"

Jojo thinks for a moment and sighs, "It's still my dad's problem. Winson and I reached a private agreement. We weren't interested in each other, but we both pretended to be dating under the pressure from the family. This time, his family invested in a business in North America and needed him to come to an event. It seems that their family is ready to gradually hand over some of the Canadian industries to him to take care of it, anyway, I am not sure about the details. This time I followed him to meet his parents. His parents are in Toronto now. If we hadn't met you last night, we should have taken this morning's flight to Toronto."

She says this in a very indifferent tone, but I feel a little sorry: "I have delayed your trip... If I hadn't dragged you here all night, you would have been on the plane by now."

"It's irrelevant." Jojo waves her hand arrogantly: "What's the point of meeting Winson's parents? I just go to play a role. It's boring. It's much more important to meet you. Anyway, Winson, though a little sissy, but he knows everything very well. He met you last night and both of us ran away. He should have guessed that we could not catch the flight this morning. Don't worry, he must have adjusted the arrangement. That guy is very rigid in his work. It's not interesting to have everything arranged beforehand so that everything can be done smoothly. I suspect that he even plans beforehand the times to go to the toilet every day!"

Listening to Jojo's disdainful tone, I sigh inside my heart.

In fact, I don't feel bad about Winson. I can even feel that he is kind to me. Several contacts with that fellow, especially the gambling, all felt that he seemed to have an intent to get close to me.

I have a long list of unanswered calls, all from Sophie. I think about it and delete it. I don't mean to call her back.

"Little 5, listen, I have to go to Toronto with Winson today. Anyway, I have to deal with it. But I'll be back earlier. The soonest, I'll go today and back tomorrow."

I shake my hand quickly: "No! Your will be too rush to affect your arrangement!"

"Cut!" Jojo's face is showing some disapprobatory expression: "Don't mention them, If it hadn't been for them, Winson and I would not have been hard-wired together! What annoys me most is the self-righteous old people. Why do they think that they can decide the happiness of our lives? Who I want to marry, it's not their shit! I'm not their daughter-in-law. I don't need to come to their house to amuse them! I'll show my face for give them face. That's all right!"

Jojo then takes out a card and gives me: "This is my phone number, which I used during my stay in Canada. You can you dial this number to reach me anytime. Boy, remember to call me! If you dare to play disappear once more, I'll do it the next time we meet." She makes a "cut" gesture with one palm fiercely.

She takes my cell phone, saves my phone number, and asks my address. I thinkl about it and tell her that I'm living in a garage of Papa 8, but she has better not go there.

Then we climb down the fire ladder, and I go down first. But the problem is that Jojo is right above my head. As soon as I look up, I can see her long legs flashing under the skirt.

To be honest, I really didn't mean to look up. But it has been noticed by her. Miss Jojo will not be polite to me! There are still more than three meters from the ground. She is so angry that she is yelling, "Little 5, where do you look?!" After that, she is just kicking to my head.

Fortunately, my body is strong, and I make a dodge motion on the fire ladder. I turn over one heel and land steadily on the ground. Jojo slides down and immediately clenching her fist and chasing after me.

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We chase happily and slowly run out of the alley. But when we get out of the entrance, I am stunned.

At the entrance of the alley, a black car is parked. Winson, in a dark suit, is standing next to the car. He's leaning lazily by the car and watching Jojo and I walk out. With a slightly calm smile the face, he raises his wrist and looks at his watch, smiles casually and says, "I thought you'd have at least more than half an hour to come down."

I look at him in surprise and say, "You... Did you know we were up there? Are you waiting here long ago?"

Even Jojo stares her eyes round and asks: "How long have you been waiting? Wouldn't you wait all night?"

"Of course not." Winson taps his finger on the windowpane a few times. The glass slowly rolls down. The driver inside pushes the door open and comes out with a lady's cloak in his hand. He comes to Jojo and hands it to her.

"Put it on, miss. Morning temperatures in Canada are still quite low. I don't want to get on the plane with a woman who sneezes and snivels all the time. The cabin is closed. If you catch a cold, it's easy to infect me." Winson smiles naturally, showing his white teeth.

Jojo is forget to get angry with him. There's something strange in her eyes: "Sissy, you tell the truth, you already know we were here? How long have you been waiting here? You were not really waiting for all night, were you?"

"Of course not." Winson laughs and then says, "Jojo, after all, you come with me to Canada alone. Of course I'm responsible for your safety. Otherwise, how can I face your father? When you two ran out last night, I had my men following you far away. They saw you climb to the top of this building with their own eyes, and then they notified me. I know when your old friends meet again, there's a lot to talk about. I'm a person do know what's good. So I didn't bother you and let you talk. As for me, I'm certainly not foolish to wait here until dawn. I went back to the hotel last night and slept. Then I got up in the morning and took time to take a bath, swim, and have a massage. I also had a good breakfast and then changed a new dress to pick you up."

Winson laughs confidently. But his self-confidence is not arrogant at all. On the contrary, there is a proper restraint and unruffled calm from the heart.

Then he looks at me and shakes hands with me again. His eyes are genuine, at least looks genuine: "Chen Yang, I talked to Miss Sophie last night, and I didn't expect you would join the gang in Canada now. Well, I'm not prejudiced about gangs, but I always think they are still in their infancy. Personally, I appreciate you very much. I have already expressed this point when we first met. I just think you're a good person, and you're. It seems to have some magical power. God, I won't forget that gambling experience with you! I even thought the goddess of luck was your lover that day!" He smiles casually and indifferently, then changes a serious tone to say to me, "I just don't think people like you should stay in the underworld. Of course, people have their own aspirations. If you want to leave one day, please remember to come to me. I will reserve a good position for you in my family business. I believe you will be very excellent."

I give him a deep look: "Why do you think so? I don't seem to have much talent for you, do I?"

Winson points to his heart and laughs, "I believe in the theory that personality determines success. I appreciate your personality, so I think you will be excellent. As for the abilities, they can be acquired. But the quality of a person's nature will directly affect his achievements."

Jojo stands aside and looks at us coldly. Suddenly she cuts in and says, "What's your idea, sissy?"

"Jojo, just as I can never guess your mind, I will also not tell you my mind." Winson laughs a little deeply: "We're just acting in front of our parents and relatives, acting as the male and female protagonists in the play. We're not outside the play. If you know me too well, I'm afraid you'll fall in love with me."

Jojo does not speak, but returns one of her middle fingers directly.

"Well, we should go now, so that we can catch up with my parents for afternoon tea." Winson shakes hands with me and I give Jojo another hug.

"Chen Yang, remember what I said... The gang may not suit you."

Before Jojo get in the car, she whispers to me, "Tomorrow I'll fly back to you."

They all get in the car, but Winson rolls down the window, laughs and tells me, "Oh, our royal highness is very angry now. You have to be careful."

As the car is slowly leaving, I'm standing in place and feeling a little confused.

The reunion with Jojo is totally unexpected to me. I thought I would have to endure loneliness in my heart for quite a long time, struggling alone in this strange western world.

Maybe it's because I'm too lonely and my heart is too stuffy, I had sex with Sophie so fiercely that night?

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DIdi, Nanny, and all others at home…

Just leave all these alone.

I walk for a while, then stop a taxi and go back to the garage. I see a MPV is parked there at the intersection. There are two men in that MPV, pretending to be reading newspapers.

I already know. These are police. During this period, the police have taken us as a key target. It's just that the Canadian police are really uncreative. They can't hide their gaze, even a fool can see them too.

I have just returned to the garage where several brothers are changing tires for a car. Seeing me come in, and a few people I know, whistling at me, mocking the look of my dress in suit and shoes.

I see Silo in overalls carrying a bottle out. Seeing me come in, he looks a little serious, quickly comes to me and says. "Little 5, Papa 8 wants to see you. Come in quickly."

"What's wrong?"

"Well. It seems that something big has happened. Early this morning, a lot of big-time people came and are meeting with Papa 8. Tiger has come to find you once."

My heart is shocking!

As soon as I reach the back yard, I see Tiger standing downstairs in Papa 8's office and waving to me.

"Little 5, go change clothes quickly!" Tiger's tone is also serious: "Ten minutes later. Papa 8 wants to see you."
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"What clothes should I change?" I'm a little confused. Looking at myself, I'm not dirty.

"Change into Tang suit." Tiger smiles and says, "Oh, I almost forgot. You haven't yet. I'll give you a suit of my own first. You should be able to wear mine as well."

He smiles at me and then leads me to his room to pick up a dress.

Tiger has always had a room in our dormitory building. Although he seldom lives here, but Tiger is almost the number two person here. So no one will replace his room even if it's empty.

His room is exactly the same size as us. It's just a little less furniture. Opening an old-fashioned wardrobe, he takes out a black Tang suit and gives it to me. He compares it with my figure and smiles, "Just wear this."

It's an old dress. Tiger's eyes are filled with emotion: "I used to wear it many years ago. I remember when we were negotiating with the local gangs that time, we all wore Tang suits. Now we seldom wear it."

My mind is flashing. Negotiationg with local gangs? Tang suit?

Is Papa 8 asking me to wear Tang suit today is going to take me to meet the local gangs?

After changing the clothes, Tiger takes me to Papa 8's office. Nobody can enter this office on weekdays. I've been here for several months, and I've only been there two or three times. This office is on the second floor of the garage. Downstairs is the garage site. This is undoubtedly a very humble place, but there are many advantages, such as not afraid of being eavesdropped and peeped!

Pushing the door in, I see that the light inside is somewhat dim and the headlight is not on. There is a long table in the office. To my surprise, this table is not made of wood, but of metal. I look carefully before I recognize that it is temporary use of a cutting and welding table.

On both sides of this temporary long table, many chairs have been set aside and many people have been seated. There are very old and white-haired men, there are young and strong men, there are who look kind-looking, there are who look fierce, at a glance is not a good person.

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Papa 8 is sitting on the chairman's seat. His left hand of lacked two fingers habitually taps on the arm of the chair lightly.

My eyes are narrowing immediately. Because I've mastered some of Papa 8's habits. His finger-tapping usually takes place only when he has problems in his mind and needs to think over, or when he is very angry.

Now, though his face is calm, there are the chills in his eyes.

"Little 5, come here." Papa 8 speaks to me faintly, and his voice is very calm. When I stand behind him, Tiger has left the room.

"This is Little 5. Now he's my assistant." Papa 8 says lightly: "In the future, many things will let him to deal with, so things today we are talking about, I think it is necessary for him to listen."

I notice that most of the people here look at me with some disdain. Maybe I'm too young. These old guys disapprove of me and look down on me.

"Little 5, you first give these bosses a salute." Papa 8 says lightly, "All of them here are the leaders of Vancouver's local gangs."

I don't say anything and salute everyone here as a junior person. These people are the leaders of the local gangs that fought us like hell previously. Sand Snake, who I killed, should have been one of these people.

"It's almost such a thing." Papa 8 sighs, then picks up a cup in front of him and takes a slight sip, moistens his voice and keeps saying, "Now we can sit down and neotiate, I think it's good. Everyone knows the situation this year. Hell Angels are now out of stock and have to find someone to work with. I know, we all have supply, but Hell Angels will only choose one partner! Now that we can all agree, we will work together to get the Vietnamese out first! We'll deal with Hell Angels. How much benefit we get, we'll give 30% to all of you here! Meanwhile, if you have any good source of goods, just contribute, rich everyone earns!"

I just stand behind Papa 8 and listen. In my position, I can only listen. There is no place for me to speak. I've come to understand that Papa 8 is going to make a piece with these local gangs, and today they are invited to negotiate.

These local gangs fought so many times with us these days, and many of their men died. Now most of them must be tired and afraid.

Moreover, although they have much more people than us, but they are far less united than we are! During this period of time, none of them is willing to bear more losses, once things happen, they only consider their own small group interests. That's why they couldn't win us all the time.

Papa 8's strategy is simple. First, make peace with the local gangs, and then work together to get the Vietnamese out of the game.

The cooperation between the local gangs and Vietnamese did not benefit much. There are many people with resentment, which just give us a chance to win over.

Although we have always been in conflict with these local gangs, cooperation with Hell Angels is the most important thing. Other disputes will involve our hind legs! Papa 8's idea is that Hell Angel's cake is big. To a certain extent, we can concede some benefits in exchange for peace for a period of time.

For Papa 8, the cooperation with Hell Angels is the biggest opportunity for us to move closer to the mainstream and transform ourselves! On this premise, some small concessions are acceptable.

The negotiation is going well. My malicious guess is that these guys have been scared by us for a while, and now they are easier to communicate.

But I also notice that there's a person opposite who seems to have been fighting against Papa 8 in words. Most of the chill in Papa 8's eyes comes from this.

"It's basically like this. Let's lay down our guns and knives in the future and be a family, share the big cake together. It's much better to make money together than to fight and kill!" Papa 8's finger knock on the desktop: "I've finished, don't you have any comments?"

The others are silent for a moment.

"Papa 8!" The guy who has been targeting Papa 8 speaks.

This is a stout fellow with a thick neck and wide shoulders. The clothes on his body seem to be tied tightly. His head is short and the face is square. But his chin is slightly raising and looks unruly. More importantly, he stares at Papa 8 with hatred in his eyes.

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I notice that the bridge of his nose collapsed. If I guess it correctly, his nasal bridge bone was removed during the operation!

I also notice his hand. His hands are on the table. They are big and thick. His knuckles are thick too, but his fingers are short. What's more, his middle index finger and ring finger are much shorter than the average person, and they all seem to be the same length. From the hard cocoon on his hand, I can see that this guy is very tough on fighting!

He says coldly, "If you want to fight then fight, you want to negotiate then negotiate. So that the blood of our brothers all shed in vain?"

Papa 8 looks at him coldly and says, "Yes, just take it as shed in vain."

The man is standing up at once slapping his palm on the table. The metal welding table is shaken by him! My heart is shocked, this man's hand strength is really big!

"Shed in vain?" He grins with grimly face, then looks around and says, "The elders are here! As a matter of fact, this is a way to make a fortune, and I shouldn't stand in the way of everyone's fortune! But they killed so many of us before. Now that they want to negotiate, we have to sit down and negotiate with them. Where do we put our faces?!" He grits his teeth and says in hate, "Okay! Even if you can bear it, but I can't bear it. My brother was killed in his own woman's house! He had his throat cut off! I only have this one brother! Now you let me accept my brother's death is in vain? There's not such easy thing for me!"

When I hear this, my heart is beating hard! Had his throat cut off?

I squint and stare at the man in secret.

Papa 8 looks at him coldly and says slowly, "There are casualties on both sides, not only your brother, but also our brothers! We are sitting down for business today. If you want to get revenge, just go to us alone!"

The fellow deliberately laughs a few times and stares at Papa 8 fiercely: "8 fingers, don't pick on things! I'm not trying to cut off all of our fortune! But you are too bullying! You want to fight then fight, you want to negotiate then negotiate, and you get most of the benefits. Where the hell do you put us?"

Papa 8 gives two faint laughs: "So what are you thinking? What do you want?"

"Compensate for my brother's life!" The fellow frowns and looks at Papa 8 with a murderous face. "I don't want anything else! I want the compensation of my brother Sand Snake's death! Whoever killed my brother, I must take his life! I don't care about the money! I don't want my share either. I send it all to you all! But the bastard who killed my brother, his life, I want it!"

Sand Snake?

The muscles in the corners of my eyes jump! Sure enough! He's Sand Snake's brother!

Papa 8 smiles, and his smile is chilly: "Who are you take me as? You want me to send my brother up for you to kill? You are too naive?"

"Let me fight him then! Gamble life! If I'm unlucky, I'll admit it if he kills me! Everyone gambles on their own lives to fight, live or death listen to the fate!" He has a grim smile on his face: "Don't tell me that all of you are cowards."

The muscles in Papa 8's eye corners are beating, and I know he is really angry now.

I immediately put my hand on his shoulder and gently press, then slowly step forward and look at the fellow with a provocative eye: "What's your name?"

"Boy, remember, I'm Sand Tiger! Where the fuck did you come out? Haven't you heard of my name?"

I nod and just stare at him, "Okay! Sand Tiger, I'll fight with you! live or death listen to the fate!"

"You? Whereby are you fighting with me?" Sand Tiger stares at me mockingly.

"By what?" I clench my fist, raise a thumb, pointing at myself, look at him with my chin up, and say coldly, "By I cut Sand Snake's throat with my knife!"

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