Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 192

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After that call, I couln't contact ocean for half a day. His satellite phone was always unanswered. I couldn't help worrying about him. Although I know that this fellow has a lot of powers, but the previous phone call didn't sound optimistic.

The room is full of rags and skirts and women's underwears. We had such a wild time last night that I didn't notice how many bottles of wine we had drunk in all. A row of empty whisky bottles are placed on the ground, about more than a dozen. Inside the room, on the sofa, on the carpet, there are all women lying down one by one. These girls are all naked and their bodies are like jades. It looks really attractive at a glance.

Last night's revelry and hangover, until about 10 am, they are still sleeping. Some girls have waken up tired and looking for cigarettes everywhere. This kind of situation makes me feel some emotion in my heart. This kind of night Carnival scene, I used to experience when I was working the nightnightclub.

Some girls are not in a hurry to get dressed. Anyway, they went crazy last night. They don't care about their naked bodies. Some girls are generously come to ask me for cigarettes.

I smile and take out a pile of banknotes and throw them to one of the girls. I ask her to go out and buy some cigarettes back.

That girl immediately beams with delight, running out on tiptoe with the money, and bring back a few packs of cigarettes. Then a group of girls come to grab cigarettes.

I feel a headache, rubbing my temples. Even though I didn't drink too much last night. But I had a long talk in the early morning. I need to think about too many things in my mind. I feel that I don't have enough energy now.

And that fat fellow Ocean. Alas. I sigh and make another call, and still can't get through him.

After talking to me in the morning, that fat seems to be relieved. He puts his arms around the two girls and go to the next room to get some sleep. And I have to worry about the next step.

I take a look at Silo. Silo is better than me in spirit, but his mood is very low. I smile at him. He bares his teeth at me, smiling hard. I throw a pack of cigarettes to him, and he doesn't say much, just smoking.

I know that he still needs to figure things out.

Just at this time, a pair of soft hands behind me gently press on my head, and then I feel woman's soft fingers pressing my temple, gently rubbing, and helping me massage.

I look back and see that it's the half blood beauty who went out with me. I smile at her and say: "Are you awake?"

Her hair is very fluffy, and her face just has some wake up laziness. But her eyes are bright. She gently massages me and whispers, "I'm ok. Fortunately, I went out with you last night..."

I know what she meant. People who stayed in the room drank a lot. But she accompanied me to go out for a round, did not drink too much, but also to make more money.

I take a look at her and feel the girl looks makes people pleasant. She is very beautiful, with a touch of seduction. Especially in the morning when she just wakes up, there's some lazy and attractive taste, and her eyes are very tempting.

I take a long breath, hold her with a backhand, and then easily hold her whole body over and put her on my leg. She exclaims, and soon calms down. There's a smile in her eyes, and hands begin to grope up my thighs.

I gently press her hand and say slowly: "No! You just massage on my head. It hurts."

There's a glimmer of disappointment in her eyes, but she plucks up immediately. I just lay down on the sofa with my head resting on her lap. Her massage technique is not proficient, obviously not good at it. But fortunately her fingers are very soft, so that press me very comfortable.

The other girls around gradually wake up. They're smoking and chatting together. They speak Vietnamese. I can't understand a word. I find my wallet and take out the money from it, tip these girls and let them go home.

I look up at the mixed-blood beauty and say: "You can go back home too, and to sleep a little more." Then I give her the money. She takes the money and shoves it into her pocket. After thinking about it, she narrows her eyes and smiling at me. "I'll stay with you for a while and massage for you."

I smile and don't speak. I feel that this girl is probably have some feelings to me.

"How long will you stay in Hanoi?" Silence for a while, she suddenly asks me.

I smile and don't speak.

"Will you still come to find me?" Her voice is gentle.

But I understand that this kind of "gentleness" is also professional! Her purpose is to hope that I can come here again to cheer her Joking, I was so generous last night. Such a god of wealth, she of course would like me to come more times!

This girl is really smart! She won't drill directly into your arms, or deliberately strip off her clothes to tempt you. She just likes now, after a hangover, she will make a gentle look, gently gives you a massage , and then look at you with a deep tone and gentle eyes, which is much more clever!

I smile: "I don't know. I'll see you again if there'll be the chance."

There is some bitter taste in her eyes, I can't help sighing. Her acting is so good.

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I feel her fingers slowly sliding down my forehead, intentionally or unintentionally sliding across my face, fingertips gently rubbing on my skin, and finally slowly falling on my chest. Her fingers deftly opens my collar, and suddenly she says with a smile, "Eh? What is this?"

Her fingers nip the ring hanging around my neck.

I don't speak, but she seems curious: "is this silver? Why do you hang the ring around your neck?" I still don't answer, just slowly take her hand away and smile: "It's a secret. I can't tell you."

She makes a face at me.

After a rest, I look at the time. It's nearly eleven o'clock. I immediately turn over and sit up, pat her face.

"Well, I have to go."

I tell Silo to go to the next room and wake up fat man. Then I begin to tidy up. Mixed blood beauty holds a business card with two fingers and hands it to me with a smile on her face: "This is my phone number. Please come to me when you have time."

I take it and look. This business card with a light fragrance, simply writes a name, and a phone number.

"This is my personal card, not for the guests." She explains with a smile, "My real name is on it. Please do remember it."

Then she comes up and kisses me on the face. There is some cunning in her eyes: "Can you tell your name?"

"Little 5." I give her a simple reply.

"Little 5..." She leans close to me, murmurs in my ear, then smiles softly and whispers, "You are very good, I like you very much."

At noon, the three of us leave the nightnightclub. I spilled a lot of money down here with the boss's style. From the foreman to the waiter, I all give them the tips.

When going out of the nightnightclub, fat man's spirit is very good. He seems to put down a heavy burden mentally. The whole person is obviously relaxed a lot. I take a look at this guy and feel a bit speechless. Silo looks much better too, at least not so gloomy anymore.

I pat him on the shoulder: "OK, let's find a place to have lunch now. Just to fill our stomachs." He smiles, and then seriously says to me, "little 5, I've got it."

"Well?" I'm stunned.

"You are my good brother." This guy's face is with the serious expression, "you won't cheat me! No matter what you say or do, I believe you!"

We find a Vietnamese restaurant to have some food. Finally, at about noon, I get the call from Ocean!

"Kid, are you still alive?" At the other end of the phone, his voice is a little weak.

I am relieved: "Shouldn't I ask you that?"

He's laughing at the other end and says, "Damn it, I'm lucky this time. I almost got hit and sunk in the seawater." After joking, and then his tone quickly becomes serious, "OK, where are you now?"

"Hanoi." I look around the surrounding nearby and tell him the street name.

He smiles at the other end of the phone and says: "it seems that I will trouble you to be a bodyguard for a few more hours. I'm in Ha Long Bay now. I can only trouble you to bring that guy to see me."

When he finishes, coughing twice. I recognize something wrong, frown and ask: "What's the matter with you?"

"Shit, I got hurt, but it's still OK." He laughs at the other end of the phone and says, "Don't worry, my body is tough and will have a long enough life. You just bring that guy here. I can only stay here for one day."

Ha Long Bay is not far from Hanoi. Vietnam is not very big anyway. I stops a taxi and ask the driver to take us to Ha Long Bay.

The driver looks at the three of us in surprise, hesitates for a moment, and then haggles with fat man for more money.

I don't bother to talk to him, just throw out twenty dollars and say lightly: "That's all. If you don't want it, I'll find someone else."

Sure enough, the driver immediately says something in Vietnamese with a big smile, jumps out of the car and opens the door for us.

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Fat man sighs: "You are really generous."

I turn my mouth and say: "Time waits for no one. We spend money for time. Besides, every minute we stay here is one more minute dangerous."

The taxi quickly drives out of Hanoi, I look at the city, sigh in my heart and think: I don't want to come back to this place again in my life!

The driver gets the well pay price and drives very well. After aroiund three hours, we have arrived a private Wharf in Ha Long Bay.
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I find the place by the address Ocean told me. This is a cruise terminal, and yachts of some tourism companies are parked on both sides. Not far away is an ordinary fisherman's Wharf. There are many people coming and going.

This place is a bit shabby. Many of the planks on the wharf are getting old and loose, steps creaking. I search in it to look for Ocean's fat figure in the dense boats parked on both sides. I suddenly see a figure standing in the distance, waving to me.

I take a close look and recognize that this is that Vietnamese under Ocean. It's the Vietnamese who drove me to sea in a motorboat! He gave me a bottle of water with glucose before I got on the stowaway ship which saved my life later!

He's wearing shorts, barefoot, dark skin, standing next to a white yacht, waving at me. When we walk over, I see a piece of gauze on his hand. I make a sign to him, he grins, then points to the yacht next to him and signal us to get on.

He starts to be very busy. He unties the cable first, and then goes ashore with a bucket to store fresh water.

This is an old yacht. It looks like it hasn't been painted for a long time. After boarding, fat man's eyes are alert, but I have relaxed. Because I have heard a familiar laugh!

Ocean's laughter comes out of the cabin. I kick the door open and walk in first. Sure enough, I see him leaning on a chair with a bottle in his hand. He sits cross legged, exposing a cut in his left leg, and is carefully pouring some medicine out of the bottle to sprinkle on the cut. He is obviously in pain and his canthus muscles are twitching, but the more painful he is, the loud he's laughing.

"What the hell are you doing?" I frown with excitement on my face. "Man, we're seeing each other again!"

He looks up at me with a smile on his face and waves: "Come here! It's just that you're here. Help me with the medicine! I got hurt on my back too!"

My heart sinks. I frown and ask: "How serious?"

I see that the wound on his calf is very deep, the muscles and skin on both sides turns over. There's a lot of blood on his leg and there are many cotton balls and gauze stained with blood on the ground. This guy grins and keeping shake his big head.

"What are you laughing for?"

"Damn! I'm really hurt!" He stares at me and yelling, "I'm a big man! Since I can't cry, what I can do is to laugh!"

I sigh, take the medicine bottle from his hand, help him to deal with the injury on his calf, and wrap the gauze for him. He sighs and takes off his coat again. I see a lot of blood on his coat. He throws it on the ground, points to two seats in the cabin, looks at Silo and fat man standing at the door and says: "Two guests, just sit."

I frowd and stare at his back. There's a cut on his back, which is clearly scratched. I look at him doubtfully, and he breathes and says: "Shrapnel. Damn... "

I put medicine on his wound, frown and say: "Need to sew this wound. Do you have a needle here?"

He waves his hand: "No, I don't know how you sew the wound? It's really suck. I need to remove the thread and sew again when back! You can help me put medicine to the wound first, and then I'll find someone to sew it for me." After a pause, he says with a bitter smile, "I won't die with such a little wound!"

"What's up?" I ask him in low voice.

"I met the opponent at sea. We had a fight. I sank one of their ship and ran away." He takes a look at me, "Vietnamese."

His tone is a little vague. I know there are outsider people here. He can't make it clear. So I stop asking. Just quickly wrap up the wound for him. Then I hands him a cigarette: "is there any morphine on board?"

"I've already used it." He smiles and says, "OK, let's get down to business."

I haven't seen him for a long time. He's still round, but skin is a little dark. Maybe he was basking on the sea too long. His body is still very strong, smile is still so brilliant and heroic. There are still the fearless look on his face. His small eyes are still shining with cunning light.

He's also looking at me. He looks up and down at me several times, slowly sighs: "little 5, you've changed so much!"

"Well?" I smile.

"Your look," He smiles too, "You look much more mature, unlike when I just saw you. You were just a cheeky young shaver that time."

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I smile, and then point to Silo behind me: "This is my brother who works with me this time..." I take a look at Silo and say, "just come to see our elder brother. He is senior."

Ocean waves his hand and smiles at Silo. Then he put his eyes on fat man, with a smile in his eyes: "Is this our VIP this time?"

"Yes!" I take a breath and say, "I've told you in the phone."

Ocean nods and looks at fat man, says with smile: "Hi, buddy! I am injured and inconvenient, so I can't get up and shake hands with you. Now we are in the same boat, just take care of each other!" After a pause, he says lightly: "I have already contacted the above. Take my yacht go tonight. I'll take care of getting you to a safe place. Then, we will meet and talk with you about the specific person in charge of the business."

Fat man nods. His face is serious.

Ocean takes a look at me: "OK, Little 5, your task is finished. Now let me take over. The rest is up to me. "

"Well, do I leave on your yacht, too?" I ask.

"Up too you." He's laughing, "You can leave with my yacht if you like. It's just going to be a few days at sea. Don't yell when you can't stand it."

I frown and look at Silo and fat man. "Why leave by yacht? Why we don't fly back straight?"

Ocean sighs. He looks at me with a strange smile and shaking his head. "Are you stupid? Take a plane? It's OK for you two to fly. But if he takes a plane, he's going to have himself to be caught?"

"After all, here is Vietnam. It's Vietnamese's territory. He's been out of touch these days. Vietnamese must be looking for him everywhere now. To be honest, you are lucky that you haven't been found in Hanoi for have stayed so long time!"

I smile and say nothing.

The Vietnamese must be looking for him as well, because he has been with me since he got ashore, and there was no more contact with the Vietnamese.

After a while, fat man is very conscious. He knows that our own people must talk about some private words. As an outsider, he is not good to be present. He just makes an excuse casually and goes to another room in the cabin to rest.

"Help me to the yacht deck for a walk." Ocean sighs and looks at me. I nod and leave Silo alone in the cabin.

He is injured in his leg and half hanging on me. As I'm holding him, I laugh and say: "Man, your weight is heavy again."

He laughs and scolds: "Nonsense, I've been floating on the sea for quite a long time this time. I should have lost a lot of weight."

On the deck, I help him to sit down. His face becomes serious. He looks up at me and says, "You've done a very good job this time!"

I don't speak, just listen to him speaking.

He sighs: "Before you come, I have contacted Eight."

"I..." When I'm about to say something, he shakes his hand and say with a smile, "Don't tell me about your things. Although he and I are all in the same organization in name, but I am in Southeast Asia and he presides over the situation in North America. Neither of us will ask each other's things. We just help each other if necessary. Do you understand?"

I nod and smile: "I understand. Airborne mode."

There's a surprise in his eyes: "Oh, you understand this. It seems that this half year you've learned quite a lot."

Then he sighs: "This time, you are landing on my place to do things. I will help you solve your difficulties naturally. It's just…"

He frowns, hesitates for a moment, then looks at the sea in the distance.

All of a sudden, I hear him gently says: "Canada is in a very complex situation, you should be more careful."

After a pause, he says slowly: "I know Tiger too. What I want to tell you is: don't follow his old way!"

I can't help but stare at him and see what expression is on his face.

Fat man looks at the sea. The expression on his face is very calm. I can't see any mood fluctuation. The tone of voice just now seems to be very stable. But don't know why, I always think he has some other meaning hide in these words.

Don't follow Tiger's old way.

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The meaning of this sentence, on the surface, seems to be just a simple warning to me: don't betray, don't be a traitor. It seems like a very simple admonition.

However, with his contacts with me and his understanding of my character, he should know that I will never betray my brothers in arms!

So what does that mean?

Is it...

My face changes a little!

Is he trying to say: Don't be as loyal to Papa 8 as Tiger was?

Tiger came to such an end, objectively speaking, he was a traitor and his death was his deserved. But it's hard to say that Papa 8 has no responsibility!

As Tiger said, "I've worked for Papa 8 for 20 years, and now I'm getting old. What have I got?"

There's some silence. I obviously feel that he is trying to hint something to me, but in his position, it seems that some words are not very well to be said directly from his mouth.

Ocean smiles a few times and says: "Well, I've been busy all day and hungry now. Go to the back of the cabin and take out the bottom box! Let's feed ourselves first!"

His Vietnamese subordinate comes back soon, replenishes the ship with fresh water, and has brought back a lot of food. As he said, I find out a box full of ashes in the cabin. I open the box and find several bottles of wine in it!

The wine stickers on the wine bottle are all crooked words. Obviously they are not any language I can understand.

"This is Russian!" Ocean smiles and pats me on the forehead, "Boy, this is the most authentic vodka! Russian's favorite! My collection! If you had not come today, I would not have taken it out!"

There's also a small refrigerator on the yacht. I find out a large glass jar and look at it.

"What is this?"

He snatches it away quickly, with a love with all his heart expression on his face: "Damn it! Be careful when you take it! If you fall to the ground, you can't afford it even chop you into pieces to sell!"

He sighs and laughs: "This is also the good thing: the most authentic Russian caviar! I'm reluctant to take a few mouthfuls at ordinary times. You are blessed today!"

We just sit on the deck, drinking vodka, eating caviar, and some canned food brought back by that Vietnamese as the dinner.

I'm not used to that caviar, though Ocean says it's precious. But obviously fat man know the goodnesses. When he see vodka and caviar, his eyes are lighting up! So the two fats, through drinking, soon becoming familiar with each other.

Although Ocean is injured and not suitable for drinking, but he ignores these things and still keep swigging away at the vodka.

After we feast to satiety, Ocean let the Vietnamese take fat man into the cabin to rest. He takes a look at me and says slowly: "I'm leaving tonight. You..." He thinks for a moment and says, "You'd better not go with my yacht."

He sighs and says with smile: "The path on sea is not very safe. Let's go back to Hanoi with Silo and fly from Hanoi to leave Vietnam. Anyway, the Vietnamese are looking for him and you two are very safe here."

I nod to him: "Be safe when driving."

He smiles and says: "Recently we have been fighting with the Vietnamese gangs. We have fought several times with each other on the sea. Now I have to let that guy leave by my yacht. He can't show up in public places like the station or the airport. It's too dangerous. The safest way to leave is from the sea. As for you, you can just leave by plane."

I don't say anything, but Silo hesitates and seems to want to say something, but I immediately hold his hand and stop him from speaking.

"That's it." I simply say, "Let's go back to Hanoi and fly out of Vietnam."

Ocean doesn't say anything more. He just asks the Vietnamese to take us to the wharf and standing on the yacht to watch us leave.

"Little 5, is that ok?" Silo seems a bit worry, "That's the man we are controlling, now let him..."

I smile: "Don't worry, he is absolutely trustworthy. There must be a reason why he won't let us follow his yacht."

I hold my fist and hold something in my palm. It's a very soft ball, a small paper ball, and I don't know what writes on it. That was Ocean slipped into my hand when he hugged me before we parted.

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