Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 201: 201

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Although I don't want to beat her confidence, but I can't help but say: "You just said that her operation must be done before the age of 15, so your current work, even if you can have guests every night, there are only four years left. Can you earn more than ten thousand dollars?"

I sigh and see her eyes is showing a little desperate.

Indeed, according to her current work in Vietnam, it is a high income. A nightclub lady like her can only earn about a thousand dollars a month at most.
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One thousand a month, one year only 12,000 dollars, then it will take ten years, and do not eat or drink, to earn arouned 120,000 dollars!


Can her sister wait for ten more years?

Within the past ten years, these two sisters have to spend money on their lives, renting houses and daily consumption! And even if she is beautiful and charming now, can she be a nightclub girl for ten years?

After three to five years, when she is a little older, there will be many younger girls to compete with her!

I know that their elimination rate in her industry is very high! A nightclub lady, even if she is more beautiful and enjoys more guests, still will be eliminated after three to five years at most. Some of the poor women who have not that good looking at nightclubs, when they are young, they could not get enough fortune. When they are old, they can't go on working in high-end nightclubs. They would have to be reduced to some low-end hotels or restaurants as waiters. To be fair, most of the girls in this business are not sympathetic, but they are also pitiful.

Although I didn't say these words clearly, I believe she should understand the meaning of my words. So all of a sudden, her eyes are red, and tears come out slowly.

It's true that renting a house in a high-end area like her has cost a lot, and it's hard to save much money every month.

I look at her and say softly, "So how about let's make a deal?" I say slowly, "I'm hurt now, so I need your help. I have to hide in your home for a few days. It won't be long. I also need you to do something for me. Things are very simple. There won't be any danger. I just can't go out now. In return... "

She seems to have guessed something, looking at me with hope.

"I'll bear all the expenses of your sister's operation. I will give you enough money, and I can even help you to contact a North American Hospital, and then send your sister to treatment. How do you think?"

"Ah..." She gives an exclamation, a surprise on her face, but then there's also some doubt. It seems that she's a little can't believe it is true. Indeed, for her, more than a hundred thousand dollars is probably close to astronomical figures.

"You... Are you serious?" The huge impact makes her start to stutter when she's speaking. Suddenly, she comes up and grasps me tightly with both hands. She says quickly: "Really? Really? Is it true?"

I open her hand with a smile: "Of course it's true. But I have to stay with you for a few days and keep it a secret. You know, I have some troubles now. I said someone is looking for me outside. If they find me... "

"Yes! Sure! Whatever you want!" She's already tearful and nodding, "What do you want. I can give it all to you! Really, I can give you whatever you want! As long as you can really save my sister..."

"Don't worry, I'll do what I say." I smile.

I can't help but feel that I'm a little despicable. I'm taking advantage of her weakness and using such a little girl to achieve my goal. But I have no choice at the moment. I can only comfort myself: at least, I am really helping them too.

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She really put all her hopes on me. Her attitude towards me immediately changes. She used to be be afraid of my appearance, but now she is full of hope on me. She even asks me if I'm hungry and if I need something to eat.

I sigh and pull her to my side, saying softly: "You don't need to be like that. It's just that we help each other. You've helped me a lot by keeping me here. Besides, I need you to do something."


""Can you stop going to work tonight?"

She nods to show that she has called the nightclub to ask for leave. Because before she went to see me, she thought she would accompany me at night.

I think about it. In fact, I hope she won't go to nightclub these days. On the one hand, I need her to do something for me. On the other hand, there are so many people in the nightclub that I'm afraid of any "accidents".

Sure enough, she hesitates for a moment when I ask for it. After all, it's her job. If she doesn't go to work for a few days, she may worry about losing some guests.

However, depends on my promise to send her sister abroad for surgery, she still gives a reluctant promise.

"My sister is the only hope and sustenance in my life. I hope you don't cheat me!" When she says this, unexpectedly, she has no such softness on her face, and her eyes ware shining with firm light.

Sometimes people's willpower is really amazing. After seizing a glimmer of hope, she is animated in a flash.

I know that at this moment she has placed a deep hope on me, and she will never do anything to my disadvantage. I just arrange several things to ask her to help at ease.

First of all, I give her Silo's phone number and ask her to go out and find a place where she can make an international long-distance call. She need to tell Silo my current situation. I don't let her know too much, just let her tell Silo that I didn't get on the plane for some special reasons, and now I'm stuck in Hanoi, and I'm in trouble.

She tells me: her own mobile phone can open the international long-distance business. I ask her to go out to open it immediately, and then leave this mobile number to Silo! It's convenient for us to contact each other.

Finally, I make a list for her to help me purchase some items. I give her all ten thousand dollars because almost all the things I ask her to do cost money.

Although in that case, I will be left alone with her sister, mixed blood girl is a little worried, but she hesitates for a moment and still agrees.

In a despicable way, although I don't want to think about it like this, I stay at home with her little sister, at least I can make sure she doesn't dare to call the police or betray me.

People are really mean and shameless sometimes, aren't they?

"May I come out?" I'm sitting on the sofa smoking, the door of the room suddenly quietly opens a seam, from which comes such a voice with some timidity. The little girl looks at me with black and round eyes, which have a kind of curiosity.

I smile, snuff out the cigarette end, and say with a gentle smile: "This is your home. Why dare not come out?"

"Because my sister will be upset."

With that, she opens the door and bravely comes to me. She has changed into a loose pajama, small face, big eyes, whole person looks very cute. However, against the cold metal support on her right leg, it looks like this lovely with some cruel taste.

My eyes are a little bit involuntarily glance at her right leg, she has obviously noticed, but the little girl's eyes have not any unhappy, but as always cheerful: "What's the matter?"

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I'm embarrassed: "What's your name?"


It can be seen that she is very proud: "This is my English name." Then she asks me softly, "Do you think it sounds good?"

"It sounds good." I look at this lovely girl. She is very thin, but her skin is very delicate. More importantly, her eyes are very bright, clear and pure, and there is not even a trace of impurities in them. I even feel that there seems to be no depression in this girl's mind.

"You don't need to care about my leg." Just when I'm stunned, she's giggling, which is not fake at all. She's smiling happily, and then says seriously, "It doesn't matter."

Then the little girl comes to my side very generously and sits on the sofa beside me lightly: "I was born like this, this is God's arrangement, nothing."

I don't know what to say. Facing such a little girl, I am usually very articulate, but I feel hard to say more words now. I hesitate for a moment and then smile: "Your English is very good."

"Eh!" The girl's eyes are shining with pride, "My English is the best in the school. I will study abroad in the future! When I go abroad, I will cure my leg first, and then I would work hard to make money and let my sister and I live abroad together!"

I sigh, looking at this innocent little girl, I can't help but feel a little heartache in my heart. I gently pinch her nose and say slowly: "It will come true. Your dream will come true."

She is so cheerful, it seems that there is no inferiority in her. This is the most amazing thing for me. I know that most people with physical defects have some inferiority in mind, but I can't see it in this girl.

"You're looking at my legs again." The girl suddenly sighs. Then she tiltes her head, thinks a while and asks, "Is my leg bothering you?"

"No! Of course not!"

"Well... In fact, when I first went to school, they always looked at my legs." Yoyo smiles generously, "But I never care."

"Why?" I'm curious. Is it possible that a girl of such a young age has become so tough?

"Because it's not my fault." The girl looks at me with innocent eyes. She gently kicks the sofa with her left leg and says with a smile, "Why should I sad? I was born like this. If I do something wrong, such as making a mistake in school and being punished by the teacher, I will feel very guilty and uncomfortable. But my leg was born like this. It wasn't my own creation. It was God's arrangement. Since it's God's plan, that's it. So why do I feel inferior or guilty?"

Her mind is so simple, but her tone surprises me. Looking at her black eyes, I am really moved. God gave her a defective leg, but did not give her a defective psychology!

Facing of her explanation like this, I suddenly feel that it is unnecessary for me to say anything else. I even feel that it was an affront to glance at her leg just now.

"Are you really my sister's boyfriend?" She asks me with a smile.

"Well, yes." I smile bitterly.

"Then..." Yoyo still looks at me with simple and innocent eyes, "Will you marry my sister in the future?"

What should I say?

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I can only smile a very vague: "En!"

Yoyo is immediately cheering. She opens her arms and hugging my arm. She laughs and says: "Great! Someone will take care of my sister in future!" She looks at me and says seriously, "You should always be nice to her!"

I …

In her eyes, with some child's cunning, she tells me: "I tell you, my sister is very beautiful! There must be a lot of people after her! So you must be kind to her, otherwise…"

I have no choice but to look at her helplessly.

Then her eyes falls on my arm. She see the bandaged wound my arm: "Are you hurt?"


Her little hand gently touches around my wound, then raises her little face: "Does it hurt?"

"Not that hurt."

Her eyes are rolling, and suddenly she comes up and kisses me on the cheek. Then she shrinks back and looking at me with a smile. Then she blinks at me. Without waiting for me to speak, Yoyo says softly: "Every time I fall, it hurts. My sister will kiss me. She said, "Give you a kiss, it won't hurt." Then she seriously asks me, "Are you feeling better now?"

I touch the face kissed by the little girl. I feel my eyes have become more and more gentle. Looking at her, I can't help but reach out and gently pinch her nose: "Well, it's much better indeed. Thank you... "

"Good!" She nods forcefully: "if you get hurt again in future, I can kiss you again! But you must be nice to my sister!"

I sigh. Although I am not good at dealing with children, I still have to admit that the Yoyo in front of me is really as lovely as an angel.

"Yoyo," I smile and say, "Tell you one thing. Your dream, it's going to happen."

Her smiling face is like a flower, but suddenly turns my hand away. She says with a smile: "Don't pinch my nose. If you always pinch it, it will be flat!"

At night, mixed blood girl finally comes back. She seems a little tired, with a big paper bag in her hand. After entering the door, she sees Yoyo is sitting next to me, laughing and joking.

I've sit with this lovely little girl all afternoon. At the beginning, I still felt a little constrained, but soon, her young and lively laughter infected me.

At the beginning, I wanted to tell her stories. I originally wanted to tell some fairy tales, but it's obvious that this girl has read many fairy tales books. I found that she knows all the stories I know, and she also knows many I don't know!

It turned out to she told me stories! About the Frog Prince and princess, the good witch and the evil king, etc.

As a matter of fact, I, little 5, a big man, have been fighting all the way over the years, killing people and setting fire, fighting and making trouble. Almost have done all the bad things. What have I never seen? But now I'm actually living in a living room, listening to a 10-year-old girl telling me fairy tales.

Fortunately, as a big man, I have dignity! How can I see such a little girl braving in front of me? I began to tell her some interesting things, for example, I told her my story of going to sea, how blue the sky is at sea, how beautiful the sea is, crazy, even dangerous!

I told that when I was wandering on the sea by myself in a small lifeboat, when there was a storm. The girl suddenly called out "ouch", and then took a worried pat on her small chest: "Oh, fortunately. Now you are sitting here and tell me the story, then it must be OK." Then she blinked her little eyes and asked me, "What happened later?"

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Just then her sister opens the door and comes in. Seeing Yoyo and I become so close, the expression of mixed blood girl is a little complicated. After all, in her mind, I probably belong to the category of "dangerous person". She may not want me to be too close to her innocent sister.

Yoyo jumps off the sofa, and says a few words with her sister loudly. Mixed blood girl draws a long face, let Yoyo immediately back to the room. The little girl is helpless, but obviously she listens to her sister's words very much. She blinks at me before she leaves.

"I'm just telling her a story." I sigh.

"Please, don't get close to my sister." When she says this, her eyes are brave, "She is just a child, I don't want her to touch the environment that she shouldn't touch!"

I think about it, not angry of her words and, just a sigh: "OK."

Yes, I'm a criminal. People like me should not be close to such a lovely angel.

Seeing that I don't get angry and don't speak anymore, she seems to feel guilty. She comes to me and whisperes: "I'm sorry.", then takes out the paper bag she has brought back, and takes out the things one by one.

"Here's the medicine for you, and some..." She bites her teeth and says, "This is pain medicine, and anti-inflammatory. I'm afraid your wound will be infected. I'll change the medicine for you in the evening."

Then she takes out her mobile phone, "I have opened the international long distance service, but the phone couldn't conect. Maybe have to wait for about one day?"

"Yes. Thank you." I immediately ask, "That phone can't be connected?"

"Yes," she frowns, "That number won't work."

My heart is sinking.

Silo should be back in the garage now. He must be anxiety. How could his mobile phone not be connected at this time?

At night, I'm a little anxious, frowning all night. Even when the mixed blood girl helps me change the medicine, I don't feel the pain, just frowning and thinking.

I sleep on the sofa in the living room that night, and it's my own initiative. She seems to be a little guilty. Maybe my performance so far is not as ferocious as she imagined. I seem not much danger and always be nice to her.

"Don't you really don't come into the room?" She hesitates for a moment and asks me.

Maybe I've changed from a "dangerous man" to a "financier who can cure her sister". I smile, shake my head, and watch her close the door.

However, the next day, I finally can't laugh! One of the things I'm worried about happened! I sleep dizzy, in the dream, I always feel like a fire on my body, and sometimes feel very cold. In the confusion, I seem to be suffering back and forth in the alternation of heat and cold.

My mouth parches and tongue scorches!

I seem to be trapped in a nightmare, surrounded by darkness. I try to open my eyes, but I can't. It seems that I can't move all over. The more I struggle, the weaker I am.

Finally, when I recover a little consciousness and can slowly open a gap of my eyes, I see a face appears in front of me. My vision goes from blur to clarity. The eyes in front are full of aura, and her face is a little worried. As I just open my eyes, she immediately shows a surprise expression: "Ah! You're awake!"

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