Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 49

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Then I try to stop myself from thinking about it. Well, she doesn't look like a woman who has such abnormal habits.

Is this the stereotype of "I'm sorry, I just treat you like a sister" on third-rate TV series?

But she is too bold to be drunk in front of me. Is she not afraid of me?

How can such a woman who drinks so badly fight in business world?

I revive, reach down to her knees, pick her up, and walk upstairs.

But then I embrace her and come down again.

I can't find her bedroom, and every room upstairs is locked up.

I can only simply put her on the sofa, thinking and picking up my coat and covering it for her.

I sit down and rubbing my nose with a wry smile.

What is going on?

Her breathing is gentle and soft, and from time to time there is a gentle hum in her nose, and no idea of what she wants to say while dreaming..

But such a charming beauty is lying in front of me, nose also make this intoxicating voice... I already feel that I am going to be a brute.

I quickly leave her, running into the kitchen and find a rag to wipe the wine from the floor, and tidy up the things on the table.

She suddenly says in a vague way: "head...ache…" Then she turns over and goes on sleeping.

I look at her, sigh, and say to myself, "Fortunately for you, I brother little 5 have quit the dark side. Otherwise, Hum…Hum…"

Think a while, I pick up the car keys and go out.

I drive all the way out of the neighborhood, find a pharmacy nearby, buy a box of antialcoholism drug and return it again.

When I open the door, I suddenly remember something. When she opened the door with a password, she didn't even avoid me on her back. Wasn't she afraid I saw her password?

I really don't know if she is smart or confused.

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Entering the door, pour a glass of water, lift her up, I think about it and simply holding her in my arms, let her back against my chest, and then fed her two antialcoholism pills. She is drunk, but she is very steady to drink water. After drinking, she suddenly turns over and puts one of her arms around my neck. Warm-scented nephrite embraces me a full bosom, I almost fall the glass on hand. I quickly stretch out the hand to put the glass on the table and try to get off her arm around my neck.

The first attempt is successful, but then she holds my waist with another hand. The sofa is too soft, and I fall down, the two of them simply gather on the sofa.

She is lying on me, half on my side, beside my neck, and one of my hands is right behind her chest... As God testified, I am totally careless and press where I should not touch.

As a result, I am erecting!

This woman, under the T-shirt, does not wear BRA!!! The feeling of round and full and the mastoid which is hidden under the cotton T-shirt.

Heartbeat one hundred and eighty!

In hindsight, with almost saintly perseverance, I move my hand, but unfortunately I am unwilling to let go of her.

She smells sweet and fragrant. It's charming. Her hair is scattered around my neck. It's itchy. Although she is lying on me, but her body is soft and light.

I am a little confused, and my heart tells me that I should let her go. Let her go...

But at the same time, there is another thought: I only hold her for one minute, then another minute... Just one more minute...

In this way, from one minute to ten minutes, from ten minutes to an hour...

This woman seems to have a magic power. The longer I hold her, the more reluctant to let go! Her eyebrows faintly frown in her sleep, as if in some melancholy way, and her eyelids occasionally tremble under her long eyelashes.

I never had such experience... Holding a beautiful woman, from afternoon to evening... Watching the light in the room fade and the time goes by so fast, I seem to be unconscious!

At last, I feel that half of my body beginning to feel numb. Even if she is light, she still has tens of kilograms of weight, so pressure on me for a few hours, I begin to feel the body part of the lack of blood supply.

I try to move my body and put her down when suddenly a pleasant ring comes from my pocket...

Nanny Fang in my arms suddenly shakes, then opens her eyes and wakes up with a start.

The two of us stare at each other for a few seconds, then she is "Ah…" screaming and bounces from my arms. Unfortunately, the sofa is so small that she rolls to the floor as soon as she moves.

She snorts, as if knocking somewhere, looks up at me, blushing, and yelling, "You! You! I... We are! "

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I'm quickly shaking my hands: "You are drunk, I just help you take medicine. You don't misunderstand! There's nothing happened! "

She subconsciously touches her clothes and sees nothing unusual. Her nervous expression on her face finally fades. We are both looking at each other for several seconds and suddenly laughing at the same time. She's smiling charmingly, with the languor she has just woken up. "I'm drunk, sorry..."

When I am about to say something, she points to my coat: "Your phone."

"Oh!" I hurry to take my coat and pick up the phone and say "Hello!" The result is the voice of a strange man, looking for Mr. Hu. I ask him two questions and I realize that it is a wrong call. Then I hang up the phone. I can not help but be furious.

This call doesn't come in a right time!

She has already stood up. Both of us look at each other. I open my mouth, but I don't know what to say. She is also embarrassed.

"Seven o'clock! The charity night! " I suddenly remember this incident and blurting out.

She immediately raises her eyebrows and crying, "Ah! Yes!" She jumps up, "I'm going to change clothes! You just tidy up! We..."

She stops suddenly, because she notices that I am staring at her, and my eyes are full of weird...

She subconsciously touches her face, tidies up her clothes, looks down, then her face is suddenly changed color, instantly red, exclaimed: "Ah!!!"


The thing is, my eyes just carelessly swept her pants... I saw the light colored trousers that she is wearing, and there is a small piece of wet underneath it. And... It's red! Although it's only a tiny bit, the red print on the white bottom is very obvious.

In a flash, I understand what is going on.

No wonder she looked tired in the daytime at the company. No wonder she looked uncomfortable. No wonder she frowned all the way home.

She frowns because she has a stomachache. She looks pale because...

Because her period has come!

Our conversation just now reminded her of her sadness. She was drunk and didn't change her pad all afternoon. Then, it is estimated that "that" thing leaked out a little... And she wears light colored pants.

Then, well, I just see it...

After she was exclaiming, her face almost bled, and then she's running away like a rabbit with an arrow.

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To be honest, if I was holding her just now, I had one hundred and eighty heartbeats.

I'm afraid I'm already two hundred and eighty heartbeats now.


It seems that in almost all men's eyes, it takes a long time for women to dress and make up. But today my experience is quite different.

I only waited twenty minutes downstairs, and she has completely dressed up and goes down.

She wears a red evening dress with a beautiful fold under the skirt, sleeveless and low breast style, and her beautiful hair pulling gently to one side, which made her look like a delicate red rose! She wears a light blush, her lips are covered with crystal lip gloss, and her face is crystal clear, apparently dressed up.

Because of the great embarrassment before, when she comes down, she does not even dare to talk to me and looks down at me.

In this case, of course, as a man, I'd have to be brazen enough to break the deadlock - can't I leave such a difficult thing to a woman?

"Miss Fang, um... Well, it's quite cold at night. Do you want to wear a shawl? You can't catch cold for these two days." The words just come out, and I almost wish I could beat my mouth!

Am I touching the tender spot?

The expression on her face is filled with anger and shame. She gives me a look and stamps her feet: "You... Let's go! It's getting late! "

Looking at her walking in front of me, slender soft waist tightly wraps in red evening dress, as if swinging willow branches, my heart can't help but recall the afternoon when the soft waist limbs in my arms around, what kind of taste it is...

And then, looking at her back, I suddenly come up with an almost absurd idea: She's now... That thing should be padded. Oh no no no no! Damn it"

God, why am I full of such evil thoughts?!


The venue for the charity is held in a hall of a five star hotel in the city. It seems to me that this is more like a grand banquet.

Along the way, she and I do not say anything. There are still some awkwardness between us. After all, a woman in front of a man was out of such "situation", especially the most private thing.

I try to concentrate on driving, but when we get off the car, her face is a little more peaceful. I give the car keys to the parking staff at the hotel. she suddenly comes up to me and whispering, "Let's concentrate on tonight's work first, OK?"

I take a deep breath, "Of course!"

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Suddenly she turns to face me, and now it is more than eight o'clock in the evening, and under the light of the night, the hotel in front of her is dimmed, and her charming face is under the light. Suddenly, she stretches out her hands and gently straightens my tie, moving softly and harmoniously, as if with some strange feeling.

Suddenly I couldn't help thinking: If I couldn't bear it in the afternoon and "bullied" her while she was sleeping, I'm afraid we would turn into enemy now? Where else is there a chance to enjoy this kind of warmth? I remember as Azle said, it is easy to possess a woman's body, but to possess her heart, can be regarded as a real conquest!


Our four eyes are opposite, as if our hearts are somewhat feeling strange. At this very moment, a familiar voice comes from behind.

"Chen Yang, Nanny Fang!"

I turn around and see a slender figure coming, a delicate champagne evening dress, hair in the back of the head with a bun, face light makeup, a calm and elegant smile, but everywhere the charm of women! It's Yumi.

Behind her, there is a man!

He looks in his thirties at the most, but his eyes seem in more than forty, because his eyes are very spiritual, as if with a mature man's experience and mansion. His face is straight, his nose straight, his lips cut like a knife, and he wears a black suit, well-proportioned and has the charm of a mature man.

But I don't know why, but I do not like this person. Because his eyes look not very righteous.

As his eyes sweep through Nanny Fang, his eyes light up, as if it has flashed a peculiar look.

But when I just finish glancing at him, then I look at Yumi again. "Hello, Miss Yumi."

Nanny Fang stands by me with a pleasant smile on her face: "Yumi, you're early. The one beside you is?" She turns her attention to the man, and professional smiling.

Yumi immediately steps back and stands beside the man, gracefully reaching out and taking the man's arm, smiling quietly. "Let me introduce. This lady is my good friend, Miss Nanny Fang, the owner of Deep Blue Entertainment. Next to her is her escort, Mr. Chen Yang." Then she takes a look at the man beside her. She seems to hesitate for half a second, and her tone is also rigorous.

"This is Mr. Jimmy Chou, and now he is my boss."

Yumi's new boss?

Is him... who took the place of Juan?!

My indifferent smile on my face, but deep in my heart, I give birth to a hostile attitude to this man immediately.

And the man names Jimmy Chou doesn't care about me either. He just nods to me a little and focuses his attention on Nanny Fang. I notice a glimmer of wonder in his eyes.

Such a look, I have seen countless times... Every time Azle dates girls, when he sees his favorite type, his eyes just looks like this.

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