Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 54

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Jimmy Chou hears her words, and there is a sharp glimmer in his eyes. Yumi immediately realizes that she has made a mistake and shuts her mouth.

At this moment, the auction continues, but Jimmy Chou's mood seems to be seriously affected, there is no mood to pay attention to the next auction on the stage, his eyes begins to drift, and even has no interesting to talk to Nanny.

Finally, he sits for ten more minutes, then suddenly stands up and says in a faint tone that he still has something need to leave,says a sorry to Nanny, then walks away quickly. Yumi immediately picks up the handbag and carefully follows.

The auction atmosphere became more and more intense, and even a rare Easter egg from Carl Fabergis sold for 9 million! This is the highest price so far this evening.

But Nanny seems to lack interest. It seems that her only goal tonight is the diamond brooch. She doesn't know that Jimmy Chou bid the brooch for her. Unfortunately, Vivi Yang suddenly appears and probably disrupting his plan.So he was hurrying to quit in advance.

At about 10 p.m, the auction is halfway through, and the host announces a one-hour break, which is not a professional auction. After all, it is necessary to take care of these distinguished guests, as well as many ladies, and a half-time break is also necessary.

"Let's go." Nanny suddenly pats me lightly. "I feel meaningless here."

Since the boss speaks, of course I need to follow. Shesays goodbyewith the acquainted friends, and then we leave the banquet hall.

As soon as we come out, a man in a grey suit greets us at the door with two boxes on his hands.

"Please wait a moment, Miss Fang. I'm Mr. Chou's driver. He asked me to stay and give you these two things."

Nanny frowns instinctively. It seems that her impression of Jimmy Chou is not very good. When I think of it, I am secretly pleased in my heart.

"What is this?" Nanny does not take.

"I don't know." The man who claims to be a driver says, "Mr. Chou just asked me to give it to you."

In fact, from the instinct, I have seen that this person is definitely not a driver that simple.

His eyes are sharp, he is not very tall, but seems very tough. It looks like he should be both a bodyguard and a driver.

For a few seconds, Nanny looks at me and says, "Hold it for me."

The driver brought things to my hands and quickly walked away. Fang Nan's expression was somewhat cold and seemed to be in low spirits. I smiled deliberately, "Miss Fang, what do you think is in it?"

She sneers, "What else can it be? If it were not for flowers, that would be jewelries. What else tricks do these men think of? "

She gives me a deep look, and a little discontent in her eyes. Then she walks quickly into the elevator.

I take two boxes following her, just as a real attendant. She does not say a word, her expression is somewhat cold. Does she seem to be aimed at me?

But I don't remember where I offended her.

The parking boy of the hotel drives the Audi A8 to the door. She doesn't say a word and get in the car. When I pull the car out of the hotel door, I ask in a low voice, "Miss Fang, do you want to go home?"

"No!" Her tone still with a trace of displeasure: "Drive on the ring road. Whatever you do, turn around for a while! "

Then she opens the window. The cold wind at night is immediately blown into the car, and her hair is raised and fluttered.

I look at her through the mirror. Her face is cold, facing out the window, looking at the buildings flashing by the roadside.

The neon lights flash at night in the city. It is late autumn now. The temperature at night is still a bit low. Suddenly I see her body trembling slightly. I can't help but feel soft in my heart and whisper, "Ms. Fang, you'd better close the window. You are not feeling well today. You'd better not blow cold. You will get sick."

Her face turns red imperceptibly, but then there is a hint of anger in her eyes: "No need to take care of me!"

Damn! Where did I offend this woman?

But looking at her thin evening dress, sleeveless and low-breasted style, although it looks more attractive to women, but such a wear, in such a night of low temperature, cold wind is very easy to get sick! And today is just her "inconvenient" day.

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I sigh, ready to speak to her again, "Miss Fang..."

"Miss Fang Fang Fang!! Won't you call me Nanny?" She suddenly becomes angry and shouts at me, "You always call me Miss Fang, but you and Yumi chatted so happily and closely? Am I the kind of person who is very difficult to get along with?"

I'm speechless, though I feel that the woman's sudden angryhas no reason, but I could taste the sour feeling inside.

I think for a moment, just about to open my mouth, she suddenly takes a deep breath, her eyes staring at me in the mirror, with a kind of quiet tone: "Chen Yang, I ask you... Are you familiar with Yumi?

I smile and say in a sincere voice, "I only met her two times before tonight."

"I ask you something... In the evening before the auction begins in the hotel. When Yumi went to the bathroom for half an hour, did you sneak off to meet her?"She suddenly throws out such a sentence.

I am stunned.

She knew?

Sees me do not talk, she grips, "Hum, am I a fool? After she left, you looked at the cell phone and went out, and then she came back first. The two of you are somewhat unnatural. Hum!"

I am impatient. Her general tone of questioning makes me feel a little unhappy, and I can't help answering her, "Miss Fang, I'm just your assistant. As for whether I am a friend of Yumi or not, it seems that nothing to do with my job?"

"You!"She shivers and twists his body.

I wait for a moment, looking at her silence, is a little strange, but from the mirror to see, she is holding her shoulders, from time to time a slight trembling two.Sees from the side, there is a tear in the corner of the eye.

Did she cry?

I sigh, press the window control button, close the window, and then take a packet of tissue and hand it back.

She snorts, does not take at all, but takes the two boxes, as if to vent the general force to open, and so she sees clearly what is inside, her face can't help but stiff! Then the complexion suddenly becomes cloudy.

"Chen Yang, what's going on here? Did you do it? "

She holds the diamond brooch on her hand and staring at me.

My face is playing the fool: "What?"

"Hum! That Chou, when he bought this diamond brooch, I was surprised. At first I thought he bought it for some woman. Now he sent it to me. Hum! Who knows what I want to buy it? Only you!"Her eyes almost bursts into anger. "What do you mean by doing this?"

I take a careful look at her and try to say in a calm voice, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Don't understand?" Her face is a little pale: "that Jimmy Chou's clearly think of a plan of me. You even help him... Before the auction, you left together. Did you tell him that I originally wanted to buy this? Don't you dare say No?!"

How should I answer?

FXXX! Of course deny! No admit no death!

Such a thing, if I admit it, then I'm an idiot!

"Not me!" I shake my head, full of grievances: "Miss Fang! How do I know what you want to buy tonight?"

"Hum! You still pretend! You must read the menu! I drew a circle on it, noone else knows! Only you! "

I adjust my breath and try to look grieving. "Maybe Yumi said that?"

Sure enough, she hesitates for a moment and think about it carefully. Her eyes are a little softer and her tone is not so sharp. "Yumi... She should not do such a thing."

I sigh in my heart.

If it was not for this ring, I would never have done such a thing. As a matter of fact, I have some regrets now.

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Anyway, she obviously has a good opinion of me. My behavior, no matter what the subjective purpose is, at least objectively, I'm helping other men chase her!

Such a move is undoubtedly an insult to any woman.

Sees I do not speak, she seems hesitant again: "Really not you?"

"No," I hurriedly follow up with a low voice: "that Jimmy Chou, I don't like him either. Besides, how can I help other men to chase you?" Looking at the trace of resentment in her eyes, a strange look flashing in her soul-stirring eyes, I could not help but feel a flash in my heart, almost completely subconscious, and the ghost made me vaguely say, "How am I willing..."

The words blurt out, and I feel a little regret in my heart.

Tonight, when I was reminded by Yumi, I understood it very well. No matter what kind of mind this woman is to me, I'd better not mess with this trouble!

Not to mention the identity, status or even age between me and her, they are all too disparate. And Yumi's warning is obviously not fromno reason.

To be honest, Nanny is really charming.

No, it should be very, very charming. If I have met such a glamorous woman under other circumstances, I would have rushed forward without hesitation.

I would never shrink back if I was playing on the stage.

But things are different now.

Do I want to have her? Honestly, yes! Anyreal man will.

But what about after getting her?

Too complicated, there will be too many troubles.

Such a woman is definitely not that easy to straighten out relationshipsafter you go to bed with her. It's notas easy as playing a one night stand.

After hearing my subconscious words, she looks a little shy and was silent for a while before she murmurs in a low voice: "You really didn't do it?"

At this moment, I suddenly despise myself. I can't help having with some guilt. I feel a bit fucking despicable in my way tonight.

But I say with a stiff upper lip, "No!"

She takes a sigh of relief, looks at the brooch at random, and throws it into the box: "I don't want anything from Chou."

I smile and say, "why not? Don't waste good things without spending money. I think if you wear this brooch must be very beautiful and elegant. "

She laughs, and the tears on her face have not yet been wiped away.Just like the pear blossoms under raining, adding a kind of soul-stirring charm. I am somewhat lost my mind and almost drive the car to the safety island.

The car has already reached riverside road in the North of the city.

Our city is bordering is close to a big river. This riverside road is an international standard road just built last year. On the left side are rows of beautiful buildings with flashing lights. On the right is the winding embankment of the river. The vast river flows slowly below.

In silence, the atmosphere in the car is subtle. Nanny opens the other box, which is indeed a beautiful jewelry box, after opening, the top is that exquisite ring!

"Hum." She somewhat disdains: "How did the Jimmy Zhou send me this thing?"

I hold my excitement and laugh, "This is what he bought for five million! This is a big move! "

"I don't care! "She curls her lips and throws it back.

I laugh bitterly.

Please, after all, it's five million!

But later I just know that her reaction is normal.

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With her beauty and the amazing background behind her, and her wealth, normally don't know how many powerful men bow down on her.Those rich people in order to please her, are willing to give her more.

Don't mention a ring.

Even garden houses, famous cars, yachts, there are plenty of people are willing to send to please her!

"This ring looks pleasing to my eyes, but unfortunately it is a man's. Well, Chen Yang, would you like to wear it?" She lightly says, "I will transfer the money to that him tomorrow."

My heart is thumping, but intellect makes me shake my head and refuse: "I dare not ask for anything so valuable. Besides, only that Jimmy Chou is foolish enough to bid it with 5 million. If you spend so many money, it will be a bad buy!"

She thinks for a while, says, "Then you go for him tomorrow, and send the ring back."

I smile and accept. The corners of my mouth can't help smiling.

Looking at the road ahead, I asked, "Miss Fang... we are about go to bridge corss the river. Do we keep driving?"

She sighs, "Turn around and go downtown."

I hear a voice whispers behind me: "Chen Yang... When we are alone, you... Just call me my first name... "

I sigh.

If I still do not understand her intention to me now... Then I'll just go and find a place to kill myself.

But even though I know it very well, I still feel that I should refuse.

Even ignore the wealth and social status gap between us, although she looks so charming, she is still nearly ten years older than me after all!

The most important thing is that she has a soft spot for me, obviously because I look like someone. Take me as a substitute.

I try to concentrate on driving. Although I notice she is looking at me behind my back, I try to control myself from looking in the mirror.

I drive back to the downtown area and turned around to go to her home. She looks a little upset, and suddenly whispers, "I don't want to go home now."


"I... I'm hungry. I want to eat something. "

"Well, Miss ...Eh…Nanny, do you mean to find a place to eat something?"

She hears me call her first name directly at last, smiling with satisfaction, and then sighs quietly: "I don't want to go home, I'm alone at home, one person at night is very boring."

Her eyes do not have the appearance of a strong woman, and there are faint and tender feelings.

I am sighing in my heart, but smiling on the face, "I know a small restaurant. Their foods are pretty delicious."


Funny BBQ, It is a small restaurant located in the city behind a commercial street.

This barbecue restaurant is famous in all the major entertainment circles in our city. The first reason is that it opens all night. The second is known for its low price and good quality. Basically, all the places of entertainment, like the Bars, Discos and the nightclubs, all kinds of people who like night life, after the midnight revelry, like to eat something here.

The chicken wings are roasted very well here, the flavor is unique, fragrant and not greasy, but the price is low, very popular by the customers.

The excellent of the business here is also famous in this city. Sometimes, at two or three o'clock in the morning, there are even still no enough table.

Strangely enough, despite the boom in business, the owners here have no plans to expand their operations, so for several years, it is still the palm-sized shop, which can only accommodate seven or eight tables.

I think if this restaurant is operated by another business operators, it would have expanded its operation scale and even planned to open a branch.

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When we drive to there, the business is already very good. When I park the car on the roadside and walk into the shop side with Nanny, it is undoubtedly very noticeable.

Nanny is wearing the red evening dress. Her splendid appearance and charm made her looks like a delicate red rose. And I am dressed in a suit with a tall form.

From any point of view, we are both dressed as if we are at a formal dinner party, and should never have been in a roadside shop like this.

But Nanny seems to come to such a place very seldom, and her expression is a little excited and curious, totally ignoring the colorful eyes that come from people around.

Perhaps the beautiful woman like her has grown accustomed to being noticed since childhood.

It is cold in the evening. I take off my suit and put on her shoulder. She does not refuse, but gives me a gentle eye wave, which fills me with tenderness, let me feel a little softened, but I immediately remind myself.

"Chen Yang, don't do stupid things! She doesn't like you, but that brother she called!"

Stools and tables are all simple and even some of the soot. But she doesn't feel the slightest distress for her famous European evening dress and sits down without hesitation. Then with those soft thin fingers, she picks up the greasy menu in front of her and looking curiously.

"The chicken wings here are very famous." I smile and say, "Roast fish is also good."

She looks at me softly, "Please help me to order."

I ordered four pairs of chicken wings and two roast fish. While ordering the beverage, she suddenly tells the waiter, "Two bottles of beer."

I frown and whisper, "You are still not suitable to drink cold things"

"No, I want to drink." Across the table, her eyes are a little imploring. Such a mature, beautiful and brilliant woman, at the moment, seems to be carrying a little child's spoiled tone.

I look at her with a little dull, and when I can respond to the message, the waiter has already walked away at her command.

This woman!

Sprinkled cumin roast chicken wings are so delicious that let her eyebrows flying and full of smiles on face. She does not care about the exquisite lip gloss has been completely messed. She is even more unconcerned take the oily wings on her hands directly, as if she does not have the usual image of an elegant lady.

Frankly speaking, this kind of her, in my eyes, is far more charming than the indifferent, rational image of a strong woman in the company during the day!

Suddenly I can't help laughing.

It seems that this is regularity. It's like the classic episode in the movies: the rich ladies, it seems, will always be curious about the roadside shops.

Because we didn't eat many foods at night, her appetite is obviously very good. I drink only a little beer and hardly touch my chopsticks. Almost all the foods in front of us were eaten by her.

She ate for a long time before she saw that I didn't seem to eat much, and the shyness appears on her face: "Chen Yang, why didn't you eat it? Am I eating ugly?"

Her eye waves penetrated deep into my eyes, the shy and timid look, the blush on her cheeks, the charm between her eyebrows, so that I could not help breathing quickly, almost forget to speak.


Unfortunately, tonight, I'm determined to not so peaceful and beautiful to the end.

A sharp voice suddenly appears in my ear, with a bit of secret malice, like a poisonous snake.

"Ouch! Is this brother little 5?" Several people come up behind me, one hand resting heavily on my shoulder, with a little resentment in the tone: "It is really a small world! Huh? Hah-hah! Hah-hah! Hah-hah-hah!!! "

Looking back, I see four or five men. Look at them, someone bald, someone tattooed, someone ferocious pugnacious looks. Obviously, they are not good people at all.

Almost these words are written on their faces, "I am a bad man!".

And the leader, standing beside me, with his hand on my shoulder, with a malicious smile on his face, is an old acquaintance of mine!

John? The chief gigolo?

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