Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 63

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The next day, I discharge from the hospital.

All aspects of my body have been checked, the test standards are completely with national standards and there isn't any quality problem. In Amy's words, I am as strong as a wild animal.

(Here's a writer's joke which he mention Chen Yang's body is tested like a machine system check, just like sort of ISO9001 something)

I go back to company in the morning.

It must be said that in the rest days when I was in the hospital, Nanny did not come to see me again. I guess what happened that day might leave her with an embarrassing impression. But I have convinced myself that it would be wise to strangle the trouble in its infancy, since she should not be provoked.

Nanny is very kind to me. She paid the bill for all the medical expenses. On the day I transferred to the ward, she just sent a check and deposited a sum of money.

It can be said that she has done everything to me. When I was on the way to company, I feel ashamed and very embarrassed to see Nanny.

Why? It's very simple. I have lost the diamond brooch worth one million and the ring worth five million. Is this a small thing?

Anyway, I have made up my mind. I must think of a way to pay this money back to her. Even if I go to sell organs and sell blood, I will never owe her any more money.

When I meet her, how would she be angry, or let off steam, vent her discontent with me, or curse me, punch me and kick me... I will all endure it! In a word, I owe her!

By the way, I take a bank card on hand, which contains most of my assets.

It's totally less than six hundred thousand money, which from the lottery prize, from Jimmy Chou, and my own saving. Although this money is not enough to compensate for her diamond brooch. But I am very confident, I have the full version of the lucky ring, I will be able to earn money to pay her as soon as possible.

I parked Nanny's Audi A8 in the underground parking lot. She just threw it to me without asking these days... Maybe she doesn't want to see me?

Upstairs to the company, all the way in, enter Deep Blue Entertainment's door. That hot girl sees me come in, smiling, but there is some curiosity in the smile.

As I walk through the office, white-collar ladies from many departments stand up and look at me with some unnatural eyes. I am stunned for a moment to check my clothes. Well, the zipper is not open.

"Penny!" When I reach the door of Nanny's office, Penny is answering a phone call. When she sees me coming, just nods to me, motions me to wait, and then goes on talking.

"Well, OK! I'll tell Miss Fang when she gets back. Well... Please rest assured. OK! Good bye."

After waiting for Penny to finish the phone call, my first sentence is: "Nanny... Miss Fang is not inside?"

"Yes, not here." Penny looks at me and smiling. Her smile is very profound. The woman in her thirties, with a shrewd and capable temperament, grins: "Chen Yang, are you completely recovered?"

"I'm all right now." I answer her, then ask her, "Nanny… Miss Fang isn't here. Where did she go?"

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Sensing the difference in my appellation to Nanny, she keeps smiling and says, "Miss Fang has gone abroad and will not be back this week."

One sentence of her strangles all my disjointed thoughts.

Nanny has actually gone abroad?!

"Miss Fang went to Korea and have sighed the contact with Minister Kim successfully. Now she goes there for business trip. The next day after you were injured and entered the hospital, she just flew away." Penny is tidying up the files on desk, and says, "Chen Yang, are you really recovered?"

I sigh, hesitating and speak nothing.

Be honestly! I come here today. First, I'm going to have a talk with Nanny. At least I've lost something valuable, so I have to make a confession. As for the second, I'm here to resign.

Nanny's attitude towards me, even a blind can see that there is something anomaly. Now I have made up my mind, I shouldn't stay with her anymore. Otherwise, it would be very dangerous for her and me.

But, she is not here today.

I can't say any word now, although I have prepared a speech for today.

"So... Did she leave any words to me before she left?" I hesitate, and ask, "About my work..."

"Well, yes." Penny smiles gently: "Chen Yang, I want to congratulate you... Miss Fang left a message before she left, and had adjusted your job. She is going to put you in charge of the Department 2's commercial activities. To put it simply, you got a promotion! As long as you sign this contract, you will become a member of Deep Blue Entertainment. You were only a private employee of Miss Fang, and now you will become a member of the company."

I'm stunned.

Nanny does not want me to continue to serve as her personal assistant. After all, we are in an awkward position now. But she didn't quit me directly, but kept me in her company... Although she had changed my work, but it seems that she is still trying to keep me close to her.

Penny has put a ready contract in front of me. I look at it. It's an employment contract. Nanny has signed the contract. Delicate signature falls on the lower right and the date... It was the day she came to the hospital to see me!

I seriously think about it for a while, instead of picking up the contract, I look at Penny and ask, "If I say I don't want to accept it, can I?"

With a sigh, she stands up, supports her glasses, walking slowly to a sofa in front of her, motions me to sit down, and then bring me a glass of water.

"Chen Yang... I don't know whether I should say or not. After all, I am Miss Fang's secretary in the company. Her decision, I have no right to ask. But I can see something a little bit." There are some intelligent lights in her eyes, and some mockery of her voice: "Anyway, I am more than 30 years old and I have seen a lot of things."

I listen to her silently.

"I've been around Miss Fang for quite a long time. I believe I know her. Chen Yang, I don't want to tell you other thing else. But I think, for you... Whether you accept or not accept this job... You'd better talk to her yourself, say it with her face to face! This at least indicates your sincerity and respect for her. What do you think?"

Penny is good! Her words are not tough but all reasonable. Indeed, no matter I will quit or not, before Nanny's back, I should not just leave in this way. Otherwise, it will be too unfair to her.

I'm a man. If I decide to leave, I should explain to her face to face!

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But, whether I should stay and take the new work assignment?

I am a little embarrassed again.

"Penny... I don't know anything about the company's business operations. How long have I been working for Miss Fang? I'm totally no idea of the business now. She let me suddenly become the head of a department 2, do you think I am able to do it? And..." I don't finish it but sigh. But with Penny's intelligence, she should be able to understand what I mean. I still have to go anyway!

"Chen Yang... To be honest, I don't think you can do it right away either. At least I've seen your educational background, not very high. Although you seem to have been in charge of an entertainment place, but our entertainment business is the regular business, totally different with your previous business. But as I said just now, this is Miss Fang's decision. I have no authority to ask. What I can do is to give you some advice... I think you should stay first! Miss Fang treats you so good! Since she left something for you to do, do you think you can fail to live up to her? At least, you have to do the best before she comes back. Be a man, there should be a man's responsibilities!"

I know very well that Penny is taking me to the ditch. But I don't have the courage to refute her.

She's right that Penny does treat me very good! However, I need to wait for her back. Before that, even if I don't want to, I have to stay in the company and work hard.

After all, I do owe Penny!

"OK, I'll stay!" I sigh.

It's a week only. I just take care of that department and make sure not to make any trouble.

Looking at me nodding, Penny finally smiles. This time, the smile on her face is genuine. She looks at me two times and says, "OK, I know I' m right about you. You are at least a man with principle."

Then Penny takes me to a small conference room and brings me a lot of files. She takes an hour to do the training for me.

In general, Nanny's Deep Blue Entertainment is a middle size company which is focus in entertainment fields. But it's not a movie or record company, and no actor or actress or singer agent business. It's business more to organize some business activities, which are linked to the entertainment circle.

For example, if a company looks for a product spokesperson and organizes any business activities, it will be entrusted to Dark Blue Entertainment. The simplest jobs also include some model shows of clothing brands, invited some stars to show in some shopping malls celebrities and so on. In addition, it also hosts some famous singers' concerts.

The department I am going to take over is "Business Activities Department II". There are total six such departments here. Each department has its own clients, which responsible for the daily advertising, business activities, organization, and so on.

Simply put, customers give money to Deep Blue Entertainment, and then Deep Blue Entertainment is responsible for business promotions.

And by the way, I asked what Nanny to do in Korea. I just realize that it is related with Minister Kim.

I never knew what the Kim's background. The term "minister" usually refers to government officials. But kim does not look very much like. Now I know that he is a mixed blood of China and Korea. He is one of the senior management of a large performing arts company in Korea. His position is a minister and a director of this company.

Now Deep Blue Entertainment is going to cooperate with this Korean performing company to hold some activities like concerts, which can invite some Korean stars to come, and also promote some domistic stars to Korea. The company where Kim is working is very interested in the local market. He is also sent to to our country for a long time development to the market. The cooperation with Nanny this time is to hold some concerts and other activities between both sides, to exchange artists from each other, and to hold a series of comprehensive performances in both countries.

To be honest, I am not very interested in Korean artists, but Korean culture is very popular nowadays, especially among young people. Doing this business does make money naturally.

After sitting all afternoon in the small conference room, I sort out all my department's affairs. At present, it is responsible for a well-known large supermarket chain, two large shopping malls in the city and a jeweler brand, and some small customers.

It can be seen that the company operates well, at least at present, the business income and profits are considerable, and is still in an upward phase.

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When I rub my sour eyes, I just see that the sky is dark outside. Although it gets dark early in autumn and winter, but it's around 5 o'clock now.

Penny tells me that my office hasn't been cleaned up yet, so I don't have to meet staff in my department for the time being. As a leader, it is better to maintain a little prestige. After waiting for the office is cleaned up, I can see my own staff in the office.

I am a little surprised: "why does the manager's office still need to clean up? Didn't there be a manager's office before?"

Penny smiles lightly. "I was responsible for this department before. I am Miss Fang's secretary, and I am also in charge of this department. Now, I'll give it to you."

I see!

Looking at this woman with a medium face and a calm smile, I can't imagine how capable she is!

"It's very simple. I've been following Miss Fang for a long time. She seems to have the intention of delegating me to the company as a manager recently. So I'm in charge of this department. Maybe Miss Fang wants to let me have more practices."

I immediately realize that... She is the Secretary of the boss. Once she is delegated in the future, she is sure not to be a supervisor at the bottom. She must be one of the management. Although she says it in modest, but this department's performance has been always very good.

"Well, let's end here today. On your first day of work, there's no need to work overtime. There are some things that I can't teach you so far. After you are on board, you can explore them slowly. Now everything in this department is on track. You won't encounter too many problems. If there are problems, I can give you some advices then."

I feel something is wrong. But I can't tell at the moment.

Later I suddenly come to senses. It seems that the meaning of her expectation is not at all about a temporary manager who only works for a week. It seems that she really wants to entrust this department to me.

By the way, I give Audi A8's key to Penny too. I am not the Nanny's assistant now. It is unreasonable to continue driving her car.

Penny doesn't give any special treatment to me. She takes the car keys without any question.

However, she was so public and businesslike that I had a little peace of mind. If she takes special care of me, I will be uncomfortable.


When I walk out of company, it's about 6 o'clock already. I look at the dark sky and the traffic on the road. Feel a little bit depressed.

It's hard to get a taxi now. But just that moment, my cell phone is ringing.

"Hooligan! Where are you? Are you fucking forget what's going on today?" There is a rebuke coming from the phone. It's hard to imagine that these rude words are from such a charming and euphonious voice.

It's Miss Jojo!

I smile and say, "I didn't forget! I'm trying to catch up. Isn't your fiance who wants to see you tonight? Even if I have other important things, I must put them aside. I would like to see if who's the man have the courage to marry our Miss Jojo. How does he looks like? Has he three heads and six arms?

"Don't shit too much! Tonight, you guys must have a good show for your Jojo mama! Otherwise, Jojo mama will find a few sisters to castrate you bastards!" Then Jojo asks me where I am now, and lets me to wait, she drives over to pick me up.

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Ten minutes later, a small red Ford stops in front of me. I am a little stunned, and I didn't react until Jojo puts up a slender middle finger to me. Yes, this is Jojo! The real Miss Jojo!

She has changed her usual evildoers tonight, her eye shadows have gone, and her colorful nails have gone. Her lovely curls have become to innocent straight hairs.

And the clothes she is wearing almost frightened me into thinking that she is suddenly mentally deranged! You know, who is Jojo? Millennium evildoers! Ordinary skirts are not worn on weekdays. In the words of her, "I am born with a pair of beautiful legs. Such a natural advantage, of course, need to fully display to the world! Damn it, this is not what I stole. It's all given by my Mom and Dad! Why dare not show?"

Is today's sun coming out from the West? No, it should be said that the sun has fallen from the sky.

Miss Jojo is wearing a very clean and light blue skirt. I rub my eyes. That's true! The skirt has already passed her knees, and even her straight legs have been covered up. And her little orange coat, with a half-high collar, covered her chin a little, making her whole person look a little pure.

Looking at such a beautiful woman who looks like a teenage girl, sitting in the car with her middle finger erected. She curses me in a charming voice, "Oh, you haven't got on the car yet? If traffic police comes, your Jojo mama will have to deduct points again!"

I come back to my mind and jump into the car quickly. Before I close the door, Jojo steps on the accelerator and the red Ford goes out happily. A handsome and elegant turn rushes directly into the traffic.

"FXXX! What do you want tonight?" I exclaim: "Do you want to dump your fiance who's arranged by your family? You just dress like this? Are you trying to dump him or seduce him?"

With the charm of Jojo, and such an alluring little lily dressing. It is estimated that any man will be impulsive when he sees her.

"Don't shit! If not to see that son of a bitch, I won't wear like this. I have my own idea. You call Azle first and see if they are in position." She gives me an extremely coquettish look: "I'm counting on you tonight!"

Faint!Call your fiance "Son of bitch"?! This woman maybe the only one in the world! Doesn't she know what a "son of bitch" means to a man?

I nod my head, call Azle, cough and clear my throat: "Stallion! Are you in position? Well, OK! Now I declare "The Affair Plan", starts!"

Jojo steps on the accelerator, beautifully mouth is cursing all the way in an extraordinarily lewd way: "Let you want to marry me! Let you dare to marry me! If you don't play with you to death, I'm not your Jojo mama! "

Suddenly, on the halfway, the car stops suddenly at a less busy section of the road.

I am shocked to see that Jojo has already clicked the button to drop down the window, and then an arm with all kinds of manners is holding her chin and smiling charmingly to outside the window.

Immediately I see a neat-looking little girl standing on the roadside. She looks only eighteen or nineteen years old. Fat pants, a little hip-hopping style, pretty face.

"Beauty, waiting for the bus? How about let me take you a ride?" Jojo has a wolf light in her eyes: "How can such a beautiful woman wait for a bus on the side of the road in the evening? Come on, let me take you!"

That girl is probably stunned. Such a beautiful girl, the experience of being chatted up on the road must have been experienced, but be chatted up by a woman, and so coquettish and rascal, it is estimated the first time!

Looking at the side of the road, there are passers-by throwing their eyes over. I really want to find a hole and go hide in.

The girl returns to herself and says in low voice, "Nonsense!" Then she turns her head around.

"FXXX!" Jojo raises her eyebrows. I hurriedly remind her, "Put away your heart. It's important to do own business!"

This word does persuade this mother wolf to restart the car and go away.

"If it is not for that son of bitch, change to the usual days, such a beautiful girl, your Jojo mama must get her done tonight!"

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