Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 66

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Later, I have a simple meeting with the staff of the Department in the manager's office, and Penny also presents.

The Department I take over has a total of five people, all of whom are women. Two designers, two customer services, and one who is in charge of communications. The two designers and graphic design talents were graduated from famous universities. Women in their thirties are all married and moderate-looking, but they look very well dressed and have a steady manner. And two customer service are girls in their early twenties, especially one who has freckles on her cheeks, round face, chattering Like a little sparrow. She makes me feel a little like Amy. The other girl is slightly thinner, wearing a yellow sweater, looks quieter.

What surprises me most is that a woman who is in charge of the communication. She's in her twenties, with a plump figure, ruddy complexion, rich lips, looks quite amorous, wears a tight fitting suit that matches her figure well. She has enough elasticity, and draws a perfect curve for a mature woman, just like a ripe peach.

This seemingly open woman has a shrewd look in her eyes, which makes me dare not belittle her. Her job is "communication", which is very important. Because in our department, designers just concentrate on designing activities, graphic design and so on. Customer service is responsible for contact with customers, dealing with some customers' requirements. But the communication is the most important position.

Let's take an example. In the upcoming underwear show in this shopping mall, the designers are responsible for design the stage and advertising pictures, while the two customer service girls are responsible for contacting the underwear manufacturer. They listen to client's requests and make some adjustments according to the feedbacks.

And the rest things are all about the work of communication". The woman names Yanny is responsible for handling the following tasks: commanding the loading and unloading department to set up the stage on the spot, coordinate and confirm the specific list with the model company, print the advertisement posters, and finally coordinating the with the mall about venue, time, rental, etc.

If we compare this underwear show as to take a movie. Then all the others are the actors or playwright and so on. But Yanny is the commander in chief! Equivalent to director's function!

Obviously, this woman must be very competent.

"Well, I have introduced myself just now. I actually have a good temper." I look at the women in front of me with a smile, which remind me of the scene when I was in charge of the nightclub and lecturing the girls: "After all, I'm new to this department and I'm not familiar with many things, and I hope you can support me. I would like to thank you first. You can directly tell me what problems and ideas you have on weekdays. Anyway, since I'm in this position, I'll cover the people in my department as long as they work hard!"

After saying the last sentence, I suddenly can't help laughing. I feel a little familiar with this feeling.

The effect looks good. Although I am young, but not bigheaded. These women are very friendly to me. Yanny looks very enthusiastic. Also exaggerates: "Surprisingly, there is a handsome guy in the company now! Mr. Chen Yang, your first day come here! As a gentleman, you should invite us to have lunch together this noon."

It seems that the atmosphere in this department is very united and friendly. When the other four girls hear it, they immediately shout for support and cheer. Of course, I will not refuse such a good opportunity to get closer to subordinates.

I pay more attention to this Yanny. Obviously, she is helping me to cultivate good relationships with my staffs.

Perhaps aware of my eyes to Yanny, Penny is smiling and says, "Chen Yang, if there's any problem within the works, you can listen more Yanny's opinions. She has a lot of experience in business activities."

Sees we get along quite well, Penny is relieved.

Throughout the whole morning, I earnestly try to familiarize myself with the new environment. I also modestly consult several female colleagues about some of the work in the department. Unfortunately, women's gossip habits seem to be natural.

The round-faced customer service girl showed me some of the department's performance and customer information and chatted with me. Then she saw that I was very kind and finally started asking about my personal situation.

Have you married?

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Have you a girlfriend?

How much do you weight?

What's your habit?

What do you like to eat?

As we are talking, Yanny and the other customer service girl come and join in the chat. Only two designers more stable after all. They stay at their desks and busy themselves with the design of the advertising stage for the upcoming lingerie show.

The round-faced girl has a cute nickname, called "Piggy", because her first name is Peggy, and her face is slightly baby fat. The character is very cheerful, lively and bold. Finally, she asked almost all my personal questions, and adds a mysterious question: "Mr. Chen Yang, are you a virgin?"

I'm speechless. Yanny pats her in giggle and changes a topic then.

"That's what they do. There are all girls in the company. Suddenly there's man. These girls are very excited." When two girls go out, Yanny leaves in my office and says to me, "they are not malicious. It's just a little naughty."

I smile bitterly, and my hand touches my nose: "It doesn't matter. I don't mind at all."

"OK!" Yanny smiles, becomes more serious and says, "We are ready for the underwear show. I will go to the mall in the afternoon to supervise the stage construction, as well as the lighting. The posters will be delivered in the afternoon too. Then, customer wants to invite us to have a meal together after the show is finished tonight. My suggestion is that we had better to entertain. It won't cost too much, but will give them a good impression. In addition, all expenses about the loading and unloading will be paid after you sign. These guys are working for us by contract. They are pretty tough and slippery. They often quote you the higher price. But this time I have checked first and will give it to you later. When you deal with them later, just be careful. They know that you are the new manager, and they will definitely try to quote more."

I smile: "Oh? So what should I do?"

She makes a cut gesture: "It's simple! No matter any price they quote you, just cut it to half. But when you become familiar with the company's operating costs and other circumstances, you will naturally make a correct estimate of the cost of these activities. At that time, even they want to deceive you, and they will not able to."

I sign: "Thank you, Yanny! I can see that you have a very strong working ability. In fact, I heard so much from you just now that I even think this department doesn't need the manager like me at all. Having you here, everything is completely settled." I see her face is a bit embarrassed, I just wave my hand, "Don't be misunderstanding. These words are from my heart. Actually I won't be in this department for too long time. You are really good! Before I go, I will give you a justice comment to the senior management."

I'm telling the truth.

Seems Yanny knows everything about this department. She is also experienced, capable and popular, and I just saw that the other female colleagues are quite convinced of her.

Such a person is undoubtedly the best candidate to be the manager of this department. At least, she's 100 times better than me, the new rookie who don't know anything yet.

At noon, I pay my own girls to go out for a meal. When we have lunch, I am full of whimsy. After all, I had spent several years with group of club girls, and easily coaxed these girls into a group of giggles. When we return to the company in the afternoon, they have almost no estrangement from me.

Company has already spread that department 2 comes a new manager, young, kind, unostentatious and very handsome. Every time I come and out, many girls of other departments take glances at me.

When we are back to office, no sooner, Yanny comes to ask me whether go to the mall with her to supervise the set up. I think a while and decide to go with her.

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We go out from company. I was going to take a taxi. But Yanny takes me to the parking lot and find a "HYUNDAI Coupe". This is a very feminine style car, the body is a little similar to a sports car. Of course, its performance is not comparable to the real sports car. But the streamlined body is popular with many women.

I am little surprised that Yanny can own this car. She looks like only less that thirty years old, and already can actually afford such a car? Is her income very high?

"Miss Fang is very good to the employees. The salary system is high-paid. Generally speaking, the employee's salary is more than 20% higher than that of similar companies. As for me, this job I'm doing, honestly, there are many opportunities to connect with the suppliers. Our Deep Blue Entertainment is developing very well now. I am responsible for many things. The printing companies, the model companies and the small advertising companies all want to make business with Deep Blue Entertainment. So, there are pretty some suppliers give me some red envelopes every year." She is driving with smile, "Miss Fang knows all these things. But she is very smart. She said that this is our country's national condition. We do business pay attention to human relations and industry resources. Gifts or red envelopes are unavoidable. As long as you don't eat company's kickbacks, she doesn't care about other little things. Every other red envelope sent in private, we will take the initiative to report to the financial department, and then hand it in, count into the cost. Then when it comes to monthly salary, the company will actually return to me as a bonus. Of course, it won't be sent back in full, but usually the red envelope we hand in will be returned about half to us. That's fine. It's fair to take the extra money without any legal risk. The women's colleagues in the company earn a lot of money, and the positions like mine are higher. Many people in the same industry want to come to work for Deep Blue Entertainment. But Miss Fang has never been easy to recruit. Even if there is a recruit, must be a she. You are the first man."

The car drives all the way to the shopping mall in the center of the city. There is a space in the middle of the hall on the first floor. Some men in working clothes are setting up the stage, and the huge posters behind them are erected.

Yanny doesn't chat with me again. Once she arrives at the scene, she is immediately becoming busy. No matter big or small things, everything as if have stored in her mind. She immediately commands those people. Lights, stage display, angle, advertising picture posting, location, and then constantly pick out some of the defects that do not meet the requirements, ask those staff to adjust.

She is a commander-in-chief, a lady who originally looks very steady, but actually has some general momentum on the spot! Even to the haughty stevedores, she simply smoothes up her sleeves and quarrels against them.

I even feel like an unnecessary person. I don't understand the situation. Just stand aside and watch her busy. When started, Yanny still tried to find time to introduce some information to me, but later she is getting a little too busy to talk with me.

I feel a little embarrassed. Watching a woman busy before and after, I am a big man can only stand aside smoking and drinking water, it is a little shame. I carefully observe all the details of the scene. Originally in the mindset of temporary guards, but now I gradually study the details of these works attentively.

In the evening, as the traffic of people in the shopping mall gradually increasing, a stage is about to take shape. While Yanny has a big quarrel with someone on the phone, the momentum is very fierce. Watching her yelling on the phone, I can't help feeling that this woman definitely has the potential to become a strong business woman!

"A little trouble... The models of the model company will be late for a while." Yanny frowns: "I told them to arrive two hours in advance. It's a bit tense now since they are late. Alas. After things here are over, they don't try to get money so easily!"

Then she sighs and apologizes to me slightly. "Sorry, have you been waiting for a long time? I was too busy just now, I... "

Looking at this woman's sweating appearance, I could not help being ashamed. I just say in hurry: "Never mind! I just feel that I can't help you."

I suddenly feel that in the business environment, it is really not easy for a woman to fight.

We have no time for dinner. I just buy some KFC when she is busy, then we finish it together quickly.

"By the way, do you have any friends who can want to see this underwear show? Although this brand is not a world famous brand, but their goods are actually very good! If your friends are interested, they can come and see it." Yanny careful suggest to me.

I nod, then call Jojo and Azle.

Jojo, the female bandit, can be seen from the underwear show. She is interested as soon as she hears about the underwear show. At the same time, as a qualified lesbian, she can see so many underwear models. Of course, it's also a pleasant thing. She hangs up the phone and rushing to the mall.

As for Azle, I think of plotting him once this morning. I invite him to see the beauty lingerie show in the evening is also the compensation to him as a brother. Azle is so excited when he hears. He even omits the thought of denouncing me and rushing directly from home.

After twenty minutes, I see Jojo rushing in a tight, windy leather suit, dresses as voluptuous beauty as ever. And Azle comes too, casually wearing a large T-shirt and staring around at the beauties.

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"Where are the underwear models? Where? Where?" When we just see each other, Jojo is seeking around.

I grin bitterly: "They should be in the dressing room, I've been waiting for you here for a long time. The models have come and changing clothes in the dressing room."

Hearing this, the two hooligans are suddenly lighting up.

"Go!" Go to the dressing room!" Jojo has waves in very vigorous.

The stage is well constructed, and the backstage directly leads to a side door of the shopping mall. A storeroom in the rear is temporarily transformed into a dressing room. Yanny is making the last scheduling. Watching me come with two friends, she just says hello to us in a hurry, holding the phone and getting angry with someone on the other side of the phone.

I glanc at the room with a "dress room" sign not far away, and the door is closed.

Jojo looks eagerly and takes a look at Azle.

Azle helplessly, spread out the hand: "I do not have your unique conditions. You've taken advantage this time."

Jojo giggles. She is a woman so that she can go into the dressing room.

If Azle goes in, I'm afraid he'll be scratched out in less than two seconds.

"Then I go in!" Jojo looks at us proudly with an obscene smile. She's walking wolf-footed to the dressing room door and pushes it in.

At that moment, suddenly Yanny is running from behind and calling me, "Chen Yang. Something is happening! We have trouble!"


"The female models are out of order. They all went to another city to do another show today and told me that they would definitely come back on time in the evening. But now they say traffic jam on the highway, so they can't come back on time now!"

"Ah?" I'm stunned: "Female models can't come back? So who is in the dress room?"

Yanny blinks her eyes and says in strange, "Of course the male models, they are changing clothes..."

I am startled. I look at Azle subconsciously, and his face changes too.

The two of us look at the dress room at the same time. Sure enough, we hear Jojo is suddenly screaming in the dressing room.

The voice has been out of a high eight degrees! Then we see Jojo smashes the door and rushing out unsteadily, screaming, "My eyes... My eyes..."

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When a lesbian who hates to see men's bodies... All of a sudden, there are dozens of naked men in the room. It is estimated that such a trauma is enough to keep Jojo falls into a trance all tonight.

Yanny is startled too! She stares at despondent Jojo and says: "She... How did she get from the room?"

I hurry her aside, embarrassed and explain, "Eh... She thought there are all female models, and wanted to go inside and see the styles of the underwear first."

Yanny shakes her head: "Underwear hasn't been sent here yet. And, the female models can't come! How do we deal with tonight's show? Now, where can I find out dozens of female models?"

She stares at Jojo with a few eyes, eyes bright!

"Chen Yang, do you have any other girls you know like your friend? Just need ten!"

She thinks and murmurs, "It's too late! I'll call the company right away. Let them ask some colleagues from company to save. Luckily, this underwear show is not too formal. It's okay to fool around. Alas, it's just those girls who deliberately don't want to wear underwear to show in public."

Yanny is speaking with more and more nervous, and finally she is wet with cold sweat.

A mind is flashing across my head.

Find a dozen of the beauties?

Easy! It's really fucking so easy!

I immediately grab Yanny, who is almost at a loss, smile and say, "OK! Take it easy. Leave the model issues to me!"

"Do you have a way?" She immediately stares at me with hope.

I smile and say confidently, "I am your manager, so let me see what I can do."

Then I leave her, walk to the corner, and dial a familiar number.

"Hello," A charming voice on the phone, with a few surprises: "Ouch, Brother little 5! It's you! So long! I thought you have forgotten me already!"

I quickly stop her, "Mary! I need your help!"

At the other side of the phone, Mary is smiling and asks, "You ask for my help? What's it?"

I laugh and say, "Yes! Mary, do you have the ability to collect twenty beauties with good figure for me in half an hour? Be sure they need to have very good figures!"

"Damn!" Mary shouts, "Despise me? Not to mention other things else. Beauties, you may get as many as you want!"

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