Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 68

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Penny's face looks as if she has just seen the company go bankrupt. She throws the newspaper aside and stares at me, even almost unable to speak, "Chen Yang... I didn't expect you could do such a thing. Such an extraordinary move... It's so... Absurd!"

I and Yanny are sitting in front of her. Yanny is too shame to raise her head.

The underwear show last night was caused an unprecedented sensation in the mall. Someone posted the photos on the Internet, and this morning's newspaper immediately publishes a news with several large photos.

The first is the girl dressed in sexy underwear and dancing in the shape of her hip.

Following is a bold large font: "Performing, or making sensations?"

This news is not long. It is probably a description of the whole underwear show last night, focusing on some of the hot scenes. Then the journalist who wrote the news made a dignified appearance, like a social morality expert, who mocked such extraordinary behavior and accused the public of such "vulgar" activities, which was an "ugly behavior", and at the same time entered into the relevant departments which specially criticized such public activities. At the same time, some mockery has been made on the departments which are in charge of approve such activities in public places, believing that they should strengthen the standards of auditing and not allow such bad and vulgar things to "pollute the people's eyes".

Penny is very upset. She smiles bitterly, "Excellent! Usually we hold such business activities in order to get a small layout on the newspaper, we have to pay money. Now that you have done such a good job! We haven't lost a penny, but have occupied the entire layout now." She looks at Yanny. "Yanny, Chen Yang is not familiar with the company's system. So what about you? Are you crazy, too? Don't you know?"

I interrupt her: "Penny, can you listen to me?" I take a look at Yanny quickly and say, "This is nothing to do with her!"

After a pause, I say in slow speed, "I'm the manager of this department. I was in charge of last night's activity and I need to take the responsibility!" Then my tongue soft a little bit, "Penny, it's an accident! If the model company arrived on time, I would not do this. At that time, it was urgency! I had no much choice. We couldn't let male models come on stage wearing ladies underwear, right?"

"My God!" Penny groans, "So you just looked for dozens of club girls? Do you know if this incident is exposed? If the news comes out, the reputation of our company is over!"

With a sigh, Penny shows a serious look, says: "Personally, I can understand you had your reasons. But, however, it is rather improper for you to do this. So, according to the company's regulations, I have to make some punishment plans for you. Of course, you may object, but Miss Fang decided before she had went to Korea that I could have some of her authorities during her absence. Therefore, I am now dealing with your behaviors."

At that time, the phone on her desk is ringing. She takes a look at us, says wait in quick, and pick up the phone.

"Hello! Deep Blue Entertaiment! Yes, I am! Yes! Oh, Really? I see! Yes, Yes, Yes!"

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As soon as she answers the phone, she is still looking at us. When she picks up, she stares at us for five more seconds.

Then she is smiling sweetly, says in a relax tone: "The arrangements to you are: Yanny, as a communicator, you will get 5,000 for bonus. And Chen Yang, as the manager of this event, you will get 10,000 for bonus. I hope you can keep up the good work for company!"

"..." I look at her, "What?"

Yanny is stunned too.

"Well," Penny changes a slightly more pleasant smile, "Just now, the customer called to be very satisfied with the commercial activity we planned. According their statistics, before and after the underwear show last night, the number of underwear sold on the spot was three times more than expected, and all the stocks they prepared were sold out... They said they were very satisfied with our company's planning ability and were ready to sign a two-year long-term contract with us."

Yanny is too shock to open her mouth wide.

Penny stares at my eyes: "I'm very curious how you did that? It's impossible! Especially, they want to know why the buyers are all men yesterday. This underwear brand is more targeting on female market."

I sigh and smile, "If there are thirty spicy beauties are ogling and whistling and seducing, don't mention underwear, even if the rags, I'm afraid can be sold out too!"

"..." The expression of Penny's face is complicated. She takes a deep breath as if she is trying to suppress some impulse in her heart, then she waves her hands to us. "Mr. Chen Yang, Please! Before I hit you with the folds on table, you'd better get out of here!"

Penny is very efficiency. The finance staff send the bonus in cash to our hands at noon. The other four women in department are both excited and curious. They also heard about the things last night. I take the thick envelope, think better of it, and take out half of the money, give to Yanny. "It's for yours!"

She refuses firmly: "No, I've got mine share! It's all you credibility last night. I can't take more!"

I think it again, then find out five envelopes, put 1000 money into each of them, and give to five women. I speak to them with smile, "We made this event together, so everyone must get the bonus." I see Yanny still wants to refuse, say: "If you still refuse, they also dare not to take…"

She just takes it, the other four women are all happy for that.

Although I never worked in such a company, but I used to be a chief manager in club and also managed many staffs.

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Actually no matter work in nightclub or work in office, the rule is the same. If you want to be a good leader, just need to follow this: Cater to superiors and treat the staffs kindly.

I ask these girls to have lunch together again. We order a bottle of the wine, the atmosphere is good. I ask them do not call me manger or Mr. Chen Yang again. It makes me a little uncomfortable. They may just call me little 5 or brother little 5.

When we back to office, these five women's faces are all with a little red.

But in my heart there are some emotions. Because of Peggy said just now. "Brother little 5, although you just come here for two days, but you are really nice! You are handsome, not bigheaded, do know sharing. Hope you can always be our leader!"

I just replied with smile: "It's lucky this time. It's lucky we made this event successful. Otherwise, if we failed, we will all have loses. At that time, we will not only have no bonus, but also will affect our department's performance. Our income might be reduced then."

But I had some different feelings inside my heart. I couldn't help thinking that it would be pretty good to stay at this company. Here have kindly colleagues, good working environment, and pleasant days.

I'm not a man with great ambitious. Maybe the conversation between Juan and me when he took me to the casino that night had burned some flames in my heart. I actually really moved that time. I imagined myself to get into that world, which is holding so many fortunes, standing with so many big men, and everything a man can dream about.

But after the days are passing, it goes easy from my heart slowly.

Plus I took one month break since I had left the club. My thoughts has changed a lot.

Working in the place like nightclub, there are many dirty things like money exchange the sex, corrupt life styles, decadence and downfall. I seemed to be living in darkness.

Stepped out of there and working here, I seem to be living in the bright world. I become an everyman from a man who used to walk in the edge of the society.

This feeling is actually pretty good.

So when Nanny is back, shall I leave then?

I have a pretty good job, I like this working environment, I like these nice colleagues, I like this good working atmosphere. Do I have to leave?

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Wouldn't it be nice to have such a simple but interesting life?

About the ring, to be honest, I don't think it can bring too much change to my life. I don't expect to become a big man by the help of the ring. That's too dull!

In my imagination, I just need to rely on the help of the ring, make some small fortune, win several lotteries, then buy a decent house and a nice car, live a carefree life of small wealthy owners.

Well, what is the famous saying on the Internet?

Sleep to wake up naturally, counting money to hand cramp.

That will be enough to me!

Big men like Juan and Jimmy Chou, although they are the top of the people who can throw out millions of money without a blink. But can they sleep to wake up naturally?

Within such an emotion, I am flirting with the idea in the office all the afternoon. Half year's business archives I have planned to watch were only finished less than one-third.

At the end of the day, the girls in the Department are leaving happily. Before Yanny leaves, she comes to knock on my door and laughs, "Get off work now, don't you go?"

"Well, I'll go soon."

"OK! So I'm leaving now." She smiles to me, then says, "Chen Yang, thank you! You know my means."

I look at her eyes and know her immediately.

She's not so much care about the one thousand money bonus. Compare with her income, one thousand is nearly nothing. Her appreciation is more of I took the responsibility when facing censure from Penny. If it changes a garbage leader, he probably would let her carry the black pan.

"You are welcome!" I look up and smile to her, "And, remember to call me little 5, OK?"

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After work, I don't back home immediately. I find a lottery shop. I buy some lottery use my own and Didi's birthday number, hesitate for a while and add little moneygrubber's.

Because after three days of waiting, before I went to the company this morning, I used the measuring device to measure, and finally I have waited for my financial fortune! Of course, before I paid for the lottery, I put on my ring, and after I bought it, I immediately took it back into my wallet.

Then I go to a shopping mall and buy a LV small handbag. My five thousand bonuses haven't been warming in my pocket, and they have all been spent.

Finish these things, I take a taxi to back home with a pleasant mood.

When I enter the door, there seems to be no one in the house, and the lights in the living room are extinguished. I look at the clock. It is six o'clock. At this hour, Didi and Amy should be at home usually.

I just want to turn the light on, suddenly, a floor lamp in the room lights up! A revolving chair in the living room turns gently.

The person sitting on the chair is facing me with an eccentric smile on her face.

I'm stunned.

Under the light, the smile on her face is very shallow, still so calm and graceful, just a bunch of other meanings in her eyes. She leans her legs up, her fingers cleverly taps on the armrest of the chair, and her chin is gently supported by the other hand.

Watching me come in, she seems as calm as a hostess, laughing in a light tone: "You're back."

I stunned for a few seconds before I can finally react and blurt out, "Why are you here? In my home?"

She is still unhurried, blinking to me: "Your new home is good, the house is clean. Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to say that I drank a bottle of beer in your fridge. It tastes good."

Then she stands up and approaches me. She is so beautiful that I could even smell the charm of her beautiful hair.

I am afraid to look at her, but frown and say, "Why are you in my house? How did you get in? Miss Vivi Yang?"

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