Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 77

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It seems that this hairstyle salon is still good indeed, at least I feel very worthy of the money I paid. No wonder Jojo almost regards it as a long-term stronghold.

When the hairdresser pulls Dorra out, I am sitting on the sofa smoking to kill boredom. But when I see her new look, I can't help standing up.

The eye-catching explosive hairstyle is gone. Although the hair is not straightened, still slightly curled, but it is like a fine broken wave. In purity, there is a little girl's playfulness. The heavy makeup on the face is gone, but the eyebrow line is carefully repaired and there is some red halo on the cheeks. It is the girl's natural blush, rather than artificial. Looking at the girl in front of me really reminds me of the innocent girl in the picture.

She even wears the girl's casual dress I bought her. The small Lapel sweater matches her skin color, while the jean shows the girl's long legs full of youth.

"Very good!" I nod with satisfaction to the hairdresser and take out my credit card to him. Dorra's face is a little weird. She comes up to me and says, "I'm so rustic."

"Rustic?" I laugh, "This is just looking like a pretty girl. The previous image you used to look like, do you think it's really good?"

"Cut, that's personality!" The little girl seems to be unable to change her mind for a moment.

"Personality?" I shake my head: "That explosive hair style is not suitable for your age, your face and skin color. Listen to me, hairdressers here are the most professional."

She is still a little unhappy. But after she goes out, the little girl herself finds some differences. Walking outside, her turnaround rate has obviously increased a lot. Of course, although her explosive hairstyle won a lot of turnaround too, but now, the eyes around her are more with men's appreciation and women's envy.

Isn't that good? A girl should look like a girl.

Then I take her to dessert shop, and she sits opposite me with a spoon, a small spoon, a small spoon to feed herself Tiramisu. Her attitude towards me is getting closer and closer, and she is no longer rude, even look at me with mild eyes.

Finally, she seems to hesitate for a long time: "Can I ask you a question?"


"Are you a native? How do you know him? You seem not too old."

"Who?" I laugh, "Your father?"

"That's the guy." The girl's eyebrows are still a little disgusted.

I say seriously: "Dorra, do you hate your father?"

She sneers: "Should I thank him?"

I am a little embarrassed, but slowly say, "Actually, your father still cares about you."

"Hum." Another haze appeared on her face: "He? He left me and my mother alone and then ignored me for so many years... Thanks him for his concern!"

"At least he gave you money to let you go to school and make a live."

"Chen Yang." She stares into my eyes. Her face likes an angry leopard: "I just have a little well-disposed for you. Don't let me hate you again!"

I sigh and can only give up what I want to say in my heart. I don't know much about Juan's arrangements with Dorra. As for the fact how Juan left Dorra's mother and her, I don't know anything about it either. So it's hard to say something.

"Still that question, how did you know him?" This little girl stares at me.

"I work for him. He's my boss." I think better of it and answer.

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"What do you do?" There is a curiosity in her eyes: "Today you beat them all by yourself. You seem to be very good at fighting. You're not a gangster, are you? Speaking of the words "gangster", her face is not afraid, but of exciting and expecting.

I can only smile bitterly.

I'm only a few years older than her, but we all grew up watching gangster movies. Nowadays, young people talk about underworld with the sense of curiosity and excitement - it's just a side effect of those movies.

"No," My answer dispells her curiosity: "I am one of your father's assistants. Well, I'm in charge of some of his business."

"Does he have a business in our country? And in our city?" She asks.

"Um... I guess so. "

"Is he rich?" She seems curious: "I see you are driving a BMW. You work for him and drive such a car, his business must be very big."

I smile and say, "That car is not mine. It's my friend who went with me today. As for your father's business, so far, uh, the situation is complicated. I have my own job here, and your father has just entrusted me with some works."

"Oh." She doesn't care at all, but keeps asking me, "So what are you doing here?"

It suddenly dawns on me that the girl is not interesting in her father, but in me. Although I would like to talk about Juan with her very much, considering her disgust with Juan now, it seems that it is not the right time to have such a topic with her, and I am also willing to further improve my relationship with her.

"I work for an entertainment company, mainly responsible for the planning and organization of some business activities." I laugh and say, "For example, some singers' concerts, some commercial performances, and so on."

"Then why can you fight so well?" She has put down her spoon and looks at me with her hands on her face.

"I practiced kongfu for some years."

"Kongfu?" She laughs, "How many people you can fight with on your own?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Where did you practice kongfu?"

"You really not a gangster?"

"Have you ever hurt anyone?"

For these similar questions, I try to satisfy her curiosity. Finally she asks another question: "How many people can you really fight by you own?"

"It's not that simple." I laugh bitterly: "Those who have practiced kongfu, that is, they are more agile than ordinary people, or they know some powerful methods of how to hurt people. When there are many people, I will be beaten and have to run away as well. Practicing kongfu is mostly for the sake of physical fitness. Generally speaking, three or five ordinary people, I can deal with without a big problem, if the other party is armed, then I will definitely be injured. Today's situation was not that tough. The other side were just some of the lowest little messes, I just quickly knocked down two, the rest of them were afraid. If they're the kind of tough roles, the kind of who have the balls, fierce to fight hard with me, I'm sure I would not so relax. I'm afraid I would be seriously injured when I finished cleaning them up."

I immediately dispel the unrealistic fantasy in the girl's mind. I have a faint smell of something bad, does she want me to be her thug?

She curls her lips, probably feels my answer is a little nonsense. Just at that time, there comes a ringing tone in her pocket. She picks it up and looks at the number. Her face shows a trace of disgust. After receiving it, she shouts, "Hey, Didn't I tell you not to call me?"

I laugh, probably a boy she played with.

But then she talks a while with the other side of the phone, and her face improves slightly. "Tonight? Still the original place? OK, I'm sure to come tonight!"

When she hangs up, she looks at me expectantly. "Can you accompany me to a place?"

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I frown. "Where are you going at night?"

"Go and play!" she says with animate expression, "Take you to a fun place!"

"A Fun place?" I curl my lips and speak out several famous Discos in one breath. The little girl shakes her head when she hears, but instead looks at me: "Are you familiar with these places? Next time, let's go and play?" Then, looking at my poor face, she quickly changes her tone: "No, not Disco, it's somewhere else."

Loot at her face, I can't help asking: "What are you going to do?"

"Cut! You such a big man, why's always so weak-minded?" She has a disdainful tone, "Can I hurt you?"

I sigh and say to myself, Anyway, I just follow her. Nothing really matter while I'm beside her. Blockage is no better than sparseness. Blindly coercion, I am afraid it will cause her rebellious psychology. Teenagers are all rebellious.

Of course, I also make up my mind that if she wants to do something unusual, I would take her home by force immediately!

Seeing me nod, she cheers and jumps out of her seat. She takes me to pay in a hurry and runs all the way out, urging me to drive her home.

We go to downstairs where she lives, but she doesn't go upstairs: "You wait, I'll take my vehicle!"

"Take the vehicle?" I'm confused, "Don't I drive the car?"

"Cut!" She puts up a middle finger to me in a disdainful manner: "Please! How can this car be seen? If drive your car, I'll be laughed to death!"

I am at a loss.

BMW! Can't be seen? Which car does she want to drive?

"Uncle! Your car is driven by an old man!" When she finishes this word, she skips to the iron house under the building, takes out a key and opens one of the doors.

This kind of building built in the 1990s, there will be a row of iron houses, one by one, used for bicycle parking or as a small warehouse.

I only hear the rattle of the tin door, and she actually pushes a Honda DAX hound motorcycle out!

To be honest, I am stunned!

The shape of this "hound" is very peculiar, especially this one, which is very rare in this city! Pushing the red hound motorcycle out, Dorra's face is excited.

I sigh and walk over to look at it.

100 Honda international gear engine, with four gears, occupation disc-break, stainless steel back exhaust pipe, stainless steel pipe to increase the accumulator, of course, the coolest is the split racing motorcycle handle.

I can't help sighing: "This car is seldom on the market, this city seems to have seen few of these." Looking at her again, I say, "Why do you have such a motorcycle? It must cost thousands of money!"

"You know much about the goods!" She glances at me proudly. "Is my baby cute? I spent more than 3000 on it. It runs very strong!"

I nod. This motorcycle is really suitable for a girl to drive, and the performance is also very good, but, I look at her and ask, "Do you have a driver's license?"

But then I realize I made an unnecessary ask, because the motorcycle license plate is out of town. Obviously, this is a fake.

Our city's motorcycle license plate is very expensive. The general motorcycle drivers are all using license plates out of town. They might be true or false. Anyway, generally speaking, as long as you do not meet major checks of violation of regulations, and you are careful when you go on the road, for example, when you meet a red light, you should not be in the front row, when you pass a traffic policeman, you should not be too arrogant. It's generally all right.

In this city, even if it is a conservative estimate, half of the motorcycles do not have a full set of legal procedures, many of them are "black motors".

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"Come on, get on, uncle, I'll show you some insights!" Dorra's tone is so proud. Then she steps on it.

The seat of the hound motor is very narrow. I hesitate for a moment, still steps up and sit behind her. "No helmet?"

"Helmet? I'll be laughed to death if I wear a helmet!" she says, "Are you afraid of death?"

After that, she had kicks the kickstand, and then starts the motor violently.


Obviously, Dorra is skilled in riding a motorcycle. At least along the way, she rushes to several corners at a very fast speed, and her body tilts very much! When passing the street lamp, she often changes speed and rushes for the road, and around several times, choosing the area without traffic police patrol. Very sophisticated!

These circumstances let me quickly understand a little bit of the situation!

Sure enough, she drives the motorcycle all the way from the city center to the southeastern part of the city, turning onto the hillside road on the edge of the city, where the roads are wide, with fewer street lights and relatively less traffic.

Dorra seems so excited that she increases the speed and drives several times from the side of the road down the hill. Finally, she goes up the mountain road and drives all the way.

Sure enough! Here it is!

I sit behind the motor, hands on Dorra's waist, but my heart begins to laugh bitterly.

If I'm not mistaken, this little girl, besides being a little mess, she's also an illegal motor racer!

In fact, the phenomenon of motor racing has arisen in many big cities. Just to be fair, because of the economic and social environment limitations, the climate is still in its infancy. For example, this city, the so-called motor racing, if compared with foreign countries, it is just the beginning stage. Most of the races are young people in their twenties. Their equipment is far less dramatic than those in the cart movies. Generally speaking, there are still some assembly vehicles popular here, or some of the obsolete motors abroad.

This is probably related to the economy level. A good racing motor is far from affordable to these young people in their twenties. Most of them spend thousands of money on a used road racing motor to gain a prestige. If someone can pay tens of thousands for one, it's already the top grade here.

Basically, the lakeside on the hill is a gathering place for many racers. Because at night this section of the road is very suitable for motor racing, with good road conditions and fewer street lights. By the time Dorra and I arrive, dozens of people have gathered, dozens of road racing motors of various colors line up, men and women gather together, most of them dressed up as hooligans. Some of them have a few second-hand foreign racing motors out of the market and look proudly.

Several electric stoves have been erected and set on fire on the lakeside. Most people turn on the motor's audios, and the loud music are mixed with the howls of men and the sharp voices of women. Some people are swaying around with bottles.

When Dorra and I get down from the motor, she is so excited. I sigh and follow her behind, looking carefully down at the people around me with the corners of my eyes. I even put the collar of my clothes up to cover my face.

"Fuck!" A half-sized man with hair standing up like a super Siya human rushes to us and stares at Dorra for a while, "How did you make such a look? Are you fucking play pure?"

Dorra's eyelids flips: "It's not your business!" After that, she grabs a cigarette from this guy's hand, just wants to light it, but she sees my sharp look in the cold eyes. Subconsciously, she hands it over to me.

"Well? Who is this? Is he your new boyfriend?" That kid stares at me. His face is full of discomfort.

I ignore him. I light the cigarette and take a puff and frown. It's a Marlboro. To be honest, I don't like foreign cigarettes very much, because I only smoke flue-cured cigarettes, while foreign cigarettes are basically mixed.

When the boy sees me ignoring him, he can't hang up on his face, then comes up and gives me a push: "Friend, where are you fucking living? Are you sure tough? Does Dorra smoke depending on your approval?"

I glance at him and say, "Go away."

Then I pull Dorra forward, and instead of caring about my arrogance, she turns her head and points her middle finger at the kid

"Your friend?" I frown.

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"A little asshole." She curls her lips: "He's always pestering me. He's just an idiot. A terrible driver! His family has enough money to buy a good motor for him."

Later, a few other little messes come up and say hello to her. The girl is very arrogant and domineering. She looks at thm with her eyes inclined and her attitude is very arrogant. I follow her without saying a word, but I am thinking about how to find an opportunity to drag her back home.

Surprisingly, I see two other female classmates in KTV during the daytime here! One of them is the girl with rings all over her ears!

The two girls come running screaming when they see Dorra, but when they see me following her, they both shrink back in horror, as if they have seen a ghost.

I know, maybe those little messes and the male classmate who was trying to harm Dorra told them about my things.

"How does he come with you?" The girl with earrings pulls Dorra and whispers, but I can hear her clearly.

"I bring him here." Dorra looks indifferent.

"Now you're in the ascendant." The girl with many rings on her ears whispers, "This fellow is an old bird! I heard them said this morning in KTV, several of them knew him and dared not even fart! I heard his nickname is little 5! He is a very tough role!"

As soon as Dorra listens these words, she looks back at me and her eyes are shining. And I quickly turn my face around. Because all of a sudden I feel as if a familiar look is coming at me!

Although I have turned my face and bow my head in time, I still hear a laughing voice from my left side: "Well! Isn't this brother little 5? How many years have passed! Why do you come here today? Come and see your old friend?"

A tall, thin man comes over, about twenty-seven and eight years old, bareheaded, wearing an old racing suit, with a shadowy smile and leather boots under his feet. Unfortunately, when walking, he is limping.

Standing beside him is a tall girl in a short skirt. The weather is so cold, but she wears a sleeveless umbilical outfit, a miniskirt, a belly button and thighs. Doesn't she be afraid of arthritis? Alas...

The bald man looks at me, his eyes are filled with resentment. Behind him, there accompanies by a couple of little messes, and there are some girls hanging at the end.

I sigh in my heart and look up at him with a cold expression on my face: "Little 4, it's you."

The bald man, whom I call him little 4, comes up and pats me on the shoulder. "Come and find someone today? Or do business? Do you want to play around today?"

Dorra stands behind me, is somewhat stunned, and then asks, "Chen Yang, do you know brother 4?"

The bald man looks at her and says, "Little girl, are you brother little 5's girlfriend? Good, good, good-taste! Take good care of him! You'll have a bright future with him!"

After that, he pats me: "How about play two laps?" I look coldly at his hand on my shoulder and say nothing. The bald man is forced to look at me and take it back. I just say lightly: "I have long since stopped playing racing. The skill has been abandoned. Today is to accompany my friend to take a look. We'll go in a moment."

The bald man hums, squints at me for a while, and whispers, "Why is brother little 5 afraid to die now?" Then he looks back and shouts, "See, this is brother little 5! Just greeting him! How come you are so discourteous?"

The little messes behind confused for a while, and then a miscellaneous opening shouts:"Hello, brother little five!" The latter little girls laugh into a group.

The bald man glances at me, then sneers and walks away.

When they left, Dorra grabs my arm and says excitedly, "How did you know brother four? Bald four is the boss here!! Are you on good terms with him? I never know you have got on here!"

Sees me speak nothing, the little girl is even more excited: "Are you and he good friends? How did you know each other?"

I shake my head. After all, she is a little girl. Couldn't she see the way he stared at me like wanting to eat me?

I look at her and sneer, "He's not my friend. Do you see his lame leg? I broke it."

After listen to my words, her mouth suddenly changes into O shape. The eyes looking at me have changed from shock to worship.

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