Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 97

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We go into the elevator and come to the casino in the top floor of the hotel with Minister Kim. It is obvious that Minister Kim is a frequent guest here, because I know that the elevator leading to the casino is exclusive for special members, and ordinary guests are absolutely unable to enter.

It's daytime and there seems to be few guests in the casino, but all the security guards and staff are still well trained to stick to their positions. I look around and can't find Yumi. Even the beautiful women who are in charge of guest service seem to be much less than at night. Many tables are even empty.

It seems that there are very few guests here during the day.

In fact, it's not open during the day. Minister Kim laughs and says, "But when people are addicted to gambling, it happens no matter day or night. Now I feel itchy! If I don't play cards well, I'm afraid I can't sit still!"

Winson doesn't respond, just shows a faint smile. Then he says something to Nongda Park. It's in Korean. I can't understand it.

"Minister Kim... "Nanny shows a little unhappy from her eyebrows.

"Oh, Miss Fang," Minister Kim laughs and whispers to her, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to delay. In fact, cooperation documents, these two ladies have already brought. To be honest, our final bottom line has been given. It seems that our differences are still on the last five percent. But I personally have a little interesting suggestion that you might be interested in."

"What is it?" Nanny has a cold face.

"I'm a gambler. Or you may say I have a gambler character." Minister Kim smiles meaningfully: "In fact, our cooperation, that 5% price, neither to you, nor to me, is only a small number. Both sides refuse to compromise just because of business principles, right?"

Nanny doesn't respond. But I can see from her eyes that she really doesn't seem to care too much about the money.

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In fact, many big shots negotiate business are all the same. Often they get stuck in some very fine prices and refuse to give in to each other. In fact, for these people, the money is really nothing. But in business, this is a business principles issue. At this time, people are not fighting for the price, but the principle!

"My proposal is..." Minister Kim deliberately slows down a few steps and then ends up with Nanny. Then he whispers, "My two friends are very good gamblers. I have been getting know them for many years, but I have never won them. As long as Mr. Chen Yang can win them, let me see their loser faces. I will be very, very happy! Five percent of the business, I'd like to take it on my own! What do you think?"

Nanny stops her step and looks surprised. I'm also so surprised to see Minister Kim. Winson bursts out laughing and shouting, "You such a guy, don't you worry that we'll be angry to hear this in front of us?"

Minister Kim's indifferent look: "I didn't think of hiding you. You always look confident. When you lose, you must have a wonderful expression! Chen Yang is the most extraordinary card player I have ever seen, although I don't know if he can win you. But just try him anyway, and it won't hurt me. If he fails, I'll be laughed at by you for a while at most. If I succeed, then I throw out millions, but I can see you and Mr. Park suffocating faces, which is enough for me to laugh at you in the future. It's a good business!" His eyes twinkle and he looks with an easy grace.

But I couldn't help muttering in my heart. A master's card game? Can I make it?

If I depend on the ring, I may have a lot more of confidence. The key is, today is not my lucky day. In the morning, I saw it with the measuring device. Today, my peach blossom luck is strong, but can it be used to play cards?

Gloomy is full of my face.

"Chen Yang..." Nanny looks at me. There're some expectations in her eyes.

I sigh. What I can do is just give it a try. I say nothing but just nod slightly.

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Minister Kim would not play in the hall. He asks the staff to take us directly into a VIP room. There's a big round gambling table with a green suede counter. When we come in, a young woman in a shirt and tie comes in too. She looks very upright and has a professional smile on face. When we sit down, she immediately ask for some brand new cards.

Minister Kim is sitting on my left, Winson is sitting on my right, and Nongda Park, the Korean master, is sitting opposite me.

Two Korean beauties have followed in. One is sitting next to Minister Kim and the other is about sitting next to Nongda Park. But Mr. Park has a dark face and says something to her. Her expression suddenly becomes a little stiff. Winson sighs and waves to her.

Nanny sits a little behind me, frowning slightly as if she is a little upset.

"What's up?" I ask her.

"The Korean said that men are doing business, woman just goes away!" Nanny looks down upon him: "Is gambling a formal business?"

I'm slightly surprised: "Do you know Korean?"

She nods: "A little."

"How awesome you are!" I pause for a moment, then smile and say, "In fact, gambling may not be the bad thing to some specific people. For professional gamblers, gambling is their job and their means of making money. Is there anything more important to them than gambling?"

Nanny is stunned when she hears my words. She glances at me charmingly, but does not argue with me.

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Minister Kim laughs aloud: "Well said! For a man like me who is very gambling, when gambling addiction comes up, there's really no any big thing that does matter much with playing cards!"

Then the young woman with a tie, who's also the dealer of the gambling table, speaks. Her voice is very clear and feeling capable: "Ladies and gentlemen, what are you going to play with? How much chips do you need to prepare? I need to point out that no matter how big the gambling you play, casino will draw certain fees and handling fees from the final gambling money. If the checks need to be verified, our company will verify it for you on the spot!" Then she smiles and says, "Do you have any further questions?"

"No!" Minister Kim waves and rolls up his sleeves. Ha-ha laughing: "How big are we playing today?"

Winson shrugs his shoulders. "Old rule, one million dollars in chips, maximum one million dollars to raise."

I immediately object, "I'm sorry, I don't think it's fair."

"Well?" Winson looks at me with smile.

I speak in a very flat tone and say with a calm smile, "I don't think it's fair." I take out my cigarette and light it without hurry, take a sip first.

My calm attitude, let the eyes of all the people in the room focus on me, and then I slowly open my mouth: "Excuse me, now all men here, Mr. Kim is rich. Winson, you are from the giant business family. Mr. Park, presumably also have a lot of money. I'm just a small worker. I don't have that much money to gamble with you."

The dealer looks at me in surprise, and I immediately stare back. My tone is cold: "What's wrong? You think it's strange? You must be thinking now, how can an ordinary people like me get into this situation and sit on this table? But I can tell you very clearly that I'm not rich, and I don't have much money."

I put both hands on the table: "Gentlemen, so I don't think it's fair."

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"But... Minister Kim laughs, "But you have Miss Fang around you. You bet on her behalf. Miss Fang won't be unable to take out a million dollars."

"It doesn't make sense." I shake my head and laugh sly: "Miss Fang is willing to pay, that money is still not mine. What if I lose? That's her a million dollars. Do I have to pay back the money? Even if Miss Fang is my boss, she does not ask me to pay back, but I have to bear a great psychological burden. I don't think it's called gambling. You're driving ducks on the shelf, and I'm the duck."

Speaking of this, I'm regretting immediately. Damn it, how can I say myself a duck?

Fortunately, all the people here do not notice the different meaning in my words.

Winson thinks it over very seriously, nods and agrees, "Yes, I think Chen Yang's words are very reasonable." He looks at Minister Kim and says, "What do you think?"

Before Minister Kim has spoken, he has added: "If there were more wealthy people here today who asked for at least $100 million in gambling money, would it not feel the same to us as Chen Yang now?"

Minister Kim thinks better of it carefully and says with a bitter smile, "Damn, you mean you don't want to play that big. OK, OK! After all, I invited you to come, and I should respect guest's opinions."

He speaks to Nongda Park. Park frowns. After they talk for a while, Minister Kim frowns at me and says, "Chen Yang, then how much standard do you think we should set the bets on? How much can you acceptable? If it's too little, there'll be no fun to play."

"How can it be no fun?" I smile. "We just need to set a certain limit on the gambling money, who lose, who out! In this way, even if the gambling money is very small, it will also be very interesting."

After that, I take out my wallet, take out all the cash in it, count it, and laugh, "I have more than 1300 here. Well, I have to leave 300 to refuel the car and have lunch. So how about we set the bet on one thousand?"

Minister Kim is so surprised that his eyes would fall out: "One thousand?"

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