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"Ji Won, let's break up."

Nam Ji Won thought that she was hearing things. She was holding an ice cream cone. It was a sunny day. They were sitting in the park where they went for their first date in middle school. Kim Si Woo finished his Popsicle and got up. He looked down at the shocked Nam Ji Won. The ice cream had completely melted.

He was about to turn away from her when Nam Ji Won grabbed his wrist. He flinched and jerked her hand away. Her fingers left red prints on his slender wrist.

"Si Woo, where are you going?" Nam Ji Won decided that she heard it wrong. He couldn't just break up with her. It had been only a week since they started high school.

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"Ji Won, please do not make it hard." He couldn't meet her clear eyes. "I think that it is best if we end it now. We go to different high school now. We can't meet often. You are also busy with your part-time job."

"I don't understand..." Nam Ji Won was confused. She decided to go to J high school because she got the scholarship. She was the youngest member of her family. Her parents had already spent their savings on the education of her elder brother and elder sister who were in college. Nam Ji Won didn't want to burden her father because his health wasn't good these days. She also started doing a part-time job to support herself. He supported her decision. They lived in the same neighbourhood. They often met and spent time together. Everything was fine yesterday. What could change in one day?

"Ji Won, I really loved you once. " Kim Si Woo smoothed her hair. "But...recently, I met someone else and found my heart skipping beats. She is different and kind. When she smiles, I feel like I am alive. Her voice is soothing to my ears. She is as beautiful as a fairy. When I saw her, I understood the true meaning of love."

Nam Ji Won was speechless. What do you mean by the true meaning of love? Didn't you say the same things to me when you confessed your feelings for me? You even said that you would love me forever. This is your 'forever'?

Kim Si Woo had a dazed expression on his face.

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"Gong Ae Young also likes me. She told me yesterday that she fell in love with me at first sight. I was in heaven when I heard her say that. She is the prettiest girl of the school. Am I not lucky in this case?"

Nam Ji Won cracked her fingers. "Did she not know that you have a girlfriend?"

"Oh, she found out because of that blabbermouth Hye-Rin. Gong Ae Young is a good person. She only confessed to me because she couldn't hold herself anymore. She said that she wouldn't come between you and me. I told her that..." He shut his mouth when he realized the time and place. He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Ji Won, I think that we are not compatible. I wish you a bright future. Please forget me. From now on, we will pretend that we are strangers."

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Nam Ji Won slapped him hard on his cheek. "Is this your love? It didn't even take you a week. You get easily seduced by a fox woman. You are worse than a bug."

Kim Si Woo was angry when he heard her words. "Nam Ji Won, who do you think that you are? How dare you slap me? Why don't you look in the mirror? You are now taller than me. You are even physically stronger than me. You do not act like a woman at all. You even eat like a man. If you cut your hair and wear my clothes, you will look like a man. Compared to you, Gong Ae Young is perfect and feminine."

"What do you mean?" Nam Ji Won gritted her teeth. "When I was learning martial arts, you said that you liked strong women. You said that you found my appetite cute. It is not my fault if you are not growing anymore."

In middle school, they almost had the same height. Who knew that she would grow five inches taller than him? It wasn't her fault at all if she inherited her father's height.

"I also think that puppies are cute, but it doesn't mean that I would date them." His words sliced Nam Ji Won's heart brutally. She widened her eyes in shock.

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He left just like that. Nam Ji Won sat down on the bench. She hung her head down. It was Kim Si Woo who asked her out first in the middle school. When she said no because she was preparing for the high school entrance exams, he pursued her relentlessly. She finally gave in. He was sweet with words.

It was true that she was physically strong. Her father was an ex-cop. He made sure that his three children could defend themselves especially Nam Ji Won because she was born with a weak physique. He wanted her to become strong. What was wrong with eating? She never got fat anyway.

What about the time when they kissed for the first time under the mistletoe? What happened to his promises? Nam Ji Won used to think that she was the luckiest girl on the planet. She believed that she was fortunate that she found Kim Si Woo. He was always good to her. He was always kind with his words. She was having a hard time accepting that he didn't like her anymore.

If he loved her, how could he change after a week since they started high school? Could love change with height and weight of the person? How could he just suddenly stop being in love with her?

She wanted to cry, but she didn't. She didn't want to go home with swollen red eyes. She wanted to beat the !#@$ out of him and Gong Ae Young, but she didn't. In that case, she might end up in trouble. Her father always wanted to use her martial art for defense.

You think that I will look like a man If I cut your hair and wear your clothes. You wait! I will teach you what this feels like.

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