Evil Couple Breaker Wife

Chapter 21: 21

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"You are here."

Nam Go Eun was reading a book to her younger sister when Seo Tae Il arrived. He rolled his eyes when he saw the romantic book in her hand. Though Nam Go Eun acted like an ice beauty to the world, she was secretly a die-hard romantic. She would cry when she saw romantic drama or books. She often daydreamed of having a cheesy romantic life, but she would often say the opposite of what she meant to say. She was naturally sarcastic and sharp-tongued.

Tae Il wasn't glad that he found out about her true self.

"Look, someone sent her flowers again." She pointed at the flowers. "I never get flowers, but my sister gets them each year on her birthday. She doesn't even get up and go outside."

He stared at the flowers and sighed. For the last five years, someone always sent flowers to Nam Ji Won anonymously. He felt uneasy whenever he looked at those lilies.

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"Say, Tae Il." Go Eun turned a page of the book in her hand. "You told me that she won't sleep forever. It's been five years. When is she waking up?"

He sighed again. Nam Go Eun always pestered him. How would he know when this creature would wake up? She was taking her sweet time.

"She will wake up soon."

"Have you tried kissing her?" Nam Go Eun asked. Her eyes were fixed on the book. "True love kiss."

Tae Il stared at her blankly. What nonsense? When he didn't answer, Nam Go Eun looked at him with her sharp eyes.

"You never kissed her?" She frowned. "It says here...that true love kiss can remove any curse."

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"Do you really believe that crap?" He sunk in his seat. "You are a prosecutor."

"That's my job." She closed the book. "Are you really her boyfriend? How could you never try the true love kiss? You want my sister to sleep forever, isn't?"

Not again! He groaned.

"I can't take advantage of a sleeping person." Tae Il looked away from her piercing glare. "Besides, I am not...well..." He scratched his nose. Should he tell the truth? If he did, it might not turn out good. Nam Go Eun didn't have a good temper when it came to her family.

"You are not interested in her anymore, are you?" She stood up and pointed at him accusingly. "I can't believe it. Those rumours are true. You are really dating Actress Yun Sun Hee. Before that, there was someone else. You have been cheating on my poor sister."

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He felt like banging his head on the wall. Why was this Nam family so difficult to deal with? If Nam Go Eun was really a prosecutor, how could she assume so carelessly? He started to feel bad for people who had to deal with her at work.

"Noona, I told you that those are rumours. That's just media making things up." He smiled at her. "I am not dating anyone. I am busy with work. I barely get time to come here."

"Hah!" She crossed her arms. "See Ji Won, he barely gets time to see you now. If you keep sleeping, you will lose him to another woman. How long are you going to sleep?"

"Noona, don't scold a person who is not well." He put his palms up awkwardly.

"I can't even scold my sister?" Nam Go Eun sneered. "You won't even kiss her. We never know if this true love kisses work or not."

"That won't work." He rubbed his forehead. How could it work? He was not in love with Nam Ji Won. He came here because...he felt like it. That was it. There was no special reason. He was not even going out with this person. Why did he tell that troublesome lie? Could Son Jon Pil come back from abroad and let Tae Il kill him for uttering non-sense?

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"Why wouldn't it work?" Nam Go Eun threw the book at his head. "You are not interested in my sister anymore. You are just here for a show, isn't? There is no true love in this world. How could you do this to her when she is in this state?"


"Noona, see...she always thinks that you are being noisy. Please calm-" He shut his mouth and stared at the sleeping person. Nam Go Eun widened her eyes in shock. Did she just speak?

Slowly, she opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry at first like she woke up from a long dream. It was an important dream, but she couldn't recall it.

"Ji Won, you woke up." Nam Go Eun couldn't move. Tae Il felt like the time had stopped. After such a long wait, she finally woke up.

"Who are you?"

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