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Upon hearing that, Wu's face darkened. She was ridiculing Gu Hua didn't Gu Hua understand? She actually followed along and decided Old Maid Qi's punishment. What a slow idiot!

"What are you waiting for? Didn't you understand the Old Mistress meaning?

Drag Old Maid Qi down and beat her a hundred paddles without mercy, then sell her!" Gu Hua harshly instructed.

"Yes, ma'am!" Two lowly old house maids stepped forward and stuffed a rough piece of cloth into Old Maid Qi's mouth and dragged her out so quickly that others couldn't respond in time.

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Sounds from the paddle and Old Maid Qi's painful wails rang out. The maids and housekeepers looked at each other silently the Young Mistress had lost her temper and they didn't want to be implicated.

The Dowager Lady's face was so scarily dark as she stared at Gu Hua, haze forming beneath her eyes.

Gu Hua pretended she didn't see it and quietly looked towards those ebony boxes which contained fine jewelry, "Close the boxes and bring them back to the treasury."

"Yes, yes, yes!" The maids answered. Carrying the boxes, they hurriedly ran back to the store, afraid that if they were to walk too slowly, Gu Hua would punish them and they would end up in a pathetic situation similar to Old Maid Qi.

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Looking at the empty courtyard, Song Qingyan paled and clenched her hands tightly under her sleeves, she had almost got the sapphire pin and ruby earrings, all of which she loved. Now it's all gone, how hateful!

"It's not the first time Cousin Qingyan has taken jewelry from here, is it?" Hearing the cold voice, Song Qingyan froze and looked cautiously at Gu Hua, "What do you mean?"

Gu Hua laughed softly, "You don't need to be flustered. I am not going to teach you a lesson but only ask that you return all the jewelry which you have taken."

Song Qingyan secretly sighed in relief. She scared her, if Gu Hua is not thinking of teaching her lesson than that's good. However, the jewelry she had taken are all carefully chosen and each one of them are precious. She likes them very much and can't bear to return them to Gu Hua. Furthermore, she has been wearing those jewelries for so long, they should be hers already. "You are my cousin. Just treat those few jewelries as presents that you have given to me. Don't you think it's too petty to ask me for them?"

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Gu Hua glanced at her and casually said, "Cousin, you come to the Mansion at least thrice a month. Each time you would take away two to three hair pins, earrings, necklaces, jade bangles, finger sets and many other accessories. In these two years, you have not taken only a few pieces of jewelry but more than a hundred pieces, enough to fill 3 trunks!"

Song Qingyan did not care, "So what? Your mother had so much dowry. You are only lacking in these hundred pieces of jewelry.

Gu Hua sneered. After snatching away others jewelry, Song Qingyan can still be so righteous about it. How shameless! "When my aunt got married, she also brought with her ten miles of dowry. She definitely does not lack in jewelry. How about this return my mother's dowry and give me another 2 or 3 trunks of delicate jewelry so that I can also enjoy my aunt's generosity."

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"My mother's jewelry is mine. How can I give it to you?" Song Qingyan exclaimed. Immediately after, she realized that she had been fooled and was just going to explain further when Gu Hua said first, "My mother's jewelry was also left for me, how can it be in your hands? I want to see those jewelry before dark. If not, we'll see in court!"

"Because of such a petty matter you want to take it to court. Do you want to destroy General's Household good reputation or do you think that you have not lost enough face?" The Dowager Lady coldly looked at Gu Hua and harshly reprimanded her.

Do not air the family's dirty laundry. When other families have these type of scandals, they will try all sorts of ways to cover it up and hide it. This Gu Hua is great as though she can't wait to announce to the whole Capital. She doesn't know what's good for her.

"It is because you stole my mother's dowry, that's why I am taking it to court. Even if it will lose face, it is your faces that will be lost. Don't forget, our relationship is very sensitive." Gu Hua leisurely said, faintly smiling.

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