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The drafting feast continued, and the Empress Dauanmu Qing began to select some girls, one by one and asked them to leave. They all left in a rush, embarrassed.

Gu Hua lazily sampled the royal snacks as the palace maids and eunuchs shuttled back and forth, constantly replacing them with new desserts.

An Haden sat by Gu Hua's side, a light smile on his face as he said: "You've dealt a great hand, however now Gu Panpan's really wretched."

Following An Haden's line of sight, she noticed Gu Panpan encompassed by a group of girls. Even with the distance, she could still hear their sarcastic words.

"You feel sorry for her?" Gu Hua asked.

She couldn't feel that Gu Panpan was wretched. The sarcastic and mocking comments were only her first taste.

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But the real Gu Hua had lived in such an environment her entire life.

Even though Gu Panpan's is disfigured now, the General Household had never made her suffer. But for Gu Hua?

Never full, always hungry, and even a servant could come and bully her as they pleased. In comparison, even now Gu Panpan was already treated far better than her.

An Haden shook his head, "No, I don't feel sorry for her. I just think you went too easy on her, she deserves much more than this."

Gu Hua's eyes flashed, shocked. She had thought everyone would feel bad of Gu Panpan, but why did this weirdo think differently?

"Whoever dares to bully my Wifey deserves to die, "An Haden said with a serious look in his eyes.

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Gu Hua's face stiffened. This was the first time she had seen An Haden so serious. Not knowing what else to do, Gu Hua could only fake calmness as she watched the show, pretending nothing happened, eating her grapes.

"Wifey, are the grapes really that tasty?" An Haden asked with a smile.

Gu Hua glanced at the plate. She had already eaten all the grapes, and her hand had just been reaching for thin air.

"Very tasty." Gu Hua could only continue to act calm.

An Haden grinned and pushed his own platter of grapes to Gu Hua, "Since you like it, eat some more."

Gu Hua stared at An Haden before continuing to eat the grapes. In fact, these grapes were actually really good.

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It's only that the two didn't notice it. When An Haden and Gu Hua's interactions, reached some people's eyes, became 'the man is full of feeling and the woman is full of desire.

Volcano of jealousy once again exploded.

Most women were looking at Gu Hua, with jealousy and hatred. If looks could kill, she would have been a ghost right now.

As everyone was focused on Gu Hua and An Haden, no one noticed the change in Su Wanjing's facial expression.

How could it be him?

This man was the man who had saved her once when she was heavily injured. The man she had given her heart, the man who she was dreaming to be with since long ago.

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At first, she had thought that this was an illusion how can he be here but now, she realised the man from her dreams was sitting right in front of her in the flesh. However, from the beginning till the end, he had not looked at her even once and even acted cute and protective towards other women.

Her jealousy was like a hand which vehemently squeezed Su Wanjing's heart, urging her to go up to him and tell him that she was the destined one.

Nonetheless, she was the daughter of the Prime Minister of this country, the discipline of Weapon Refining Sect after all so she suppressed the urge, no matter how much it ate at her.

She took a deep breath and composed herself, "I must get His Highness Che."

She had loved him for so long also that Gu Hua was like a piece of dirt in front of her, Gu Hua didn't deserve him only she does and that just proves that they were destined to be together. So, in the end, His Highness Che can only belong to her. As for the others, they were merely cannon fodder along the way so they wouldn't be around for too long, their only purpose was to enhance their feelings.

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