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The next day, at the break of dawn, Gu Hua did not leave the cave.

After applying the medicine last night, the terrible pain from yesterday had gotten somewhat better.

Even though it was still a little sore, it was something she could easily bear with.

Sitting crossed-legged inside the cave, Gu Hua took out the box containing purple spirit pill that Kitkat had given her.

The Purple Spirit Pill is a high-level spiritual pill. These pills were extremely useful to low levelled cultivators. Compared with cultivation pills, the quality was far better.

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The Purple Spirit Pills's ingredients were very precious. That's why Purple Spirit Pills were treated like a treasure in Longxia Continent. Even the royal family have only two Purple Spirit Pills in their treasury.

A single Purple Spirit Pill was enough to allow someone at the fourth grade Spirit Warrior to directly breakthrough to the fifth grade Spirit Warrior. They could become an expert in one fell swoop.

If it was a normal person, a single Purple Spirit Pill would be enough to bring them from the first grade Spirit Warrior to the third grade Spirit Warrior. It would save them at least ten years of cultivation.
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It had to be known that Spirit Masters are categorized into various grades, the grades in the sequence are namely: Spirit Warrior, Spirit Lord, Great Spirit Master, Spirit King, Spirit Overlord, Spirit Saint and Spirit Paragon and legends told of another realm beyond the Spirit Overload. While those at the first grade Spirit Lord and above were considered experts here in Longxia Continent.

Without the slightest hesitation, Gu Hua took out a Purple Spirit Pill and swallowed it before closing her eyes, entering a state of cultivation.

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When a Purple Spirit Pill entered her mouth, gentle spiritual energy suddenly filled her mouth.

Gu Hua could feel the spiritual energy coming from the pill cycling around her body once and finally entering into her dantian's spiritual ocean.

Sou! It was like the giant spiritual energy had met a black hole and completely disappeared from her dantian.

When the power stored inside a pill is consumed, one would usually enter a state of cultivation to fully maximise the pill's benefits. Very few cultivators could completely absorb all of the pill's power almost instantaneously.

During cultivation Gu Hua tries to feel the spiritual energy around, she wants to see which element she has. Initially, she did not feel a single thing. But after some time, she seemed to have felt something unidentifiable swirling around her. It was not until nightfall that she was finally able to properly sense those things as multi-coloured specks of light.

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Gu Hua opened her eyes and broke her meditative trance, feeling rather puzzled in her mind.

"That's strange"

She did not understand why the specks of light she had sensed came in a variety of colours. It was widely known that people were normally able to master only one singular colour of lights means only one element and those who can master two elements are already genius. Then how she is able to see seven different colours?

While she pondering about it. Kitkat came in front of her and started to jump while smiling

attracting Gu Hua's attention towards him.

"Congratulations Master you have a perfect prism."

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"Perfect prism? How can I have a perfect prism? Isn't a person is supposed to have at most three elements?"

"Master you own is a gift that is only given to someone once in a million years. While ordinary people can only master one element, you can master seven elements including fire, water, wood, earth, metal, darkness and light. These elements are represented by seven different colours red, blue, green, brown, gold, black and white respectively. The elements cultivation method is also very simple, for example during cultivation, if you absorb red coloured specks of light then your fire attribute will become strong and you will be able to break through it. Usually, the colour of light that one is able to sense and detect would mean the type of powers that person would be able to train and cultivate." KitKat explained.

"So that's how it works." Gu Hua nodded her head to show she understood.

After understanding everything Gu Hua once again started to cultivate.

This time she had thrown two Purple Spirit Pills into her mouth. The spiritual energy began to cycle, but it was once again swallowed by her dantian's spiritual sea.

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