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Gu Hua could not be bothered to reprimand Lin Biao who was happy and instead looked towards An Haden and said "This is a kind of medicinal pill can help a martial artist fight any type of toxin but since I didn't have all the necessary ingredients, this medical pill has a drawback and it is that medical pill will only be effective for one hour. Which means that we have only one hour to find the mysterious beast." After explaining the drawback of detoxification medical pill Gu Hua fished out a bottle of medicinal pills and handed them to everyone.

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The toxins in the white fog were slightly different, all poisons were somewhat similar in nature. She had already researched it before for a long time. Although she had full confidence in her medical skills. But still, to be on the safe side she decided to test it out.

Gu Hua lifted her head to look at everyone. "Although I am very confident about my Detoxification medical pills, still to be on the safe side it's best if someone amongst us goes in and tries it out." Lan Ren quickly stepped forward. "Young Master, let this subordinate try it."

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Gu Hua nodded her head and told him to eat a detoxification medical pill before stepping inside the white fog. The amount of time that Lan Ren stayed in was rather long, so it was about half an hour before he rejoined them. The moment that he came out of the white fog, the ordinarily calm Ln Ren now had a face full of smiles as he walked up to Gu Hua and said respectfully, "Young Mis… Master your medical knowledge has really reached perfection."

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Gu Hua nodded slightly towards Lan Ren "Although this method can solve a part of the problem, I feel that finding a mysterious beast inside this dense white fog won't be that simple. Furthermore, I don't know how much land the white fog covers. If we were to stay in it for more than one hour and were unable to come out, then it's better if you take another medical pill before the effect of the previous pill wears out. The Lan Ren and Lin Biao each held a bottle of medical pills with an amazed expression, not doubting her words in the slightest.

As for An Haden, he had always believed in her ability so there was no amazed expression just a graceful and charming smile, his dark, bottomless eyes filled with trust. While Gu Hua and An Haden were planning their next step, the cultivators around them were looking at Lan Ren as if they had seen a ghost.

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So far, no one knows how many cultivators had tried to enter, but not even a single one came out. All they could think of was that this person was able to come back alive, didn't that mean that young boy was successful in preparing a Detoxification medical against the white fog? Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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