Not long after Gu Hua's group entered the white fog, Gu Hua and An Haden got separated from Lin Biao and Lan Ren because of dense white fog. 

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"Wifey, this is the first time you're holding my hand."An Haden said happily and smiled, staring at Gu Hua beside him.

Listening to this, Gu Hua's face turned red, shouldn't this guy be worrying about mysterious beast right now? Why was he worried about this issue?She did not know where the courage to hold An Haden's hand came from. At this moment, the two people were alone, and the atmosphere was somewhat embarrassing.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Thinking of this, Gu Hua intended to leave the hand of An Haden.However, An Haden seemed to have already guessed Gu Hua's intention, and held onto Gu Hua's hand tighter, not giving her a chance to escape.

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"Since you have taken my hand, you can't let go." The eyes of An Haden were filled with smiles, but the deep wells of darkness were full of seriousness.Gu Hua looked up and looked at An Haden, her mouth suddenly raising in a smile.

Unlike their relationship before in the Longyan  Kingdom, she suddenly felt their relationship had been greatly improved during this trip.Now, she was not so cold to him. 

"Let's go," Gu Hua smiled lightly.An Haden felt his heart squeeze, and the arc of his mouth gradually expanded, exuding sincere joy.

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"Good."As Gu Hua and An Haden gradually walked deeper into the white fog. Gu Hua found that the depth of the white fog was nothing like she had expected it to be.

Gu Hua had expected that depth of white fog would have many dangerous spirit beasts but there was none.The two sped up since they had discovered that there was no other danger inside the white fog other than the poisonous fog.

Going at full speed, the progress of the two was very fast."Master, I can hear many different heartbeats from the direction we are heading in, I think we are heading in the right direction. These Spirit Beasts must have been guarding the mysterious beast" Kitkat said from inside the space.

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"This sound of heartbeats is coming from the centre of the white fog?""Yes," Kitkat assured.

Seeing that Kitkat was so sure, her speed could not help but slow down. The closer they got to the centre, the more careful they needed to be.After all, nobody knows what was waiting for them inside, and it was very likely that they would be attacked by some Spirit Beasts as soon as they entered.

"Aaaa!"A loud roar came. The spirit beasts had obviously felt the closeness of the two of them. The shriek reflected their obvious restlessness.

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An Haden and Gu Hua looked at each other, eyes full of seriousness."Master, the beasts in the centre of the white fog are no ordinary Spirit Beasts but the Guardian Beast I had discovered this when I felt their aura and since there are many Guardian Beasts in the centre of the white fog the whole situation had become quite dangerous so you have to be careful when you are dealing with them." KitKat spoke up slowly.

"Guardian Beast?" Gu Hua's brows rose slightly. " These Guardian Beasts must have been guarding the mysterious beast since she is pregnant and is going to give birth soon."Experiencing such a situation, Gu Hua was now more and more sure that this mysterious beast is some powerful ancient beast.

Every ancient beast has its own guardian beasts, and they all have only one purpose and that is to protect the ancient beast since ancient times.

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