Li Xing cackles bitterly as he looks down on his blistered hands. He can’t work unless he heals with the beads again. Five hours passes before the owner of Fortune Restaurant comes to inspect.

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The owner doesn’t care about Li Xing; he only cares about if the work that’s been done. He is a cunning businessman; He wants to make sure each of his hired hand can perform up to standards.

Li Xing bows slightly. “Hello, sir.”

The owner glances over the piles of chopped firewood and the empty vats remaining. He nods and pronounces, “You are slow, but work hard. Very well. You can stay… for 15 coppers a day.”

Fifteen a day is 450 a month, 50 coppers less than the agreed amount. But Li Xing said nothing. There is nothing he can do in this situation.

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The owner walks around once more and left, obviously satisfied. Li Xing can’t help thinking that humans will always be greedy, no matter where they are.

Li Xing heals up again with his bead and finishes filling the vats. When he’s done, he doesn’t leave immediately, but goes to a hidden corner and starts practicing blood.

There are 5 dermal meridians left that he has to breach: both palms, both soles, and a spot on his back. If his blood essence cannot reach these places, he can’t continue with blood practicing.

Blood Power Level 1 is a prerequisite for Level 2. Level 1 hardens his skins, and Level 2 strengthens his muscles. He must progress from without to within.

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“If I can’t make a breakthrough this time, it probably means that I don’t have it in me. I might have to find another way.” Li Xing enters his focus and start to move the blood essence within his body.

His skin swells and turns to red. His blood essence passes through a maze of dermal meridians and spreads in all directions.

A sliver of blood essence reaches his palms. To his astonishment, he pushes through the palm meridians quite easily. It has never been like this. Why is it so easy now?

Without hesitation Li Xing moves his blood essence and breaches through his podiatric and spinal meridians. When all the meridians in his body are opened up, he feels light and filled with power.

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Now he can concentrate his blood essence wherever he wishes at the slightest whim, forming a defensive field. Li Xing focuses his blood essence on his right hand, which swells up and turns red.

“The Book of Ultimate Blood said that if you can move your blood essence around as you wish, you have completed Level 1. I’ve done it now!” Li Xing gets very excited. He sees a piece of wood as thick as his arm, and karate chops it with his bare hands!


The wood splits in half. Li Xing feels the impact, but not the pain, like punching a bag with gloves.

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“I’ve done it! Blood Practicing Level 1!” Li Xing lets his blood essence dissipate. His hand goes back to their normal color again.

“Why did this happen?” he can’t help but wonder.

“The previous Li Xing wasn’t able to practice blood, but I can. Those 5 blocked spots are now easily breached. How did such a drastic change happen?”

Li Xing thinks hard about it. The bead has saved him twice, and just now it heals his hands. Could it be that all these changes happened… because of that bead?

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