But Li Ziran does not react as if he did not hear what Li Xing just said.

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Li Xing picks up the guard liquor bottle from the table and shakes it, only to find it is empty.

He cannot help but speak with a slow and deriding tone, “Alcohol intoxicates people. Father, you have been drinking all these years and you are drunk every day, but have you really forgotten your misery?”

“A drunken person will always be stuck in his dream. But eventually he needs to sober up and face reality!” Li Xing smashes the bottle on the bamboo table.


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The bottle breaks into small pieces and is tossed to the floor.

Li Ziran seems to be woken up by the sound. He slowly opens his eyes. Still intoxicated, he looks at Li Xing with a confused look, as if he is wondering, “Why did you break my liquor bottle?”

“Zhang Zhong died.” Li Xing continues without emotion, “The man who served you for more than 10 years has been beaten to death. Ten days ago I slit my wrist and tried to kill myself, but I didn’t die. Do you know all this, Father?”

Li Ziran closes his eyes, about to drift into sleep again.

Rage flares in Li Xing’s eyes like flames. He says slowly, “Li Ziran, you are spineless. I despise you!” A sneer comes to his face. He reaches to Li Ziran’s arm and pulls out two books.

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Both books are thread-bound and very old, with one titled The Book of Ultimate Blood and the other The Book of Ultimate Martial Art. Li Xing remembers his father has had the two books on him for a long time.

Since Li Xing used to fail at the basic blood listening all the time, there was no way he would be qualified to practice the skills in these two books.

He recalls Zhang Zhong told him that these were the exact books that had helped Li Ziran make all the breakthroughs in his practice. The method of blood practicing can vary from person to person, and different methods usually lead to different results. By practicing The Book of Ultimate Blood, one can maximize the force of his blood power. And it is because of the thundering fighting power that the book was given this name.

With the books in his hand, Li Xing walks out of the bamboo building without looking back. Eager to return to practice, he no longer wants to waste another minute on Li Ziran.

Just when Li Xing turns his back, Li Ziran suddenly opens his eyes. Astonishingly, a sharp look is seen in his eyes, the kind of look that would make a person shudder and only befits someone with extremely high breath power.

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On his way back Li Xing runs into Li Hu who is rushing toward the bamboo building with two pieces of clothing in his arms. Li Hu is between 15 and 16 years old with rather heavy features, and he wasn’t a servant of the Purple Bamboo Garden until now.

Since Zhang Zhong died, he has been taking care of Li Ziran.

Seeing Li Xing, Li Hu smiles, “Young Master, you are back.”

Li Xing walks up to him, puts his hand on Li Hu’s shoulder, and says sincerely, “Thank you, Li Hu.”

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This few words make Li Hu fluster, who answers hurriedly, “You don’t have to thank me at all, Young Mater. One time when I was little, my mother was ill. You gave us money. Now you are in trouble; how could I stand by and do nothing?”

Li Xing nods his head, “Okay, I understand.” Without another word, Li turns his back and heads for the stone cottage.

Li Hu stares at Li Xing’s back and cannot help but feel confused, muttering, “That’s odd. Young Master Xing does not look like the person he used to be.”

Li Xing comes back to the stone cottage and finds there is already hot meal on the stone table. Xiaoxiu must have come by. The girl lost her father not long ago, so she is probably still in grief. But she already started looking after her Young Master.

“I must try harder even if it’s not for myself. How could I let the people around me suffer again?” With that firm look returning to his eyes, he shuts the door and starts practicing again.

Every chapter of The Book of Ultimate Blood is about blood practicing. Reading it makes Li Xing realize how foolish of his previous practicing method and how mistaken he was. No wonder he couldn’t locate his dermal meridians.

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