Gu Yan Hao furled his eyebrows and stared directly at her. “So, are you retaliating against me?”

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            Song Wu You raised her eyebrow and stared at him provocatively: “Can’t I?”

            Gu Yan Hao sneered: “Song Wu You, after your revenge on me, are you happy?”

            Song Wu You was stunned.

            Was she happy?

            She was not happy.

            However, she did not retaliate against him.

            As she thought of his coldness to her and his overbearing behavior, she wanted to tease him.

            She curled her lip and said indifferently: “Happy and very interested.”

            Gu Yan Hao was so angry with her. “Well, since you are happy when you take your revenge on me, then I will also do something that will make me happy!”

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            Song Wu You squinted her eyes, what would he do that would make him happy?

            He seemed to see the doubt in her heart. Gu Yan Hao smiled evilly: “Every night, I will make love with you.”

            Song Wu You knew how wild and mighty he is in bed. She glared at him: “You beast!”

            “Beauty is destined to be with the beast for a lifetime. Song Wu You, you are a beautiful woman.”

            Song Wu You was in a haze during these past few days, and now all became clear to her.

            However, she still didn’t want to give him face. She stood up and stared at him faintly. “I’ll wash up and go to work.”

            “I don’t even go to work. Why do you have to?” Gu Yan Hao grabbed her.

            “You are the boss, and no one will dare deduct your salary if you don’t go to work.”

            “You are the boss’ wife, and no one will dare deduct your salary.”

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            Gu Yan Hao pulled her into his arms. He sniffed her hair and his deep voice sounded with a hint of pleading, “Song Wu You, love me, okay?”

            As Song Wu You listened, her heart tightened.

            The other one said: “I will not let you divorce. I will tie you by my side throughout this lifetime.”


            “I can see that you still love me like before.”


            “Don’t shut your heart, okay? I suddenly want to live inside it.”


            “Wife, I was not good before. Forgive my previous ignorance and my previous childishness, okay?”

            Gu Yan Hao planned to coaxed her gently and do all those kind of things.

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            Song Wu You was surprised. She slightly raised her eyebrow and looked at him strangely.

            His dark eyes stared directly into her eyes.

            His eyes were full of unprecedented tenderness.

            Song Wu You moved her eyes downward.

            Song Wu You admit it. She admitted that she still loved him.

            The original host loved him to the point of madness. Since she had taken over her body and memories, she must represent her and love him well.

            “I admit to you. I apologize to you. You have to forgive me.”

            Song Wu You’s heart just softened when he suddenly said those words overbearingly.

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            Song Wu You said coldly: “You want me to forgive you? Do you think that a wounded heart is easy to heal?”

            Gu Yan Hao looked at her deeply: “How can we heal it faster?”

            Song Wu You sighed, “I will look at your performance in the future.”

            Gu Yan Hao hooked his lips: “I will be very good.”

            “You made me angry yesterday. You crumpled my painting.”

            “The painting?” Gu Yan Hao’s eyes blinked.

            “I put it away.” Song Wu You said.

            “Let’s put some glue, rim it and hang it in our bedroom.”            

“Don’t!” Song Wu You reacted. If that happened, she will have to remember her past life everyday as well as Dongfang Xuan.

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