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After waiting for the entire day that old hag decided to leave. I had to hide from her all this time.

Now I can finally have some dinner peacefully. After eating my food I decided to practice something that I may need after I start working.

My mentor was that clingy to his old master Zoru. He is so obsessed with my previous self. I mean she is not even that good that people might like her. She is plain irritating and her final wish is also damn.

[ Are you saying you can't possibly do your task?] asked zoru with contempt.

(What? who says? You are such a lolicon I am telling you. I can totally do it.)

[Then why are you thinking all these negative thoughts?] he asked again suspiciously.

(Why? You are asking me why? Let me tell you it is mostly because of you. I am here now but you are still hung on my previous self. It hurts.)

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I pretended to be sad. I hope it will help me to make him come to his senses. Although he is naggy and a silly kid but still he is mine and he can only think about me.

[oh! I am … who told you that I am willing to follow you so that means I accept you as my master. You don't need to feel bad]

I can totally see his pitiful appearance. Oh ! how I love his sweet cheeks turns red and fluffy. So soft. Stop it Xiu don't be too excited.

(Then promise me that from now on you will listen to me wholeheartedly.) I asked him in a sad voice. I am lovingly asking him but if he would show me some tantrums then he will see how evil I can be?

[Of course. I will listen to you only but you also have to promise that you would not make fun of your other half and my previous master.]

(WHAT? Ok. Ok! it's fine but technically she is me and I am her. So it won't matter actually .)

[Master behave normally someone is coming near you.]I come out from my trance and begin practicing again.

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After that, I turn around and at the same time the door opens and walks in Lu Jian, my dear hubby.

" Why are you here?"

" I can't come in." he raises his eyebrows on my silly question but still why is he here?

" I mean what do you want?" I ask him politely now.

"You are my wife I want to spend time with you," replied Lu Jian in his cold voice.

" But why? You used to ignore me. How come you are changing your colors now?" I ask him suspiciously. I have not even started and he is coming here on his own it is definitely suspicious.

After hearing her question Lu Jian was confused because it is for the first time he is taking initiative on his own and she is still not satisfied with him.

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Did she really change? Or is replaced by somebody in the hospital?

Now that she is being odd from her past self Lu Jian wanted to know her agenda and he decided it is better to observe her more closely now. Beside she much more interesting now.

"Since you don't want a divorce then let's start behaving like a married couple after all I need an heir for me so it does not matter if I want you or not." Lu Jian said while inching closer to her.

Zhen Xiu shuddered from his intensity after all she did have a sweet spot when near an extremely handsome guy. If she was in her own world she would have eaten him and be done with all the nonsense but now she has to play hard to get otherwise this hot bastard won't fall in love with her. Oh! this torture.

Zhen Xiu was in dilemma on how to respond to his slow seduction? She knew he was just giving her a bait but Lu Jian does not know that he is playing with fire which can easily burn him if he is not conscious enough.

Should I take up this delicious offer? Zhen Xiu was looking up and down and feasting on Lu Jian's body.

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[ Stop ogling him. Control yourself] zoru shrieked in her mind.

But Xiu just blinked her eyes in front of Lu Jian. ( Why? He is my husband you know? I can do whatever I want to do to him.)

Watching her lecherous smile both Zoru and Lu Jian shivered.

[ He is not your husband he is the husband of your other self.] zoru said in a pitiful voice which is hard to ignore but who is this evil princess? When wants to eat nothing matters.

( Same thing. Her husband means my husband. Either way, he is one hot meat. I don't care.)

Lu Jian was stunned to the point of no return as if he can hear her thoughts clearly and zoru was like she is truly evil. Who would say she came from the ancient world?

What ancient world? she is shameless. Truly shameless.

She can beat the women of this world just by her evil thinking.

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