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Well, this is sudden but this story is contracted by webnovel so I have to abruptly stop my hiatus in between. Since they are giving me this opportunity I have to show my sincerity. I am currently in the midst of giving exam and they will continue till 6 May 2019 but I will try to update daily from now on. My mind is clear now as I am out of my problem. It's all thanks to @arria cross. She is great and has helped me in overcoming the depression.

So enjoy the chapter.


Zhen Ying Yue and Feng Tian were instantly awake from their crazy excitement after Zhen Xiu warned them.

"She spoke just now." Mother Zhen frantically asked Feng Tian in hopes of confirming her eyes.

"I think so!" he whispered lightly.

He didn't want to cross his line by again disturbing the sleeping girl.

"Let's go outside and let her rest peacefully in here." Mother Zhen said and pulled Feng Tian out.

After coming outside they both breathed in relief and sat down on the sofa, far away from spirit chambers.

Mother Zhen still couldn't believe her eyes and repeatedly asked Feng Tian to assure her. It was great to see her daughter well. Mother Zhen was so happy that she even forgot about the revival of Feng Zhi.

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Just now her daughter called her a MOTHER.

This was great.


It had been a long time since her daughter called her mother otherwise after she has always called her Madam Zhen.

"You heard her. She called me, mother." Mother Zhen gleefully smiled in Feng Tian's direction. It was such a joyful moment for her.

Feng Tian was also affected by her happiness and grinned like a teenager. "Yeah! She did."

"Hush! We should be quiet. She might wake up again from her sleep." Mother Zhen warned him. She completely forgot that she was the one that started screaming first.

Feng Tian didn't mind her. In fact, he was happy to see her like this. She was finally happy and in return, he was happy for her. His life was worth it now.

He can now revive his brother back again and reunite him with his family.

What was more important than to redeem your mistake in the same life?

"Ying Yue, you should go and rest. I will start reviving Feng Zhi now."

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He didn't want to waste his time chatting here. Zhen Xiu was awake now so his next priority was to get his brother back.

"Oh! I should inform little Ya. You should rest too." Mother Zhen ordered him.

Feng Tian was helping her in reviving her husband back but it doesn't mean that she will use him like a cow for her own satisfaction. He needs a healthy body to live well. So, she wanted him to rest first and then start anything else for the time being.

Feng Tian instantly opposed this idea and wanted to start right away on Feng Zhi's revival.

"But…" He opposed as Zhen Ying Yue pushed him inside the vacant room near the spirit chambers without heeding his words.

"No! It's and but's. You need to rest first."

Mother Zhen threw him inside the room and shut the door in his face. After that, she made the necessary arrangement for shifting her daughter from the ancestral hall and informed Shen Ya about her awakening.


Shen Ya was delighted to hear this good news and wanted to immediately go there in hopes of meeting her best friend but Mother Zhen crushed her desire. She told her that they could meet Zhen Xiu a day after tomorrow.

"Why? I mean if she is good then I can come tomorrow and check her."

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Mother Zhen cut her in between without letting her complete her words. She knew that Shen Ya was close to her daughter and wanted to meet her as soon as possible but she as a mother also needed some time to spend with her daughter. So, she didn't want anybody to disturb her the next day while interacting with her daughter.

"I know but I too need some time to spend with Yue'er. She is my daughter. I know you guys are close with each other but I don't want anybody else in between us."

She clarified her thoughts regarding this. It was her selfish desire to monopolize her daughter for a single day before letting her go again until she makes her father realize the importance of her daughter in her life.

"Okay, I understand." Shen Ya agreed less enthusiastically. She knew the pain that her aunt had to suffer because of their separation. She was glad that Mother Zhen was actively trying to spend some time with Zhen Xiu.

This will surely make Zhen Xiu happy as she has always wanted her mother's time and presence.

Without thinking anything else to disturb Mother Zhen, Shen Ya reluctantly agreed.

"Fine, aunt. I will inform Lu Jian about this good news. He will be happy to hear this."


Mother Zhen ended the call and was in deep thoughts after she heard Lu Jian's name from Shen Ya's mouth. She could feel that it was different this time like Shen Ya has accepted his feelings for Zhen Xiu. There was no hate or annoyance in her voice while mentioning his name.

Mother Zhen was skeptical about him. Although she could see his feelings and love towards his daughter, his past actions against her daughter were too much for Mother Zhen to easily accept him.

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If it was before then she might have accepted him easily for her daughter but a man that can't even trust his own wife and protect her from his own family members was not something that she wanted in her son- in -law.

Her daughter deserved the best.

For a matter of fact, every girl deserves the best.

Judging from the past records of Lu Jian she was sure that he was nowhere near to being a good husband for any other girl.

She was not prejudiced against him because of her daughter but as a woman, she could not trust a man like him. She wanted someone similar to her late husband as her daughter's husband that was loving and caring for his family.

"What should I do?" She murmured in the silence of the night.

This was one of the most difficult decisions in her life. She didn't want her daughter to have a regretful life in the future.

Her Yue'er has already suffered enough in this cruel world and has already received much hate from her own family. Now that she was truly back in her body Mother Zhen was relieved as well as finally in peace.

She has always wanted to see her daughter happy and well and has sacrificed so much for her in the dark so that she would be safe but all her preparation has failed her in the past when she suddenly went in the coma.

That was a tough night for Mother Zhen. She had wanted to fly down and see her daughter but because of her father, Zhen Huang she could not go and only pray for her in the house miles away from her.

"Is he really a good choice for her?" She asked herself. Mother Zhen wanted to uproot all the problems for her daughter.


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