After her last talk with Shen Ya, Zhen Xiu decided to have a trial relationship with Lu Jian for both his and the lost Zhen Xiu's sake. She was not a clone but a girl with human feelings otherwise she would not be capable enough to leave her life for her love.

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At least, the evil princess was not able to do so. Before she misunderstood her and even thought that she was stupid to do all that for a person that didn't care about her but now she realized how bad her thinking was regarding her.

She was not stupid but a brave soul that gave her life for her love and even her conscious power to her- a girl she barely knew for the purpose.

The evil princess was once again surprised and bewildered as she realized the true meaning of love from her.

So, it was best if she tried and invested her feelings in this too for it to work. She would have a trial relationship with him for one year.

On the day of their departure, she tried speaking to her husband about their marriage and what she wanted to do from now on but he was hell-bent on ignoring her.

He was avoiding talking to her and was maintaining a distance whenever she tried bringing the matter to him.

Zhen Xiu was puzzled at this and wanted to confront him about it but Lu Jian was behaving like slimy fish and was able to avoid her.

She huffed around but could not able to catch him.

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He even decided to leave her with Shen Ya during their travel back.

She was irritated that he was avoiding her and it didn't suit her well. Although she encouraged herself it was because her beauty was showing a tantrum and she needed to let him do what he wanted for now but somewhere in her heart, there was a burning that wanted to burn her husband for avoiding her.

How dare he?

Shen Ya was perplexed about Lu Jian's behavior too. In the past, he would never allow them to go together as they might strengthen their bond just in case but now he was all generous.

There was something fishy!


"Did you feel that?" Shen Ya asked.

Zhen Xiu positively nodded. She needed somebody to vent her annoyance and her best friend was the best person to share her thoughts.

"You saw too. He is avoiding me."

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Shen Ya was thinking about this and had a sudden epiphany. "Well, was he there when we were discussing your change in the feelings?"

"No! How could it be? We were in the room and alone. He was at another side of the ancestral hall. It's not possible." Zhen Xiu denied.

"It can be then why do you think he is avoiding you?" Shen Ya questioned her silly friend again. She was once again behaving like a kid where she was depended on her for every other thing.

"Think about it. These past days, he was trying to please you and suddenly he is ignoring you." Shen Ya pointed out the obvious fact.

Zhen Xiu gave it a thought and smiled as if she has achieved a breakthrough in her cultivation.

Yes, it was possible.

She has seen her father's oops, that maniac's concubine doing this in front of him; they all tried to act smart but in truth they wanted to gain his favor.

Was her beauty doing all this for a favor?

Yes, he must be.

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From her memories, she knew Lu Jian was celibate so suddenly having a passionate desire and on top that the feeling of love for the other person was being hard on him. He was not able to control himself.

"I know it. He just wants my favor." She cheerfully told Shen Ya as if it was funny matter.

Shen Ya rolled her eyes at her enthusiasm. "Silly, everything is not funny. He might have heard us and might be avoiding you so that you guys still have a chance."

She was always thoughtful and confirmed anything on the basis of true facts. Her sixth sense was telling her that it was not that simple. Lu Jian has feelings for her best friend and a man like him would not give up on his feelings for a sudden problem. There must be something more to his reactions.

She was sure of it.

Zhen Xiu was not that difficult so didn't think much about Shen Ya's analysis. She was sure that her husband was throwing a tantrum. It made her happy and all that annoying feeling disappeared from her heart.

She didn't like the feeling and was grateful that she had cleared this soon. As for having a wrong guess, in this matter, she would have a heart to heart talk with him and then it will be cleared why her beauty was ignoring her.

Just like that she forgot all about this and enjoyed her car journey back to the capital.


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On the other hand, Lu Jian was worried about how to start their relationship once again. He was avoiding his wife.

It was true.

It was not because of the final ultimatum that she would leave him or doesn't love him anymore but because he was scared about losing her.

He could not live without her. When she was in the coma, he was most scared of her death. It was like a sword hanging in the air and would cut his throat any minute. The thought was enough to make him crazy that his beloved would die.

His feelings for her was sudden and he was also bewildered about that but the fear he felt when she was not with him and fighting death alone; he was sure that he could not live without her.

So he was scared of her final words. What if she decided to leave him because of her change in feelings. He was not prepared. He needed to think a plan that would not separate them and would give him a chance to prove his worth to her again.

He was avoiding her to make his brain work and avoid that feeling of fear. He didn't like the thought of losing her. He has to make her stay with him. He needed something.

An idea, a plan, a trial of something!
"Yes, what about a trial relationship? It would work fine. Yes! It's good." Lu Jian exclaimed.

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