Zhen Xiu finally arrived at the private place near the countryside along with Shen Ya. She was excited to see one more handsome man and make him a part of her harem. After all, who can ignore the temptation of beauties?

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She can't!

"Don't be scared. The principal is a jolly man only his face is as strict as a stone." Shen Ya comforted her friend.

She saw that Zhen Xiu was in a trance despite being elegantly dressed she was nervous about something. It was not that Zhen Xiu was nervous but Shen Ya could not see the visible excitement in her friend's eyes.

According to Shen Ya, only Lu Jian could excite her friend and Ouyang Ming even if he was Zhen Xiu's fiance in the past, she has never cared about him. So, the most important figure in their meeting was definitely Principal James Carter.

"Oh, I am not scared."

"If you say so…"

Zhen Xiu thought that her acting was truly up to the mark that she could even fool Shen Ya despite drooling over the new meat's presence. If all went well she would have a brand new member in her harem.

The first one was a cold beauty and the second will be the tsundere boy from the past suitors.

Zhen Xiu, the evil princess feels that her clone was really stupid when she fell for that block of ice. In reality, she was not criticizing her but she was simply pointing out the fact that she had choices but she avoided them.

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Ouyang Ming was a fine piece of meat if she would rate him.

He was no lower than Lu Jian in terms of power, beauty, and charisma. So, what had made her clone so hung up on that ice block?

Well, it was great that she was her to reap the benefits and not that fool that would have given her life away for her husband.

She knew that her husband, Lu Jian was not as annoying as he was in the past and was trying hard to repent upon his mistakes, she knew it must be hard for him.

It was never easy to change yourself entirely for anybody else.

It might be the love that could make people change their beliefs and purpose in their love but she was yet to fall in that chaos. She was still the princess from back then that had been named and called evil- a witch controlled by demons, a vermin that would eat his own place.

Forgetting her past was different but even if she understood Lu Jian's past behavior, she could not just change herself overnight. Besides, she was not really going to start anything with him other than a few groping and touching.

It should fine since everyone in this world did that to each other.

She could hide her lusty heads behind the etiquette followed in this world. It was relatively simpler and easier than her world. She didn't need much time to integrate herself into this modern society.

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The only thing that was difficult for her in this new world was the feeling of love for her husband and family.




These three words were something that she has never imagined that she could ever have them in her entire lifetime.

"I am nervous about meeting Ouyang Ming again."

Shen Ya was puzzled. "What?"

When did her friend become nervous about meeting that fiend? It was a bizarre feeling, for Shen Ya has never taken this in her consideration. It was simply baffling that Zhen Xiu' main concern was not Mr. James Carter- the great Principal of Royal Knight School but that ex-fiance, Ouyang Ming.

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"Wife! You were away from me just for a few hours and are already searching for new rats?"

A cold voice asked the question as if he wanted to crush the imaginary rats and freeze them in his icy-voice.

Zhen Xiu froze in her track and all her excitement came to an abrupt halt.

What was he doing here?

She still remembered their last conversation where he has demanded that he will be the only king of hers.

At that time, Zhen Xiu didn't take him seriously and completely forgot about his sweet threats but now that she has heard his cold voice and the frost for the word 'rat', she finally realized the seriousness of his warning.

It was not good to ignore the first beauty for a slice of new meat. She has to patiently gulp them both but for that first, this consort needs to be pleased.

"Umm… darling! What are you doing here?" Zhen Xiu gave him a brilliant smile to cover up her excuse. She knew it was a poor act on her part as Lu Jian didn't return her smile but instead had a predatory gaze all over her body confirming that her act was not working.

"Just catching my naughty wife in her mischief."

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Shen Ya rolled her eyes at their stupid antics and pointed her eyes at the main culprit as she knew that Zhen Xiu didn't say anything about this meeting to Lu Jian so it was clear that it was the gossip-queen 'Master Jiang' that has brought this cold man with him.

This normal dinner now might turn into some jungle fight.

Jiang Wui raised his hand in the air completely surrendering at her inquisition.

"My fault!" He completely accepted his deed without any words as it was truly his fault for bringing this man here and that too after he saw that the Iceman has turned into a green-eyed monster.

"I wanted to meet the dignified dean of the famous school. Can't I use my connection? After all, my sister-in-law would be lonely here attending this meeting so I brought her drake with me."

Shen Ya: "Whatever!"

Lu Jian embraced his wife tightly as he felt the softness in his arms, he was secure of his position. She was there with him and in his arms. He would deal with any other Tom, Dick, and Harry if she would always remain by his side and would accept him with her heart just like she did now.

She was here and within his reach.

He didn't want anything more than this, he has seen the affection in her eyes and was sure that she has not closed her heart for him. At least, not yet!

He was happy for now.

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