Jiang Wui was tired after placing Shen Ya on her bed. This entire journey was enough for him as the she-devil kept on cursing him and his nosey ideas.

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"Thank God!"

Shen Ya was finally asleep after making a ruckus in their way home. He has never seen this side of hers. She was free and energetic like a bird and normally she was always wrapped in a cold layer that was hard to break.

"Mmm… You nosey man!...Umm, I- I will throw you down. Come here!"

Shen Ya kept on calling him and complaining about his habits. He was such a jerk trying to sow discord between her and her dear Xiu.

How dare he?

She will beat him and clean his ugly face with her pretty rug. Yes! She should do this. It will teach him a lesson for coming in between them.

"JIANG WUI… YOU! MORON! COME HERE!" Shen Ya shrieked at him as he was trying to leave the room unscathed. Her inner demon was eyeing him with malice in his eyes and she has a crazed look on her face.

Jiang Wui was out of his wits when he saw her eyes targetted at him. She was scary when it came to Zhen Xiu.

These days his luck was so bad that he felt like hiding from his own luck. Like how he just wanted to see The James Carter and used a little ploy to take his brother with him but in turn, his brother was hurt because of that new man Ouyang Ming.

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This was his biggest mistake but then he has to make more mistake and fight with She-Devil with his sister-in-law. He was such a fool.

Who can win over these hardcore fools?

Shen Ya was not enough in her fangirling that now Lu Jian- his brother and the Dean of Royal Knight School were all rivaling each other for the great Zhen Xiu.

Sure enough, a lord was always lord!

His sister-in-law does not need anything to make others love her.

He was busy reminiscing about his mistakes when a pillow reached his face and messed his hair.

"She-Devil control yourself. You can take your friend away with you. I don't need her. I have my sister-in-law with me."

As soon as these words left his mouth Shen Ya roared on the bed and jumped on the ground. This scene could be hilarious for the far away bystander if they saw a drunkard acting like a lion but for Jiang Wui who was currently on the side of facing this monster all alone was scared stiff.

She was really scary while being drunk.

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He has to keep her in check from now on lest she would make a ruckus again after this. He vowed to clear all the alcoholic beverages from her apartment and from her vicinity because it was injurious to his health.

"What? You are leaving already! How can you give up on my Xiu." Shen Ya accused Jiang Wui angrily.

How dare this playboy reject her friend and go for any sister-in-law. Was she so good that he can drop Xiu for her?

How could this be? He must be lying. Shen Ya wondered and was even more ready for the battle. She must win as her friend was the best. How could she be left out by some girl out there? This Jiang Wui needed a lesson for his daring.

Shen Ya looked around for something that could hit this ugly bastard for choosing some other girl over her best friend.

She would let him know that no one could replace her best friend.

"You think that you are great because you have a sister in law." Shen Ya tilted her head in Jiang Wui's direction.

"I will teach you what happens when you eye my friend."

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Her dangerous voice was enough for frightening him while he was planning to leave this room in any way possible.

"My ancestor! I am sorry for coming in between you and your friend. I would never do that again. Please let me go." Jiang Wui pleaded.

"Why are you scared?" Shen Ya smirked. "Where is your courage now?"

She was satisfied to see the fear in his eyes. This was much better when he was not trying to belittle her friend. Her Xiu was such an angel and this rascal dared to covet her.

This serves him right.

"You accept that my friend is better than your sister in law?" She questioned.

Jiang Wui who was terrified just before breathed in relief when She-Devil diverted the question away from Zhen Xiu.

Now he had a chance to save himself from this monster of the hell.

"Yes! I do." Jiang Wui promise her solemnly. It was better to not agitate her. He was not a masochist. He was aware that she was not in control and could harm him if he said otherwise.

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"Better! Fine, since you are good then I will let you go. Out! Don't show me your ugly face again."

Jiang Wui thanked her for this mercy. He would never try to play games with them anymore if this would be the consequence of getting some good gossip and quenching his heart.

As he was leaving after closing her door and informing the housekeeper about Shen Ya's whereabouts, he saw a girl running towards the penthouse.

It was weird because the girl was going towards She-Devil's apartment.

Who in their right mind would go in front of Shen Ya while she was drunk? He would not. This girl was brave.

It was a mystery as he did not plan to go inside and check the result. He was better away from this penthouse where the owner could take his life away in her drinking stupor.

Jiang Wui's heart was screaming at him for leaving a juicy gossip behind him because of the fear of Shen Ya's maniac side just because she was merely drunk.

After all, it was not that serious because She-Devil was not a murderer that would kill him on the sight.

"Stop it! It's better to control yourself rather than putting oneself in a hole." He consoled his curious heart.

He could ask Shen Ya directly again tomorrow when she would be sober and while his biggest weapon-his sister in law would be with him to protect him from the terror called Shen Ya.

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