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Late at night, the bedroom was silent when Zhen Xiu woke up from her sleep. The left side was slightly cold and she immediately felt the absence of the warm body accompanying her throughout the day.

Her entire body was sore and she realized the power of provoking her husband Lu Jian. She thought that she could handle him just like she used to do before to those men that lay at her feet but she was thoroughly wrong this time after experiencing the true power of her husband.

Her dream of creating a haram was slowly reaching the negative mark as she could not even handle one Lu Jian then how can she manage more men?

Now she can only see them and not touch them as she wanted otherwise her poor body would not be able to tolerate it. Ah! What a poor life?!

"But where is he?"

Could it be that after having some fun he has reverted back to his original cold face?

Zhen Xiu woke up with a start as the horror of her imagination coming into reality frightened her. She didn't want to experience everything all over again. She has to find him again and trap him in her beauty. 

"Lu Jian!" 

Zhen Xiu shouted to get his attention but there was no sign of him. She changed her clothes and checked the bathroom but Lu Jian was not present there too.

"He must have gone out. What was so important?" She pouted in indignation. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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She went outside and heard loud boisterous laugh coming from the drawing-room. She could hear many other voices that were teasing Lu Jian and among them, there was one irritated voice of Ouyang Ming.

When did he arrive?

Zhen Xiu was surprised as she saw all of them partying in the room surrounding Lu Jian. Jiang Wui was even pretending to be her for them to make it realistic. 

It was quite a spectacle.

Grandpa Lu, her adopted father James, Jiang Wui and even Ouyang Ming, everyone was surrounding her husband and preventing him from coming out of their circle. 

Ouyang Ming: "Hey bastard! How dare you?"

Grandpa Lu hit him on his head as he grumbled, "Why? What's wrong? He can do whatever he wants to do with his wife. Where did this ex-fiance coming from? Butler Lu, throw him out. He is blocking the arrival of my great-grandkids. This rotten man!"

James Carter only laughed at the hilarious situation. Ouyang Ming was targeted by the other two men because of his irritation towards Lu Jian. 

In a long time, he could see a happy environment in his children's life. 

"Exactly! This bastard is jealous. Throw him out. I just want my hubby."

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Jiang Wui said in a sweetly coquettish voice pretending to be her which thoroughly cringed Zhen Xiu's romantic mood. 

"Shut up!" Ouyang Ming angrily pushed Jiang Wui away. "Why are you pretending to be her? A grown-ass man is behaving like a lovesick woman. Wait! Let me capture your drama on my phone then I will show it to Shen Ya or better yet I will upload it on the internet. You will gain a mass fan following."

The sly smile on his face was enough to scare the shit out of Jiang Wui. He froze on the spot and after a bit staggered towards Lu Jian. He was drunk thoroughly but his manly image getting ruined because of a mere teasing gave him a big shock, enough for him to sober his mind.

"Buddy! How could you do this to me? We are all brothers." 

He pitifully held Ouyang Ming's hand and slightly changed his tone. On the other hand, Lu Jian was disgusted because of this and made a puking sound to show his displeasure. 

Grandpa Lu could only laugh and raise his thumbs up for the initiative of Jiang Wui. Even in his drunken state, he was completely shamelessness and trying to exploit Ouyang Ming. 

Ouyang Ming gave him a hard look as he behaved like a little girl asking for candy. "En! We are brothers…" he pointed towards Lu Jian and himself, even though he didn't like this man who had snatched his cute little sister without doing anything  "...but you are a sister. Don't worry! Brother will make you famous."

His cunning laugh was truly telling him otherwise. 

"Uhh! No man! You can't! Please brother! I won't ever do this again. Trust me and my love for Shen Ya." Jiang Wui promised.

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Zhen Xiu had enough of them and their antics. They were simply laughing at her. It could not be tolerated.

"Hey! You guys! How can you do this to me?"

Her hands were on her waist and she was glaring at the men for creating a big ruckus just because of their consummation; she pointed at Jiang Wui and made a cutting sign on her neck. It was enough for Jiang Wui to know that she was about to kill him.

"Just you wait!" She pointed her fingers at him. "And you why are you cursing my husband nonstop? Tell me! Is something wrong in your head? Or are you in love with me that you can't tolerate him being near me?" She snarled at the drunk Ouyang Ming. 

Grandpa Lu and James quickly left the trio there and sat in their respective seats aside so as to avoid the fight.

The angry look on his granddaughter in law's face was scary and it frightened him that she will put all her anger on him for allowing these youngsters to mock her husband. He had heard that this granddaughter in law was petty and liked to keep a restraint on people that offends her.

So it was better to stay aside when these younger ones fight with each other.

It was nothing to do with them.

"Should we go out?" Suggested James Carter.

Grandpa Lu thought about it for a bit and agreed without taking too much time. "Sure! We should go out and take some fresh air."

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They quietly left the house in silence. 

Lu Jian raised his eyes at the proactive words of his wife. She was daring, way too daring, for asking other man such questions in front of him.

He didn't like associating her with any other men. His heart stings every time whenever she thinks about these things. He couldn't tolerate these thoughts of her that anyhow suggests that she won't be with him in the near future. 

Lu Jian could not bear these thoughts in his hearts that keeps on devouring him.

"Come here." 

Zhen Xiu turned towards him as his icy voice tinged with warmth reached her ears. 

"What? Why should I come? You can come to me." Her face tinged with red as she shyly averted his gaze.

In this life, she was feeling emotions that she had never felt before in her previous life. She was never shy like this in the past. Just now she could not meet his eyes in shame. 

What a day in her life!!!

"Besides what is wrong with you? Tell me!" She questioned Ouyang Ming.

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