Evil New Wife Seduces Hubby

Chapter 158: 158

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Zhen Xiu was now fine after having a large breakfast with her husband. All her problems and troubles went away after a big hearty meal. 

Although her dream was frightening she was able to let it go after her fear was over. More importantly, the dream was not about her, it was about that little boy and her guess was he was the little kid hidden by her mother in law.

So there was no need to fear that stupid illusion anymore. 

"Don't think too much about it." Lu Jian saw her sitting in a daze.

After that nightmare, Zhen  Xiu was behaving oddly. He was happy at first to see the love in her eyes again. It gave him hope for the future but he was also concerned about that dream of hers.

"What do you want to do? I will support you no matter what!" Lu Jian promised to help her battle this out.

Zhen Xiu knew it might be difficult for him as the matter was related to his mother's child and probably could be his stepbrother. It was a sensitive topic for him.

"Are you sure? I know my request is strange considering the relationship between you guys but you are the only one that I can trust. I am sorry. I have to go and see that boy otherwise I'll be plagued with that dream again and again."

Lu Jian didn't have any feelings for that boy and anything concerning his mother was also nothing in his heart. After so many disappointments, he didn't feel anything when Zhen Xiu told him about him having a stepbrother and the fact that his mother was cheating on his father.

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He felt nothing.

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. I apologize for my mother's mistake. I should have kept her in the limit from the beginning."

Zhen Xiu wrapped her arms around him as she needed his warmth to stabilize her heart.

Lu Jian could see her tense shoulder as she closed her eyes in his embrace. He didn't know why she was worried about his feelings regarding his mother? If it was before he could understand it but now after knowing the true face of his mother; he would be an idiot to still care about her and feel anything because of her decisions in life.

He tried being a good son but she was not a good mother. So she could not blame him if he did not respect her as his mother. 

"Hey! Don't stress yourself. I am really okay, alright."

Lu Jian pecked her nose as he tried to justify his feelings. 

Zhen Xiu was not convinced even after hearing his side as just a few weeks ago he was a man who needed his mother's love.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

How could he drastically change within a span of one month?

During which most of the time she was in a coma and was not able to corrupt his mind with her flowery words. It was difficult for her to believe his words.

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Lu Jian kissed her forcefully as she tried to cross-question his mind even after knowing everything. 

She must be retarded to think that he would still side with his mother. He could not do it even if he wanted to after knowing her grievances.

He was trying to make her understand his feelings through this tongue fight. She only knew this language the best.

His tongue licked her entire mouth as Zhen Xiu tried to fight for dominance. It was as if she has awakened her spirit to win this battle. 

Lu Jian was not satisfied with her intrusion and bit her tongue gently to stop fighting and let him play with her.

Zhen Xiu gripped his hair in return as she was not allowed to go unbridled. 

On the other hand, Lu Jian's hand reached inside her shirt as he found her peach blossoms and fondled them. 

If she could play wild then he could do too.

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It was the game of mind; who would succumb first?

Just as Zhen Xiu about to pick his little brother in her hands and give him a taste of his own medicine, the door of the bedroom creaked and Jiang Wui entered inside with a large grin on his face.

Soon his mouth closed and his eyes enlarged as big as the saucers he witnessed the adult show in- live.

Jiang Wui: "Fuck! You bastards!"

The sound alerted the heated couple as they came back to their senses in a flash. Zhen Xiu's face was as red as tomatoes whereas Lu Jian glared at Jiang Wui with his cold eyes.

However, Jiang Wui was not affected by his cold eyes as it was not his fault that they were doing all sorts of things without closing the door tightly.

"What? Not my fault. You called me here first so it's your fault that I could see the live show. Don't blame me! I understand thirty years of not eating meat will make you hungrier."

Jiang Wui's eyes full of sympathy irritated Lu Jian as he had an intention to beat his cousin badly for the first time and he responded harshly.  

"At least I am better than a so-called Playboy who has never kissed anyone in reality."

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Jiang Wui's smirk collapsed in an instant as the truth of his bachelor's life came in light. 

Zhen Xiu busted laughing as she heard Lu Jian's poisonous words.

Poor Jiang Wui!

"Ohhoho! Hahaha! I never knew!!! I must tell Shen Ya. She thinks you're some kind of a big stud but who knew that you are just a shy virgin boy pretending to be a playboy. Haha! Ugh! My stomach!"

Jiang Wui blushed in exasperation as he wanted to respond, they heard a surprised voice.

Shen Ya: "What?!"

Jiang Wui: "...."

Lu Jian: "..."

Zhen Xiu: " haha! What timing!!!"

Grandpa Lu: "Indeed! Bahaha! Aiyoo! I never knew! Jiang boy! I am impressed!

Zhen Xiu could not stop herself as she muttered, "Fake playboy!!!"

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