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"There was a tree. It bit me and almost sucked my blood completely, after that, I felt dizzy and a big disturbance in my space. It must be related to that tree."

Zhen Xiu told Lu Jian everything that she experienced while going inside the house. When she came to the part of that enormous tree, she gritted her teeth in anger and wanted to burn its branches and make it completely disappear from the end.

Lu Jian heard everything clearly and was in deep thoughts but the fact that he didn't see any kind of tree around her when he found her outside the orphanage door.

"What tree? I didn't say anything. You were just lying outside unconscious. There was no other suspicious thing around you except my stepbrother as you have guessed earlier." He told her in confusion.

"What stepbrother? I didn't see any child. Wait! Was the tree really your brother? Oh my God!!! That sly creature! He dared to call me mother after biting my hand." Zhen Xiu muttered without noticing Lu Jian's reaction that was changing again and again.

Lu Jian thought that his wife was losing her mind due to the accident as she was confusing the three-year-old child with the giant tree.

How was this possible in reality?

Maybe she saw all these things in her previous world but it does not mean that magical things like that exist in this world so it was hard for him to believe her theories.

"I think you got it wrong there was no tree but a little boy of three years old."

Zhen Xiu was bewildered. What three-year-old boy? It was a humongous tree.

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"No, I am talking about that tree only. Don't you get it that tree was behaving like a kid and you only saw a little boy, these two things are connected."

Zhen Xiu pointed out the obvious fact. After all, she only saw the tree and he only saw his brother, both of them had one similar characteristic and that was they were children.

It was simple.

Lu Jian considered for a while but was not convinced as he had never seen or heard something like this in his life before. "But…"

"No, buts…I am a hybrid. My clone died and I am living here. Can't your brother be a tree? Besides, last time it was your blood that healed me so it is confirmed that this child is a hybrid just like me. It's just that we didn't know that your mother was cheating with a tree." Zhen Xiu snapped at her husband who was not willing to believe the supernatural story behind his brother's birth. "Can't you see the facts?"

Lu Jian was troubled. His wife was right. If she was able to live and come back on this world then it was highly possible that his stepbrother was half tree and half-human.

"He is sleeping. You should meet him after he wakes up from his nap." Lu Jian told her the whereabouts of the little boy.

"The little devil is sleeping after tormenting me to death."

Zhen Xiu could not believe it.

Lu Jian thought about that milky little doll who was lying beside his wife on the road when he came out of the orphanage. 

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His clear innocent eyes softened Lu Jian's heart and he brought both of them back without thinking about anything else.

His mother was nowhere in sight. Lu Jian was baffled. How could his mother leave behind a little boy alone in that scary place even if he had some kind of powers?

The hateful feeling inside his heart was increasing every day and every moment whenever he heard about her evil deeds.

She was a monster.

He could not understand what was so important in her life that she was continuously disappointing him?

He could not understand her reasoning anymore even if given a chance.

"Stop blaming him. He is just a little boy." Lu Jian spoke for his stepbrother.

Contrary to what others think he did not hate his stepbrother; after all, he was not inhuman to dislike a child because of his mother.

She cheated and birthed him.

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It was not his fault.

Zhen Xiu grumbled as she knew Lu Jian was right. 

"I didn't see your mother anywhere. The place was too magical in your words but according to me everything was a mix up of external forces that should not be present in this world so my guess is…" Zhen Xiu stopped in between as she didn't know whether to tell him about her hypothesis or not as her guess was too bold.

Lu Jian didn't know why Zhen Xiu stopped in between but he wanted to hear her conjecture.

"Tell me. I can take it."

He knew it must be a sensitive topic for her to actually stop and think about it.

Zhen Xiu was still not courageous. "Are you sure? Would you really be able to take it? I mean, my guess is too bold."

"Try me." 

His cold voice was an assurance for her and she somehow got enough courage to tell him about her conclusions. 

"I think that the wild man who is the father of your brother is my grandfather." Zhen Xiu spoke in a whisper.

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Lu Jian was stunned at her analysis but he remembered that grandpa Zhen was not a normal human as his life was controlled by that evil man.

"What? Are you sure?" His darkened eyes were giving her shivers as the words stuck in her throat.

"I am not exactly sure but counting celestials in this world there are only three. My father, Feng Tian and the controlled Zhen Hong Tian. Besides Zhen Hong Tian is a madman. So he could really be the father."

Zhen Xiu knew her words were too extreme as she was saying all these things without any proof but she was sure he was the only one who could do this to Lu Qiqi.

Nevertheless, her strange behavior and hate for her was very odd and not at all normal. It was like she was forced to do all those things.

Zhen Xiu thought that her mother in law was listening to Shen Rui's order before but as secrets are unveiling before them, she could not be sure.

Shen Rui that fool was not capable enough to think all these grand plans.

So it was highly possible that her grandfather was ordering her mother in law to make her life hell because of the possession. Even if his corporal body died in her other world; there was still his mark in Zhen Hong Tian. Before that power is extracted from Grandpa Zhen he would continue to act crazy.


What a bothersome man?

Zhen Xiu shook her head in defeat as she counted the number of fools in her life.

Everything was messed up.

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