Evil New Wife Seduces Hubby

Chapter 170: 170

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The couple's late afternoon rendezvous was not a secret in the house as Zhen Xiu's loud screams had already warned the entire servant of their get together. 

Zhen Xiu was dead tired after the long sweet time moment with her husband and had no desire to do anything.

Two naked bodies tightly wrapped around each other were transmitting a soft vibe, completely different from their previous passionate encounter.

Lu Jian was refreshed and energized whereas Zhen Xiu was tired and sore. Her love for beautiful things mixed with her boldness was the result of her weak body.

In this world, she was extremely weak but still wanted to maintain her bold nature.

"Ah! I can't move my body." Zhen Xiu grumbled. 

Lu Jian quickly pecked her sweet cheeks as he found her grumpy attitude adorable. He laughed at his thoughts. Looks like anything related to her was enough to make him a lovesick fool.

"En, I will remember this the next time. "

Zhen Xiu rolled her pretty eyes at his cheeky words. "Next time? Don't even think about it."

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Lu Jian knew that it was her mind that was demanding this but her body wanted something else otherwise she would not actively participate in their passionate love. 

"Sure! Whatever you say."

Zhen Xiu could hear the laughing sound from his mouth that he was trying to hold back because of her comments. 

"You…" she punched him as he was making fun of her. Zhen Xiu didn't like it a bit.

As she wanted to extort her revenge from him for laughing at her tired body; the door opened of their bedroom and a little boy entered inside with soft steps.

He didn't find any abnormalities in between the couple as he went ahead near the bed. "Mother!!!"

His loud voice contrary to his soft face gave Zhen Xiu a scare as she quickly jumped away from Lu Jian and covered her body. She could not believe that this little bastard had the audacity to come uninvited and shout 'mother' in front of her.

Did he lose his nuts after biting her?

Or this was a psychological shadow left by Lu Qiqi?

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After all, which child could be sane if his mother was someone like Lu Qiqi that doesn't care about anything other than herself?

"I am not your mother." Zhen Xiu disagreed immediately as she didn't like the way the child called her his mom. It was too sweet and sincere. "Don't call me 'mother' ever again. Do you get it?"

From the beginning, the evil princess Xiu was afraid of only one thing in this world and that was sincere emotions. She could not handle this type of honest people when she was trashy herself while dealing with them.

The little boy pouted in disbelief as he heard her stoic response to his sweet callings. Why was his mother not accepting him?

Didn't that man said that whoever would give him her blood the first time will be his mother then why was this beautiful lady not accepting him?

Was he not good enough for her?

"WU...WU..WU…" The little boy started crying as he could not handle her words.

Lu Jian, who was wearing his pants was thankful that he was dressed otherwise what would be his impression left on this little guy? Besides, he believed that Zhen Xiu was being too harsh on him.

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"Ssh! Don't be hard on him. He is just a child."

Zhen Xiu snorted as she felt that the child was really smart to know which point to hit by crying tears of sadness. "He is a little devil in disguise." Zhen Xiu muttered silently.

The little boy heard her quiet muttering and cried even louder to show his dissatisfaction.


Lu Jian picked up the little guy from the floor and placed him in between them. The cold man was trying to persuade the little boy to stop crying.

It was difficult for him to handle a child as he never had to do something like this in the past.

"Don't cry. Aunt is joking with you." He carefully wiped the golden beans from his face as he tried to sweetly ask his name. "Didn't you said that you will tell your name after meeting aunt?"

The little boy nodded. "I did but she is not my aunt. She is my mother."

He repeatedly told Lu Jian that Zhen Xiu was his mother as he was told by that old man. Zhen Xiu was speechless at the little child's action.

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"I AM NOT YOUR MOTHER." She shouted in anger. "Stop crying otherwise I will throw you out. Do you get that crybaby?" Zhen Xiu threatened him with her eyes hoping to scare him into believing her words.

Lu Jian could not believe that his innocent wife was being so harsh on a little boy whom she had wanted to meet so badly before the accident. 

Why was her reaction so different from the past?

Was it because the boy called her mother?

Or was it because of the things he did to her in that dimensional world? But they were not even sure that he was the same child as the tree so why was she being so harsh on him?

Lu Jian sternly warned Zhen Xiu. "It's enough. He is just a child."

"So what? We should not just agree to everything he says just because he is a child. I am not his mother. Why can't I say this?" Zhen Xiu completely disagreed with Lu Jian's words as she didn't want to play with this boy's feelings when he will come to know the truth.

Besides, they should focus more on the point that why was this little guy calling her mother? No! Why did he believe that she was his mother? They need to find this matter out before doing anything.

The little guy was silent after the outburst from Zhen Xiu as he snuggled in Lu Jian's arms. He didn't understand why his mother was so angry but he understood one thing from all this talk that his mother has no idea about him.

"Mother, I will tell you about everything. Please, don't be mad."

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