Lu Jian realized his shortcomings after having that long chat with her. His mind was clear now and he was even more energetic to perform his best to show his wife his capabilities. 

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With the influence of Lujia and his own power, he could easily find anyone in the world within forty-eight hours. This much time would be needed if the person was hidden deeply and if this was not the case then he would be able to find them within twelve hours. It was this easy for him.

Without wasting his time he ordered his right-hand man Russell to search for his mother and Zhen Hong Tian, he also ordered him to do a deep background check on them to clear every suspicion. 

Russell was sulking after receiving this new order as it meant that he has to leave again in order to find about them. For him, Lu Jian's security was utmost but recently he was being used as an errand boy, he was dissatisfied and didn't have enough words to complain.

Lu Jian saw the forlorn look on his right-hand man and knew what was going in his mind but it was more necessary to know the current whereabouts of those two maniacs who were hell-bent on destroying his family's peace and harmony.

It was difficult for him and more so for his family who cared about his mother. He was emotionally not well even if he didn't show anything on the surface. She was his mother after all; he could not be that heartless otherwise he would not be a human but for the safety of his family, he has to be ruthless. It was not only because of his wife Zhen Xiu that he wanted to solve this problem. There was his father too.

"You need to be discreet."

Russell nodded and bid his farewell. Although he was not informed much about this issue he also knew it was a grave matter just from his employer's face.

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Lu Jian sighed. 

It was better to leave all these magical things to his wife. He should just provide emotional support to the family. Being a man doesn't mean always responsible for heavy and difficult work.


Zhen Xiu was busy thinking about everything that happened to her after coming into this world. The sudden meeting with the spiritual tree brought back her memories from the past. She told Lu Jian that she would handle everything but would she be able to do it?

It was not her distrust but caution against fate.

Everything from her birth, meeting Zoru, her mother's life, the doctor who got fucked by life, her previous life in the dimension, and Lu Jian. These things were so natural that if one thought about it there blood would boil for all the injustice that was happening in this world.

Life is cruel but why?

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As far as she remembered, she has never done bad things prior to her eighteenth birthday but life was cruel and ruthless and at last, when she could take her revenge that scumbag apologized for the things he did. Like a single apology was all that could excuse his wrongdoings and her sufferings.

What about her father?

He became Zoru, a little primordial existence waiting for his daughter and living his remaining life as a spirit. It was all for naught.

Her grandfather was heartless towards her mother but she still didn't oppose him and still wanted to be filial. What a joke?

You can't live your life normally and still want love and yearning of family.

Was this the reason that her clone, duplicate identity, or whatever she was, died for love?

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Zhen Xiu doesn't have any bad feelings for Lu Jian and nor for her clone but everything after analyzing so far seems rubbish. They all were puppets playing in the hands of the unknown and invisible fate.



"Is love everything when you can't live your life safely? Wasn't I also like them? Yearning for that bastard's acceptance?" Zhen Xiu sneered at herself.

It was so easy to criticize others then what about her; she was also like them- a fool!

"What was I thinking? Giving up on revenge and living a happy life. Accepting THat Zhen Hong Tian just because he is my grandfather, the respectable father in her mother's eyes then what about the sacrifices of so many people these years, and what about my pain and tears in these years. I can't be virgin mary. I must avenge myself. I am no goody two shoes who will follow norms just because the offender is family. The eighteen years of suffering shall only end after killing that good for nothing man." Zhen Xiu vowed in her heart. 

She would not forget the pain after getting some sweetness in this world. She must find those scumbags before they cause any other harm but the problem was how can they escape so easily?

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There has to be a link in everything. How can Lu Qiqi run away easily and how can her trash grandfather keep everything under his control? How did he meet Lu Qiqi and what is the connection between them?

There seems to be a new mystery. She must find everything about this before rattling the snake. The arrival of Ouyang Ming was also sudden. He was nice to her but she can't help but be cautious of him. The best attack was to use a close person to kill your enemy and Zhen Hong Tian knows the character of Zhen Ming Yue and Zhen Xiu. He might use this strategy.

She must clear everything out before catching that lunatic from his hide.

Zhen Xiu decided to use the little tree for her; he can be a natural helper. After he sucked her energy and eating her food it was the last thing he could do before even thinking about mooching off from her.

"Little tree! Come here, sister wants to ask you something?" Zhen Xiu called out as she searched for the little boy who was watching cartoons on the T.V.

The little boy quickly jumped and ran towards her for some loving. He was really attached to her after absorbing her energy and she gave him warmth that could only be felt from his own mother. So he immediately rushed over.

"Yes, I can I help you?" He immediately asked.

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