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"What do you want me to do so that you can forgive me?" Lu Jian asked her earnestly. His silent cold voice was full of warmth.

"I would like to work. How about I become your personal assistant? It will calm my heart if I will be near you." Zhen Xiu told him flirtatiously.

Zhen Xiu knew every man likes to be important in the heart of the one they care for so she was giving him that sense of accomplishment.

Since it was not his entire fault that everything became like this so why should she be harsh on him? Besides, how could she dare to hurt her consort? Her heart would bleed to see the tears in his eyes.

[He is not a pathetic man who will cry and how many times should I tell you that he is not your consort? He is a powerful man. A king of his own world.]

(He can be the king consort. I am not stingy. Why are you being so nosy? Don't interrupt us.)

Zoru was speechless at his master. She was really not embarrassed to express her feelings. The previous master was a cry baby and this one is a naughty one. He really didn't know what to do at times like this.

On the other side, Lu Jian felt heat surging in his heart because of her sweet confession.


Again it was a simple reply but still, it made Zhen Xiu chuckle at this ice block of a man.

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"You are too cute. I really love your sweet words."

Zhen Xiu said and pecked his left cheek. "Why don't you take a shower? I will order the servants to make some lunch for us. Let's enjoy this day before going back to work."

Lu Jian nodded and went inside the bathroom.

Zhen Xiu went downstairs and ordered the head butler to cook their lunch.

"What would you like Madam?" his tone was respectful. After Lu Jian told them to bring her things in his room they knew that he has accepted this miss of unknown origin.

Although they wanted to follow Mother Lu's order Lu Jian is the main boss so how could they go against him?

"Old hag, are you gritting your teeth in anger? Well poor you." Zhen Xiu teased Butler Lu. He was a loyal servant that's why Lu Patriarch has rewarded his family with Lu name but this person has created too much trouble for her other half of the soul.

How could she forget him while giving every bastard responsible for the early demise of Zhen Xiu?

She was never a kind-hearted soul so she doesn't care if this old man was loyal and sincere to his master. Xiu knows one thing to be good to those who are good to you and first comes her then comes the world.

Butler Lu kept his calm and maintained his poker face. "Your skin is thick. Go prepare the things that Lu Jian likes."

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Butler Lu Nodded his head and was about to go. "And remember one more thing I am not like my previous self who will tolerate you just because you are the family's loyal servant. It is not because Lu Jian favors me. It is because I don't like people who are unnecessary arrogant. So, from now on if you like respect and prestige you better know how to behave and who is your real master?"

Butler Lu pondered for a while and then gave her a bow. "Yes, Madam. Thank you for giving me this chance."

This time the butler honestly thanked her and vowed in his heart to treat this mistress with utmost care.

It is true when you start respecting yourself people will start respecting you. This was the case happening now in Lu Mansion.

Before the original Zhen Xiu never cared about these small things and was humiliated again and again at every point but now that she is changed then the perspective of the servants also changed towards their mistress.

Zhen Xiu wanted these small things from the servants. She knew each drop a day fills the whole ocean and the ocean like Lujia can be handled when you have ample support and respect from these minor people.

Zhen Xiu has taken the responsibility to make the original the perfect wife of Lu Jian then she would accomplish in a well perfect manner. This will not be a simple seduction but also building a territory for herself.

Now she needs to seek her mother in law.

[That greedy woman only wants status and power.] Zoru commented.

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(Boy, tell me how should I contact my mother?) Xiu asked him. She wanted to amend the sour relationship between this mother and daughter pair. Also, this would be a key to solve that mother in law.

Zhen Xiu was stupid to not use this piece as her golden key.

[But why? She didn't like to interact with her and what you are thinking is taking advantage of her?] zoru said in a small voice.

(Why are you silly? You are also like that stupid ghost? ) Zhen Xiu told him while changing her clothes. She wanted to wear something comfortable and picked out a maxi dress for herself.

Zoru was blushing like crazy to see her behavior. He closed his eyes as soon as she removed her dress but Xiu didn't give him any mind. After all, he was just a celestial being and Zoru who thought himself as an adult was clueless about her thoughts.

Lu Jian came out of the bathroom and saw Zhen Xiu changing but instead of turning away he kept on ogling her.

Zhen Xiu saw him from the side but didn't react because she purposely chose this time because she wanted to evoke desire in him. It is the best way to capture a man's heart.

[How do you know? Is it not your first time in love?] zoru asked confused again at this master of his.

(Love? It is a complex feeling. I am never into this and neither is Lu Jian right now. You are a bit too naïve boy.)

"You are back. Let's go and eat our lunch." Zhen Xiu asked him with a smile.

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Lu Jian nodded but the desire in his eyes was still present.

(See this boy. This is how you attract your crush by giving him anticipation not by being clingy. You should have instructed my past self then I would not be needed here.) Zhen Xiu teased Zoru.

She was thankful that he had given her a new life but she can't stop teasing this chubby celestial. He is way too cute for her.

Zhen Xiu entwined their fingers and went to the dining table. They sat together and had a silent lunch. All the servants were busy and no one was there to disturb them.

"Mr. Lu, tell me about Shen Rui."

Lu Jian didn't like her distant tone and frowned in response but Zhen Xiu thought he was frowning because of Shen Rui.

"Don't call me that." Ice cold voice sounded in the already silent room.

Zhen Xiu made a face because of that and gave him a dark look.

"Why is your voice so cold? You will scare children away with this. Tell me about that vicious girl? Also stay away from her even when doing business. There is Shen Ya, her sister to do business." Zhen Xiu lectured. "Okay, darling."

Lu Jian finally felt nice and once again just like an obedient husband started eating. "I can't neglect business because of our personal feelings but since you want this I will do it for you." Lu Jian negotiated. "Since I am being so nice you should from now on always call me that."

Zhen Xiu finally understood the reason of the frown and pouted at her own stupidity.

[Sometimes you are too way ahead of yourself.] Zoru commented. He doesn't want to listen only sometimes he can also return the favor.

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