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"Lu Jian you were so cool right now." Zhen Xiu praised him.

She liked to fight her own battles but if someone is there to help you it would feel nice anyway.

"You are my wife and I have acknowledged you as such." Lu Jian told her with utmost sincerity.

Zhen Xiu didn't feel much of his confession as she was not the one that cared about being his wife. She knew Lu Jian was being good to her now but it doesn't matter now because the wife who needed his protection is nowhere.

"I will start managing things here so you don't need to be that caring." She told him. "I will check things with Jiang Wui and coordinate it."

Lu Jian wanted to stop her and spent time with her but he knew he had to give her some time.

Zhen Xiu knew the best way to take the revenge from Shen Rui and Mother Lu is being with Lu Jian but she wants to completely destroy them.

She went inside her new cabin. Jiang Wui was already present there with a sad face.

"Why so sad? It's not like I am stealing your job and you will be unemployed from here on. Just enjoy being a big shot." Zhen Xiu tried explaining him.

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[I think you are more teasing him than making him understand your viewpoint.]

(Shut up! You don't need to dissect everything I do.)

"You don't know a thing. You think being a C.E.O is that good then why don't you become one? With great power comes responsibility. Being a secretary is good for me."

"What is so bad about being on top? You can do everything and don't you know we have to give something before we get something." Zhen Xiu explained him her life views.

"Sister in law you are so good. You won't throw me out like this right. I am your brother Jiang." He buttered her sweetly. He didn't want to lose his leisure job.

"Okay, if that's what you want but you have to do something for me." Zhen Xiu proposed.

"Consider it done." Jiang Wui agreed without thinking.

"Listen to me first then agree. Once you are in then there is no way you can back out." Zhen Xiu said seriously.

Jiang Wui understood that it must be something related to her change. He was definitely curious and she didn't seem bad anymore.

"Don't worry unless you don't want me to kill someone then everything is fine for my leisure." Jiang Wui smiled.

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"Alright, it is settled then." Zhen Xiu gave him a mysterious smile and continued. "Find everything you can about Shen Rui. Everything related to her and behind the scene reports. I want to know everything about her and bring along solid proof."

Jiang Wui was already interested in this cool mission after all who doesn't hate Shen Rui and plus it would give him additional point to be in Shen Ya's good books.

But he could not help being curious that why would Zhen Xiu suddenly needs all the information about that dark witch. "Sister in law can I ask why are you going behind that dark witch's ass?

Shouldn't you be focusing on capturing Lu Jian's heart more?"

Zhen Xiu's face instantly darkened after this and she gives him a look to shut his mouth otherwise the calamity befalling on Shen Rui would fall him on first. She knew that she needs allies to take her revenge so she is just asking Jiang Wui otherwise her maternal family is more than a bomb that this Lu Family can tolerate.

[Are you sure you want to contact your mother?] Zoru asked perplexed.

(Of course, why wouldn't I use my biggest cheat in this world? Do I need this pesky Lujia for doing anything? Did you forget about the might of my mother and her aristocratic lineage? My old self was stupid to not use this factor but unlike her, I am quite sensible.]

Zhen Xiu shamelessly flattered herself on which Zoru could simply roll his eyes.

"Calm down my lovely sister in law. Don't be mad at this little brother."

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Zhen Xiu can't help but sulk after hearing sister in law repeatedly by this handsome man.

Does she look like a sister to him that he keeps on calling her this?

She likes to play with handsome males but can't tolerate if they feel anything towards her other than admiration.

[He is Lu Jian's brother. It is only proper to call you Sister in law why are being so lascivious?]

(Fuck you! You are sister in law. Your whole family is sister in law. You don't understand the heartfelt feelings of this princess.)

Zhen Xiu shed some tears for her poor heart but then came back to reality. "Don't call me sister in law. You can call me Xiu just like Shen Ya since we are a part of the same team." She profusely suggested.

Jiang Wui was dumbfounded at this because shouldn't she be feeling honored that he is addressing her in a proper way with full of respect that she deserved.

(Zoru boy don't even disturb me during my conversation with handsome males.)

"But, sister in law …"

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"I said call me Xiu and I don't like it when anyone calls me something else so please refrain from

talking nonsense and do something productive young master Jiang."

"Okay! Okay, my dear fire spirit I will call you Xiu from now on." Jiang Wui agreed.

"Deal. Now get lost I want to do my work."

She ushered him out and started managing her work. Although she was new in this but still knew what to do from her memories because Zhen Xiu was actually a studious girl. Beside Zoru was with her and she really liked this work way better than modeling since it would not reveal too much difference in her personality with the previous one.

Modeling? She could try it later on. What is the rush? First, she needs something to spice up her life. She laughed evilly at her thoughts.


[Are you auditioning for a ghost? It is giving me goosebumps.] Zoru shivered to hear her laughter.

(You don't even have a body but still behaving like high and mighty. Cut your crap. It is called special princess laugh which only evil fellows know, unlike those naive and innocent ladies.)

"What are you laughing about?"

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