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"What? You are pregnant, so soon. It was just two nights before I saw the two of you…" Jiang Wui opened his mouth like a fish. He could not believe this development. His eyes went towards Lu Jian's crotch and he was firmly staring at his soldier.

An-ice faced Lu Jian also felt some self- consciousness because of his heated stare. He knew that his wife was being naughty again but his brother was the one who was behaving overdramatically instead of him the main party.

Zhen Xiu saw the intense stare of Jiang Wui and red ears of Lu Jian and could not help but chuckle out loud.

"WAH!... Jiang Wui, you are amazing. Why didn't I meet you before?"

She can't help herself for praising this silly joker. If she met him in her previous world she would have adopted him as her son. He was such a hidden gem.

Lu Jian's eyes darkened. Why was his wife laughing at his idiotic words?

What does she mean by that he didn't meet her before?

He was jealous that now Zhen Xiu was overly interested in everyone except looks like he was her last priority. He hated the fact that he was such an indifferent maniac before.

"No, sister in law, my brother is amazing and his performance is way too excellent. This is a legendary one shot and one kill sperm. One night and you are with a child." Jiang Wui worshipped Lu Jian after this great news. "I am going to be an uncle. Yay! I am an uncle!"

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Zhen Xiu laughed. "Ha.Ha.Ha."

Lu Jian made a low guttural sound in the throat. "Shut up! She was just joking."

Zhen Xiu laughed heartily. "Ah! Darling let him enjoy. Don't poke on his happiness. Ha.Ha.Ha."

Jiang Wui shuddered as he heard Zhen Xiu's laugh. His back always felt cold after hearing this scary laugh. "Xiao Xi! Don't scare your brother in law like this; he is still young and unmarried."

Zhen Xiu continued laughing. She was not thinking anything other than expressing her emotions.

This man was way too hilarious.

Thank God! She didn't have any silly ideas on him

He is better off with Shen Ya.

"Lu Jian! Can you see the effect of my pregnancy?" Zhen Xiu asked smilingly.

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Lu Jian wanted to rebuke her for her naughty behavior but could not do so after watching her smiling so heartily and the twinkle in her eyes was making him dazed. He has never seen her laugh like this, carefree and free of burden.

He liked her smile and those twinkling peach blossom eyes of hers. The way her eyes watered while she was laughing was so beautiful that he wants to capture it and replay it again and again to satisfy his burning thirst for her.

He has promised himself that he will work their relationship slowly but her small little actions were turning him into some uncontrollable beast who didn't know any restraint.

"Naughty girl!" His ice-cold voice pampered her.

"Lu Jian, you are such a cold freak? You are going to be a father and you are still behaving like an ice man." Jiang Wui complained.

He personally was not fond of this icy behavior of his cousin brother and his she-devil but they both liked this very much so he has to remain silent every time but how could he still maintain his indifferent poker face?

Was he really a stone in his previous life?

"She is just joking. No need to be serious." Lu Jian gritted his teeth in annoyance at this stupid cousin who only knew how to keep on chatting unnecessarily.

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Zhen Xiu was enjoying their banter sitting on the back seat.

"This was a plan to bring grandpa out of his den." Zhen Xiu laughed at the little joker and pats his head lovingly like mother pampering a child; relieving her fantasies in reality.

Lu Jian was angry. Why was he not getting this treatment from his wife?

In front of Lu Jian, it was the scene of a beautiful girl caressing a handsome boy where the girl was lovingly looking at the man. His inner jealousy came again in full force but he controlled himself to not do anything excessive in front of them. These were his wife and his brother. His brother would never covert her and besides, he was in love with Shen Ya. He consoled himself but his actions were rather different from his thinking as he sped his car. Jiang Wui jerked in his seat and Zhen Xiu felt uncomfortable because of the sudden acceleration.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Wui screamed in panic.

Lu Jian controlled his driving and calmly replied as nothing happened. "Nothing,"

Zhen Xiu frowned. "Darling, were you overly excited now just like Master Jiang?"

She comforted him out of sympathy. She knew that he was a cold face jerk who treasured his words like gold so it must be difficult for him to convey his feeling like Jiang Wui.

She can understand his problem.

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Lu Jian squeezed out some words to stop that sympathetic look coming from Zhen Xiu. He can see that she was clearly comforting him because she thought he was suffering from something. This discovery made his heart bleed. Why was his little action looked so weird in front of her?

Was he really strange?

"Hand slipped."

Zhen Xiu nodded in understanding thinking her conclusions were right.

"You have got more insane?" Jiang Wui commented.

Lu Jian gave him a look clearly telling him that he can repeat the scene again if he said one more about him.

Jiang Wui gave him a sloppy smile and made an action of zipping his mouth.

"I was just joking. Eh!"

Zhen Xiu nodded and helped him. "Yeah! He is a joker. Don't mind him."

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