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Zhen Xiu was normal and nothing major happened. Lu Jian didn't know that his simple truthful confession was the reason for her terrible condition.

Shen Ya was simply angry at the attitude of Lu Jian. He was way too arrogant. He must have done something to her and now blaming the poor doctor.

Shen Ya was biased in her opinions as during the entire time Zhen Xiu was in the coma, the doctor was the only one aside from her who truly cared about Zhen Xiu.

There was no Lu Jian and not even Jiang Wui to look after her. She always wondered why he was so attentive towards Zhen Xiu and was even suspicious of his actions.

She has once asked him.

Why was he so good to Zhen Xiu?

The doctor simply told her that it was his job and every patient was important to him that was under his care. As a doctor, it was his duty to cure them and give them a free life.

Shen Ya didn't believe him at first but after she saw his meticulous work and passion towards treating his each and every patient, she knew he was a good man.

Hence if she has to choose who is good for Zhen Xiu, she will blindly choose Dr Feng Tian.

"She was stressed because of him." Shen Ya angrily pointed out at Lu Jian.

It was true that she was trying to get back at them just after waking from her long coma. If it were not them she would not be here in first place.

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Lu Jian chose to remain silent and accepted her allegations.

It was true that she was suffering because of him. If he was not stupid back then and has given her little importance as his wife; his mom would not do something like that to her.

Jiang Wui didn't like how Shen Ya was accusing his brother. Although he knew that his brother was little indifferent and careless towards Zhen Xiu but he never did something to harm her. He was not responsive toward her.

Besides, right now, they were trying to help her and avenge her grievances. Shen Ya should not blame Lu Jian when he is not at fault.

"It's not like this. She was normal and suddenly she collapsed like in five minutes." Jiang Wui told the doctor.

He narrated everything that can be helpful to the doctor in any way, skipping the revenge plan aside.

The doctor was giving him his full attention but nothing seems unusual from the story Jiang Wui told him.

"I guess we need to observe her more and see if she will have the same attack again." Feng Tian told them.

Li Wei was silently watching the entire scene from the corner. According to her, the doctor was being too nosey and Shen Ya and Lu Jian were over-reacting.

Zhen Xiu was fine and nothing seems wrong with her from the analysis of the doctor.

Why they were making a big fuss over nothing? She could not understand.

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Lu Jian was silently thinking about her expression before she collapsed on him.

How her face was in pain and she whimpered in pain?

The doctor says that nothing was wrong in her body and she was normal but deep down he was feeling that something was not right and she was not okay. Last time, also, she was suddenly unconscious and woke up the next day on her own but this time it was different.

Jiang Wui placed his hand on Lu Jian's shoulder and supported him. He knew his brother has started feeling for her. It was too clear from his forlorn and dead face.

"She will be good. Trust them, they are the best in the field. I heard about Dr. Feng Tian; he was the one responsible for Zhen Xiu's awakening. He is a good doctor." Jiang Wui slowly told him about everything he knew about the doctor from the secret reports.

Shen Ya thought that Lu Jian was heartless and always indifferent to Zhen Xiu but she didn't know that he has always kept on monitoring her.

He didn't show it but he has always tried to give her a comfortable life. Jiang Wui was responsible to look after good doctors for her and anything that was needed by them was arranged by him.

He did all this in secret because Lu Jian didn't want him to disclose it to anyone out so that she will be able to get her treatment safely in the hospital.

"She is in good hands."

Shen Ya was also worried about Zhen Xiu but her hate towards Lu Jian was stopping her from asking him anything about what happened prior to this.

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She didn't want to waste her single breath on that jerk who was responsible for all the bad luck in her best friend's life.

Feng Tian gave Shen Ya, the last look and went on his way.

The atmosphere surrounding the four people was terrible that even hospital staffs were avoiding going near them.

Li Wei was not feeling good because of all the sadness emitting from them. It reminded her of bad feelings and her problematic past that she was desperately trying to forget in her life.

As promised to Jiang Wui, she stayed there to help him but it looks like that she needed help from a doctor now.

She hated hospitals and families.

"Guys!" Li Wei suddenly broke the silence. "She is fine. You need to give out positive vibes rather than all these negative emotions for her good health. She is not dead that you are mourning for her."

Li Wei bluntly spoke about the things which were in her mind.

She didn't care about anybody and how they felt at the moment. All their sad and gloomy vibe was making her sick and the problem about Zhen Xiu was not clear yet; so they need to think about solutions and not behave like she is dead at the moment.

Lu Jian and Shen Ya both emitted cold aura after they heard the word 'dead' and wanted to rebuff Li Wei about her careless words.

Jiang Wui was astonished at Li Wei's guts. She was too daring for her own good. Even he never tried to go beyond Lu Jian's and Shen Ya's bottom line.

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"Am I wrong?" Li Wei asked Shen Ya directly.

She was worried about her friend, fine, that's good but it doesn't mean she will have to blame everyone around Zhen Xiu just because they were with her while she lost her consciousness.

It was not their fault.

She needs to stop this childishness.

"How could you say this about her when she is still alive?" Shen Ya coldly asked her.

Li Wei raised her eyebrows in challenge. "Exactly."

"She is still alive so think about why she is suffering from these strange attacks rather than attacking Mr. Lu and Assistant Jiang. You should find something that is helpful for her."

Li Wei pointed out the obvious which was not so obvious in their mind a few moments before.

Jiang Wui wanted to applause and sing praises for this woman. She was simply amazing in changing the situations. Her bluntness and bold aura were just too amazing. He was officially her fan from now on.

"Yeah, we should think ways to help Xiu. Poor her! She is all alone in there. We are her only family." Jiang Wui pitifully said.

After all, he didn't know about Zhen Xiu's history. He only knew that she was an orphan from the countryside and was lucky enough to be in good books of grandpa Lu.

Lu Jian was also not aware of her special background and agreed with Jiang Wui.

"Yes, let me find her previous medical records from her birth. I should ask grandpa and contact the orphanage to get her medical records." Lu Jian informed them about his plans and left to arrange the records.

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