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Shen Ya froze instantly as she saw Shen Rui coming her way. This was one of the worst days of her life. One after another, trouble keeps on popping up. She was already tired from her previous fight with Jiang Wui and now this woman has to come and spoil her mood even more.

"What are you doing here?" Shen Ya snarled in anger.

She didn't like her sister's presence near Zhen Xiu. The presence of this vile woman was the sign of bad luck in Shen Ya's life.

Jiang Wui also wondered the same thing. Why was she here?

"Hello Sister, I hope you are fine." Shen Rui smiled charmingly and asked her little sister concerned.

However, this concern was only to show their fake relationship with each other and maintain the image of their family in public. Shen Family focused on their image and face in the world more than anything that's why they didn't like this black sheep of the family who keeps on troubling them.

Shen Rui, just like her father can't tolerate Shen Ya and it was not because she hated this little girl but because she as her sister is always trying to oppose her.

Every time, she would pick up that slut over her.

Shen Rui knew that Zhen Xiu, that bitch was close to his little sister. She was sure that the bitch was the only weakness her strong and proud sister ever has in her life.

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She resented the fact that Zhen Xiu took everything from her. Her first love, her position, her dream, and her little sister; she was not always like this and never wanted to hate her sister after Shen Ya faced that event in her childhood but all her good feelings for her has turned sour over these two years.

Her own little sister always sided with that outsider even knowing that how much importance Lu Jian held in her life.

"Stop your pretentious act." Shen Ya bluntly responded without caring about their image in public.

Jiang Wui decided to leave them alone after watching the hostile energy coming out of Shen Ya.

She needs to cool down and it was better to give her privacy when she was interacting with her sister.

"I will get you a cup of coffee." Jiang Wui gently said and left the two sisters alone in the hospital corridor outside Zhen Xiu's room.

Shen Ya nodded in agreement. She was happy that Jiang Wui understood her feelings and respected her to give her some privacy while dealing with Shen Rui.

"Cut the crap! Tell me, why are you here?"

Shen Rui laughed at the protective look and angry words of Shen Ya. This little sister is not changed a bit, still the same angry lion.

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"I am here to visit you, sister. I heard your best friend was in the coma again." Shen Rui said like a big sister soothing her little sister whose favorite toy was broken by an accident.

"What nonsense? You and I both know that it is not the case." Shen Ya mocked her in return.

"Well! Don't believe me then but I am truly here to confirm if that bitch died or not." Shen Rui smiled gleefully at her thoughts.

She wished that Zhen Xiu never wakes up from this temporary coma again. It would be better for her and of course for herself. She will get Lu Jian and everything she has dreamed from her childhood will become hers.

Shen Ya's assumption was right. She has never cared about anyone other than herself so how could she have free time to see her nemesis. She was just here to enjoy Zhen Xiu's bad luck and the beginning of her good luck.

"SHE IS NOT DEAD." Shen Ya gritted in anger.

"I know that but she is in the coma and soon will reach a full stop in her life. I heard the doctors are not able to diagnose her properly. Poor girl! She must be waiting for her miserable life's end."

Shen Ya has heard enough from Shen Rui and her anger could not be controlled anymore. "Get out! Just get out of here otherwise don't blame me for forgetting that you are my sister." Shen Ya threatened.

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Shen Rui was hurt by her words. Her little sister was still with that outsider. She smiled and carefully hid her feelings from her sister. She didn't want to show her caring side to her.

"Your reaction is enough for me. I guess she is really going to lose her life this time." Shen Rui chuckled and added. "I will be finally Mrs. Lu now. Congratulate me!"

"Out!" Shen Ya snarled. "Get out!"

Shen Rui gave a last look behind Shen Ya and happily sauntered away. Now all she needed to order that Lu Qiqi, her future mother-in-law for her wedding.

Outside the hospital, three shiny black cars silently appeared one after the other. A group of men dressed immaculately in black came out of the car to protect the graceful lady that came out from the middle car.

She was short in stature but her experienced eyes and beautiful face was enough to ooze her confident personality.

There was panic hidden in her experienced dark eyes as if she was scared to see a dangerous outcome but she still maintained her poise and advanced forward to face it.

Shen Rui just came out of the hospital in a very good mood after knowing that the thorn in her heart was going to finally die. Without caring about her surrounding she kept on walking and suddenly bumped into a woman.

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"Can't you watch?" Shen Rui frowned as she was pushed away by a big man.

Behind that big burly man stood the woman that bumped into her or rather she bumped into that woman.

"Maintain the distance." The burly man sternly scolded Shen Rui.

"You! How dare you? You don't know me." Shen Rui angrily pointed her fingers at the burly man in anger but the man was visible standing there without showing much reaction.

The entourage behind him along with that woman silently left while he was dealing with Shen Rui.

Shen Rui was red in anger but controlled her emotion. Finally, she was happy and didn't want to spoil her happiness on some silly garbage.

"I will let you go since I am in a good mood." Shen Rui muttered.

The guard without giving her any thanks left to follow his people as he noticed that Shen Rui didn't want to create a ruckus anymore. He was there to teach her a lesson if she tried anything funny after bumping into Madam.

Since this girl was intelligent enough to stop her foolishness before it went too far he decided to let her go.

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