Evolution God

Chapter 31

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The smile of mockery grew bigger as if the confidence of Nubos grew for every second. Although it might've not been intentional, Nubos's smile widened to the point of reaching his ears, making him look like some kind of devil, with an insane smile. He quickly backed off to prepare for the next attack, but what he didn't expect was that Lucifer's reptile eye's had changed target. They now looked towards Cyran and Elora, and without much time passing by he almost instantly arrived in front of them.

Although he could kill them more easily with his Abyssal Flame, it wouldn't be as much fun, while he wouldn't get much battle experience. And since he would have to battle his way towards higher ranks, he had to have some sort of knowledge about battles. Since this would give him experience, he wouldn't want to let it go so easily.

He swiftly swung his claws towards Cyran, while spitting out another Death Beam towards Elora, as to end them both in the span of a couple of seconds. What he didn't expect though, was that a sudden change ruined that idea. He suddenly felt an extreme pressure coming from his back as if a mountain was weighing down upon his shoulders. The pressure suddenly vanished, and before the attacks even hit Cyran and Elora, something blocked the Death Beam while Lucifer's claw was cut clean off.

In front of Lucifer now stood a Nubos much taller than before. He seemed to have become at least thrice as powerful as if he had gotten a sudden boost in strength. His height had reached over 15 metres making him extremely tall, while he was also extremely sturdy, allowing him to easily block the attacks from Lucifer directed at the others. White steam seemed to be released from his pores as if his blood was boiling. He slowly raised his head, and an aura of bloodlust and murder began to seep out of him.

As he slowly raised his head, a smile so scary it would make anyone die of fear was plastered on the face of Nubos, as his eyes were filled with hatred and mockery.


Because Lucifer felt something were off, he quickly looked at the status of Nubos, The King of Giants, to check if he had overlooked something important.

[Name: Nubos][Race: Giant (Adult: 4/5)][Rank King:]

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- HP: 600.000/700.000 -(↑2x↑)-

- MP: 400.000/400.000 -(↑2x↑)-

- Total Battlepower (TB): 1.000.000/1.100.000 -(↑2x↑)-

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- (Skills):

Sword of Glorica.


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- (Unique Skills):

Divine Barrier.

Pain Nullify.

Instant Recovery.


- (Passive Skills):

God Of Giant's Divine Blessing.

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Condition: Perfect

'What the fuck happened? How could he be this strong?! Why did his condition change so abruptly...?' Lucifer instantly began to cold sweat while overlooking the stats of Nubos and spotting the new little surprise that caught him off guard.

-"Finally that damn pill's effect wore off..." As Nubos straightened out his back, he began to draw his extremely huge sword. The sword itself represented beauty, as the edges were extremely sharp, while hundreds of different patterns were carefully carved in its blade. Lucifer instantly backed off as fast as he could, while his claw was healing at an insanely fast pace. Although Lucifer knew he wouldn't be able to die under the blade of Nubos due to his immortal body, he was still scared as Nubos probably had other methods to torture or kill him. Due to that, Lucifer wouldn't want to be caught or get in unnecessary trouble. He knew he wouldn't be able to kill Nubos in the state he was in at the moment. Nubos probably would also seek out Lucifer to get revenge for his son, if he managed to escape unscathed.

'Since this twist of events won't allow me to kill and absorb the other Lord-ranks, I might aswell absorb the Crown Prince to get a skill that might suit me.' Although Lucifer knew it would make Nubos extremely angry if he were to absorb the Crown Prince, he also knew that if he didn't do it now, he probably wouldn't be allowed to in the future, making him miss an important chance to get tons of XP while a pretty good skill.

-"Wide Range Absorption."

A slight whisper left Lucifer's mouth, and a wave of wind was shot out from him as if it was controlled by his will. The wind couldn't be stopped, and when it hit the other King-ranks, they didn't think much of it as it didn't seem to do much harm at all. But as soon as they laid their eyes on the corpse of the Crown Prince, they soon came to realise that the attack didn't seem to target living creatures at all. The Prince's corpse slowly began to turn into dust that flew towards Lucifer and when it touched his scales, it got completely absorbed, erasing the existence of the Crown Prince.

["The Host has successfully killed and absorbed a King Rank Giant. Awarding Host with 10,000,000 XP, the 'Skill: Doomsday Slash', and 10% of the Giant bloodline."]

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Due to Lucifer already absorbing those he killed with the Abyssal Flame, he wouldn't be able to get anything else. But he was still surprised to see the amount of XP he got from killing a single King-rank.

When Nubos saw this scene play before his eyes, they instantly turned bloodshot, and he puked up a mouthful of blood out of anger and hatred that had built up.

-"First, you kill my youngest son. Then you kill the future King of Giants, and now, you won't even leave his corpse for a proper burial!!!"

Nubos swiftly moved towards Lucifer, since he wouldn't allow someone to just kill 2 of his sons, and get away without paying the price for offending the Giants. Although Giants were usually nice. But when they were in war with another race or they got angered, they were true beasts that almost no one wanted to challenge, due to their ferociousness. He raised his majestic sword high into the air and was just about to slash down at Lucifer when something unbelievable happened right before his eyes.

-"Abyssal Teleportation."

Instantly Lucifer felt a force pulling him backwards. As he looked back, he saw a gigantic void-black portal that was only barely able to fit him. When looking at it, he almost fell into a daze, and it felt like somebody was staring right into his soul, which send a shiver down his spine. He quickly shook his head, closed his eyes, and let the pulling force pull him inside the portal, while Nubos barely managed to hit his chest. The portal closed, and instantly Lucifer felt an excruciating pain in the chest. Although he had Pain Nullify, the sword of Nubos somehow managed to make him feel pain. As he opened his eyes, he spotted he was in a completely black space, which felt extremely weird.

As he looked down he only barely managed to spot the wound that Nubos had made, due to the weak blue hue that the body of Lucifer emitted. Red blood flushed out of the wound, but for some reason even after a couple of minutes of silence, the wound didn't seem to heal even one tiny bit.

'That sword is not normal!' As Lucifer felt more and more blood left his body into the endless abyss, he also felt himself getting dizzier. His immortal body couldn't keep up the blood flow nor blood production. Although he wouldn't die no matter what, the pain was worse than death, and the dizziness just added oil to the fire. He felt that he began to slowly lose consciousness and without control of his body, he collapsed on the ground.

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