Evolution God

Chapter 6

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After letting off the humans, Lucifer flew for a couple of hours through the vast sky until it was almost dark. The stars began to show, and one notable star had a red hue to it, almost as if it was a red drop of shiny blood sitting in the night sky.

["System has successfully undergone an upgrade."]

["Due to System undergoing an upgrade, the Host has been granted 50,000 XP and the 'Unique Skill: Blood Control'."]

'I got a skill and a lot of XP'. Lucifer had a surprised expression on his face while listening to the voice of Loton, his Evolution God System. What made him the happiest though, was the feeling of being stronger. It felt as if he had become at least four times stronger when he was still from the Demon Dragon race.

- "Status."


[Name: Lucifer][Race: Giant Demonic Dragon (Baby: 1/5)][Rank: Lord]

- HP: 1200/1200, MP: 800/1200

- Total Battlepower (TB): 2000/2400

- Skills: Condense, Orcus Dragon Flame⁽ᴺᴱᵂ⁾,

- Unique Skills: Absorb, Combine, Observation, Blood Control⁽ᴺᴱᵂ⁾,

- Passive Skills: Fear, Demon's Healing,

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[Advancemend Unavailable]

[Evolution Unavailable]

[Skill: Orcus Dragon Flame]

A coal-black flame pestered with death. When the flame touches any living creature, it will begin to rot and wither until it becomes a corpse. It is a rare kind of dragon flame,

[Unique Skill: Blood Control]

A skill related to the high ranks of the demons and devils. It allows the user to control their own or their enemy's blood, to assist in battle. The blood can be formed into any shape or form, and it doesn't require any MP. Blood has to be spilt and seen to be able to manipulate blood, which needs puts a lot of concentration on the user making them vulnerable if they're not aware of the situation around them.


While Lucifer was looking over his new stats, he couldn't help but suck in a mouthful of cold air when reading the description of his 'Orcus Dragon Flame'. The description already told how wicked and scary the flame was.

["Due to the System being upgraded, the 'Unique Skill: Observation', has increased in efficiency."]

- "Advance."


[Advancement][Race: Giant Demonic Dragon][Rank: Lord][Current XP: 50,200]

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Baby (Current)

Child (250,000 XP)

Young Adult (2,500,000 XP)

Adult (25,000,000 XP)

Elder (250,000,000 XP)

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Looking at the towering numbers of XP which was needed to further advance, Lucifer couldn't help but feel how little the system had actually given him. Prior to this, he had thought it was a huge amount of XP, but sadly he was wrong about that. 'The higher the rank, the more XP I need to advance to another stage of a race'. Lucifer had an unhappy expression on his dragon face, giving him an unsightly appearance.

'The best choice is to hunt prey stronger than me, which would be Lord Ranks at least double my current strength, in which case I can use my 'Condense' skill in order to gain an advantage.' A somewhat unsightly smirk appeared on the face of Lucifer after considering for some time.

- "Loton, in which direction is there more likely to be strong Lord Ranks?"

["According to the Host's positioning, 253 kilometres (157 miles) to south contains a large number of individuals with the Lord Rank."]

Suddenly sunlight began to shine in the horizon giving an orange hue to the clouds, a beautiful sight that was.

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'I should first rest for some time in order to fully charge up my MP in case I encounter an enemy at my level or stronger.' After looking at the morning sky sucking in the beauty, Lucifer decidedly began looking for a spot that could fit him while also stopping him from being disturbed.

After flying around for some minutes, he spotted a large steep mountain while also seemingly having holes everywhere as if someone had dug out small caves. The closer Lucifer got, the bigger the entrances to the holes became. At last, when he arrived in front of one of the smaller holes, with a height of approximately 10 meters, and a width of 8, he looked around outside to see if anything would have followed him. After checking around and confirming that it was clear, Lucifer flew into the cave and landed on the floor. Feeling a little nervous if something else lived in here, Lucifer began to walk further inside.

Suddenly cold winds began to blow into the face of Lucifer, and he began to feel curious about what could be the reason for such a phenomenon. After walking further inside for some time the cave began to expand and form into a circle. In the middle, laid a white stone-like hill which emitted terrifyingly cold winds.

- "CRACK!"

As if sensing an uninvited guest coming into its cave, the white hill began to move making loud crackling noises, almost as if bones kept being broken.

- "ROAR!"

A bizarre and ear-piercing roar resounded from the hill as it began to unfold itself, slowly but surely turning into a more beast-like figure. After a couple of seconds of crackling noises, a head of a dragon came into sight. It was so white, almost like the divine light from heaven. It's eyes and fangs we're icy blue. It was 8 meters tall, and at least triple the length. Its body had icy-blue patterns carved into the almost snow-like skin which emitted an aura of purity and coldness. Looking at Lucifer with annoyance and killing intent in its eyes, it made Lucifer shiver a little, as a terrifying pressure came pressing down on him.

- "Observation!" Lucifer quivered slightly.


[Name: None][Race: Snow Dragon (Child: 2/5)][Rank: Lord]

- HP: 2000/2000, MP: 1500/1500

- Total Battlepower (TB): 3500/3500

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- Skills: Snow Hill, Winter Dragon Flame, Ice Chill Claws,

- Unique Skills: Cold Immunity,

- Passive Skills: Winter Healing,

[Race: Snow Dragon]

Thought to be an extinct race of dragons, belonging to the north part of the continent living in freezing cold areas. It has imbued itself with ice and snow, gaining double TB when it's winter. Although it is considered a Lord Rank beast, they have been discovered to have reached the King Rank, while being an in an Elder stage. It is considered to be aggressive if you intrude its territory.


Looking at its stats and description, it sent a shiver down Lucifers spine and planted a little seed of fear in his heart. Although it was a beautiful dragon it was much stronger compared to him, and with his bad luck, he actually managed to step into its territory. He couldn't help but virtually slapping himself for being too curious for his own good.


After making an ear-piercing deep roar and threatening Lucifer, it looked at him with killing intent emitted from its eyes as it coldly looked at him.

- "ROAR!"

After roaring a second time it ran over to Lucifer and began its first attack.

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