“Song Han-sol?”

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The one that came was the blonde haired Song Han-sol wearing expensive equipment, receiving greetings from the people around him.

I previously thought that he was merely a rich family’s young master but it turned out that he actually had a relatively good amount of talent for business.

Even so, to think a high school student would already run such a large scale business.

It was probably only possible because of his family’s backing but it didn’t change the fact that it was impressive.

As he slowly made his way through the people bowing down to him, his line of sight passed by me.

However, he just passed by our group as if he did not remember us.

Won Jong-tak who had lowered his face spoke up as if he thought it was a shame.

“I should have used this chance to get on his good side…….”

“Is there a need to grovel so much?”

“You say that because you don’t know. If you get on his good side you can climb to the top quickly. He actually helps investors after all.”

“What, so it’s like that. You were saying that he was trash just a while ago, though.”

“Don’t say anything that will get me into trouble. When did I ever say that.”

Won Jong-tak hurriedly blocked my mouth in fright. I continued talking after pushing away his hand.

“In any case, I don’t want to get tangled with that guy in any way. Don’t try to get me involved ever again.”

“Why? Did something happen?”

“What would you do if you knew? Some shady things happened.”

“Well, alright. If you say so. Right. Then do you have any thoughts on joining as an investor? The first account has 10m won and I can guarantee at least 10% profit per year.”

“I don’t need it so just stop.”

“This guy. Acting so salty. Alright, I got it. Then I’m leaving. Right. It seems like the lady has some interest, could I get your contact info? Talking right now is good too.”

Won Jong-tak started talking to Soo-ah. No matter how I look at it, his objective isn’t business talk.

“I’m not interested.”

“Yes? But before…….”

“I just asked because I was curious.”

Won Jong-tak’s face froze for a moment as Soo-ah refused coldly.

He soon returned to his usual smiling face but there was no one among our group that didn’t see it.

“Then see you next time. And think about my offer again.”

The guy chased after Song Han-sol’s back after leaving such words.

Han Joon-suk commented,

“I was thinking that the atmosphere here was a bit off. It turns out that there were many such people.”

It was as he said.

The ones that were whispering between themselves about us all tagged along behind Song Han-sol.

The number of hunters that were following him numbered over 20.

It seemed like there were level 2 hunters as well but the majority seemed to be level 3. They were most likely planning on clearing the level 4 dungeon with numbers.

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If it was the past dungeon then it may have been possible, but I was thinking that it would be a bit dangerous for this dungeon.

Not to mention he was the only one wearing level 5 equipment.

In any case, he was an incredible guy.


Time passed and our turn came. I went to the dungeon’s entrance with my party members.

Looking back I could see Song Han-sol reprimanding his subordinates.

“Who did the time check?”

“I, I’m sorry. I’m sure the reserved time was 6 o’clock but it seems I was mistaken.”

“So you’re telling me I have to wait an entire 2 hours?”

“…… Yes.”

“You’re fired.”

“Yes? B, But I was also told that it was 8?”

“What? Didn’t you just say it was 6? Are you messing with me?”

“T, that is…… I actually heard it as 8 but because president said it was 6…….”

“You bastards lived to that age yet you can’t even do this one thing properly?”


Song Han-sol slapped the subordinate in front of him.

The subordinate seemed to be in his 30s, but after getting hit he got on his knees and begged for forgiveness instead of getting angry.

“Wow…… that person is still doing things like that.”

“Tell me about it. God knows why he is working under that kind of guy.”

“He’s probably getting that much money. Money is all that matters in the human world, no?”

Edward said, “Why are you acting like a know-it-all after just a few days?”

“These clothes. If it weren’t for your money then I wouldn’t have been able to wear them. Then I would have died. That’s the reason I’m following you even while enduring this humiliation, is it not? Thinking this way, there is nothing particularly wrong about such a scene.”

“Is that so…….”

What this guy said wasn’t entirely wrong.

I am actually using money as a weapon to keep this guy under me after all. However it didn’t feel good to be treated the same as Song Han-sol.

“It’s not like I hit you, no?”

“You di…….”

“Oh. That was before you worked under me. You’re a monster in the first place.”

“I think that’s an excuse…… but abiding to the sacred contract I shall not say that out loud.”

“But you already said it…….”

I was going to say more but stopped. Since this guy was separated from his clansmen with only me to rely on, I will forgive him this once.

I am a merciful guy, after all.

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While thinking as such, I was watching the scene there play out like watching a stranger’s house burn down when Won Jong-tak came out of the crowd and approached Song Han-sol.

Somehow, I had a bad premonition.

“President, I will try to do something about this.”

“Hm? Who are you?”

“I am Won Jong-tak. I am the team leader of Team 2.”

“What do you mean by doing something?”

“The one that is entering the dungeon right now is someone I know. I will go put in a good word.”

“Is that so? Then quickly go talk with him. I don’t want to wait anymore. If it goes well, I will at least remember your name.”

“Thank you.”

Then the guy started making his way towards me.

Ah. Damn it. I shouldn’t have acted like I knew that guy.

“Hey, I have a really good deal for you.”

“What. You bastard. I heard it all. You want us to yield our position?”

“Don’t be so disagreeable. If you get on the president’s good side then you can become a hunter…… Wait a minute, you were a hunter? Why are you going in here?”

“What are you saying after all this time?”

I looked at the guy with a dumbfounded expression.

“No, in any case that’s not what’s important. It seems you don’t realize how important this opportunity is. If you just listen to that person then you can instantly get high level items and work as a hunter. If you just follow me, then I’ll raise you. Just take my word for it.”

“Whatever. I have no thoughts of doing so, ever. Just leave. I don’t even want to pretend to know you.”

“This cunt. Just listen while I am saying it nicely. I’m saying all this because I care for you.”

His tone was quite coercive. Rather than making me angry, it just made be at a loss for words.


Soo-ah burst into laughter next to me. Won Jong-tak’s line of sight moved to her.

Possibly because he was desperate he looked at her with sharp eyes as if he had forgotten that he tried to get her number.”

“What is it that you find so funny?”

“What’s he saying. This moron that can’t even grasp the situation.”

Oh boy…… there she goes again.

“Mo, moron? Did you just swear at me?”

“Who’s the one that swore first?”

“When did I ever swear at you.”

“Swearing at senior brother is the same as swearing at me you know.”

“Bullshit. Bullshitting in pairs.”

I separated the two who seemed to be on the verge of starting a fistfight. Soo-ah looked at me with a face full of discontent.

“Even though I stood up for you…… Hmph.”

“I am thankful for that. But are you going to start a fight in a place with this many people?”

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“I got it. I’ll behave.”

“Yeah, thanks for listening. And you bastard. Never act like you know me. Let us never meet again.”

“That’s fine with me but concede just this once. Then I’ll not talk to you.”

This guy is seriously obstinate. I do understand that it would be hard to just go back after talking big like that to Song Han-sol.

But that’s that. I had no intention of giving up my turn.

The Dungeon Administration Team staff opened his mouth.

“Will you not enter?”

“No, I will.”

“Then, I hope you have a fun hunt.”

The entrance supervisor replied as such. It would have been fine if it was the leisure type dungeon from before, but is it alright for him to say something like that for a new dungeon with unknown dangers, or so someone might think, but it is the phrase specified in their manual.

“Hey, are you really going to come out like that?”


Instead of an answer I showed him my middle finger and went into the dungeon just like that.


An awfully humid and hot wind blew upon entering the ominous red colored dungeon entrance.

“Ugh…… So humid.”

Soo-ah said as she tied up her hair. Edward swallowed hard at her openly revealed nape.

I put my hand on his shoulder.

“What are you doing?”


“You just swallowed after looking at her right?”

“I, it’s instinct, so I can’t help it.”

Edward stuttered as he broke out into cold sweat.

“Be satisfied with monsters. I’ll let you have as much monster blood as you want.”

“I told you I don’t do such things.”

Our team set off after I nailed it into him.

Within the jungle surrounded in green, I advanced while diligently cutting down the grass, branches, and bushes in the way with the Heavy Strike Longsword. (Kyle: The previous translators seemed to use Longsword of Kangta, but I personally don’t like it. I was hesitating between Heavy Strike Longsword and Longsword of Hit Hard but J said no to the latter. Tell me which one you guys like better.)

It was a battle against bugs rather than monsters.

Soo-ah unexpectedly didn’t react to the bugs much. I thought that she would scream and make a fuss.

“It seems you’re not scared of bugs much?”

“I am scared though? Hella gross too.”

“You look calm considering.”

“If we weren’t in the dungeon, perhaps, but I should endure it during work.”

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She was very well-practiced in the ways of saying what I want to hear.

“Putting that aside, I wonder if it will really be okay?”

Han Joon-suk said. Probably talking about Won Jong-tak. I replied with a grin.

“Who are you worrying about?”

“That is well…… the other side of course.”

Han Joon-suk said while scratching his cheek.



The spider web that Soo-ah shot out tightly bound the Mukamuka. (Kyle: the author’s naming sense is deteriorating. Press F to pay respects.)

“It won’t be able to last very long!”

Soo-ah’s Spider Web Armor was a level 3 item. The amount of time it could restrain the level 4 Mukamuka was very short.

At most 10 seconds?

Thinking about it, it’s a considerably long time.


The Mukamuka is also a beast type monster. The Heavy Strike Longsword cut off the monster’s log-like arm in one fell swoop.


The monster that had been trying to escape from the spider web let out a sorrowful scream and rolled all over the ground.


I stabbed my sword into its neck. The sensation of its bone breaking was passed on to me through the tip of my hand.


“Caught one!”

“One more incoming!”

Soo-ah threw the Mukamuka tied up with spider webs towards me.

It seems to be over 400 kilograms even at a glance. To think she threw that.

She is always copying my reaction speed during battles. As it takes a considerably long time for the Necklace of Confinement to completely copy a stat it was impossible to change it in real time.

That meant that the power just now was purely her own ability.




As soon as we finished defeating the second Mukamuka, a huge dragon passed by Soo-ah and I while breathing out flames.


The flame dragon that turned the 2 Mukamukas into ash while traversing the forest traveled an additional 100 meters or so before disappearing.

As an extra, the trees in the path of the flame became pitch black.

With that, our first battle came to an end.

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