Soo-ah inspected the armor and let out an exclamation.

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“Wow! Look here. The cut surface is completely clean. It seems to be very effective?”

“I know that even without you saying it like a person selling home shopping objects.”

“No, really, this seems to be a jackpot.”

At Soo-ah’s frivolousness the other party members came to look at the cut armor.

A groan came out from here and there. Even from my point of view it did cut well. However, as the thing that was cut was my broken armor I couldn’t be all that happy.

I am repeating myself but that is a 10b won worth item.

“Haha…… I get to see a level 10 skill while living.”

Manager Kim let out a laugh. I think it’s the first time I see that guy exclaim from the heart. The others showed a similar reaction.

I scratched my head. It wasn’t on purpose but it was like I had taken something good for myself.

“I do feel a bit embarrassed seemingly taking all the good things for myself. I will compensate this later…….”

“There’s no one here that can use that besides senior brother anyway. It’s a good thing that someone else didn’t get it. Imagine if Manager Kim got it. Oof…… horrible.”

“What’s horrible!”

Manager Kim shouted at Soo-ah’s words.

“It fits the saying, a pearl necklace on a pig’s neck. Would you kill monsters from the front line if you had Aura Blade?”

“I can use this as well you know?”

Manager Kim took out the Needle Gun. Soo-ah let out a sigh.

“It’s name is Aura Blade in the first place. How are you going to use it with the Needle Gun?”

“Ah. Right. Then I don’t need it. I definitely can’t do something mental like fighting monsters with a sword.”

“See. If it isn’t senior brother, who would fight with such a thing.”

At Soo-ah’s words, everybody nodded their heads. Looking at it like this, this girl had quite the ability to instigate people.

Of course, the others are probably thinking the same thing. However, there could have been differing thoughts if the conclusion was made and agreement was sought out with words.

If that happened then there was no knowing whether someone would sneak a Binding skill for themselves.

However, that kind of situation had been obliterated by a few words from her.

I really can’t tell whether this girl is dumb or smart. It might be both.

Lets not contemplate this girl’s character anymore. It’s impossible to understand with my brain after all.

In any case, I was planning on cutting my share from this time’s expedition. I had already gotten more than everything else we had gotten added with this one skill.

Right, there was one more thing to do.

If Aura Blade was used once then it would be maintained as long as there were no particular problems.

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The Aura Blade would disappear if a battle ended or I relaxed. Other skills were like this as well.

However, the Dancing was not a weapon that was used with my hand. It was fundamentally able to act on its own and could even fight on its own depending on the setting.

It was incredibly inefficient to fight with such a thing in my hand.

However, if by some chance the Aura Blade was maintained after it leaves my hand then it would be able to show tremendous strength. To be able to use Aura Blade from a distance. Even Lee Hui-seung teacher wouldn’t be able to do this. (Kyle: No idea who this guy is .)


I carefully took my hand off of the Dancing Sword. The moment I dropped it the light suddenly got a bit murkier but the Aura Blade was maintained.

After about a minute or so the light radiating from the Dancing Sword completely disappeared.

This was a bit of a let down.

“Hm. About a minute.”

“Wouldn’t you be able to maintain it longer if you become more used to it?”

Han Joon-suk said.

“Well, even a minute isn’t a short amount of time. It’s still somewhat useable.”

I just had to charge it again every minute so it wasn’t that much of a problem.

Either way, I got a new skill, one that was a powerful technique that couldn’t be compared to the past.

It was a rather new feeling. To think that I got a level 10 skill, not to mention it wasn’t from paying for it but from a monster. It was something that I wouldn’t have even dreamed of before.

Thinking about how I was just a porter just a few months back this was really ultrahigh speed progress.

This was all possible because of that level 4 monster I coincidentally met on a certain day. If I had just run away at that time then none of this would have happened. Thinking about it now it was a crazy act, rushing out to save someone and killing the monster somehow.

The difficulty couldn’t be compared to killing the Black Tiger just now.

It was literally luck of the heavens. A luck that wouldn’t come twice had come and an item had miraculously dropped.

There was also a level 5 hunter. I almost got this snatched by that guy.

Either way, what was that guy’s name…… I think it was a really childish name.

Suddenly, a monster with an arrow in it fell in front of me.

My team members jumped up to their feet and took out their weapons. What fell was the Red Bald Eagle that was reconing.


“What? There’s people here?”

With the sound a person’s voice the figures of ten something people could be seen. They were a hunter group of ages of about 20s, 30s.

Looking at their equipment they seemed to be mostly level 3 hunters.

The Chungho Group couldn’t be seen so they were probably a raid team like us who came to hunt monsters while the government group were fighting the Chungho Group.

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“Hunters? Certainly, there wouldn’t be normal people in a place like this.”

A guy wearing sheet metal that covered his entire body said so. As I didn’t reply he cleared his throat and continued his words.

“Hey. Kid. Did you not see a monster fall somewhere here? The one we just caught just fell here you see.”

Kid you say. I think I’m bigger though?

“You talking about this?”

I held up the eagle that died after being hit by an arrow and showed it to him.

The guy’s expression crumpled up a bit.

“Ah. Yeah. But how old are you?”

“Why are you asking my age when it’s the first time we meet?”

“No, I was wondering why you were talking to me in a rude manner when you look younger.”

He was a guy that had a overbearing attitude ingrained in his body. It would just be tiring to talk with this kind of guy for an extended period of time.

If it was the past me then I would have bowed down and avoided a fight.

“Whatever, just leave.”

“You at least have to give that to me.”

“I won’t ask you for compensation. So just leave.”

Even just this was conceding a lot. Since it was made using a level 2 item, althought it dropped often these days it was still worth about 200m. Items dropped with a certain probability but I didn’t think it would be that high.

However, shooting the monster could be seen as a mistake so I was trying to settle it peacefully.

“What bullshit is this?”

Instead of replying I stretched my right arm horizontally.

A Red Bald Eagle that was resting at a nearby tree sat on my arm.

The other side’s members got surprised and held their weapons. They held their weapons out of reflex but they got flustered once they saw that the giant eagle was staying still on my arm.

“Wh, what? Isn’t that a monster? Why is it like that?”

“Did he tame it?”

“Is he some kind of druid?”

“Isn’t he a tamer? I think I have heard of such a job.”

“There are rumors but no one actually saw one. There weren’t any videos either.”

In the 50 year history of hunters there was no one that was able to tame a monster.

There were rumors going around on the internet but since there was no one that could prove it, it was commonly known to not exist.

The plate armor warrior made a amused expression.

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“Hm. So are you saying that the monster we killed is a monster you spawned?”

“If you understood then leave.”

“Where’s the proof?”


What’s this guy saying now?

“I can accept that that thing there is one that you spawned but there’s no way for us to know whether the one we killed was spawned by you.”

“Are you saying you need proof?”

“Yeah, either way it’s a fact that we killed it while it’s not certain whether that was spawned by you.”

“That’s certainly true.”

“But it’s the same species.”

“Shut up, man. It’s going well. If an item came out of that what are you going to do?”

I can hear it all you bastards.

I let out a sigh and got up. There was no need to argue using logic with guys that were ignoring the truth that could be easily seen.

There’s the saying that says that there is no way to win against a person that doesn’t listen. Ah. Maybe this wasn’t a saying.

I threw the eagle to my back. The plate armor warrior’s eyelashes twitched.

“What’s the meaning of this?”

“Take it if you can.”

“Are you asking for a fight?”

“If you want one.”

The plate armor warrior’s line of sight went to my party members behind me.

“With one balding bulging stomach old man, and two young bitches?”

“Ba, balding?”

“It’s not wrong.”

Soo-ah nodded her head.

“You’re wrong! It’s just that my forehead became wider! And those guy swore at you too so why aren’t you angry?”

“I was a bit angry as well but it was less than you I guess.”

I could hear Soo-ah and Yeon-gyeong giggling behind me. Why was this girl mentally attacking her team member.

“Hahaha. It’s not like we’re trying to play around here.”

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The plate armor warrior started laughing loudly at my team members’ lack of tension.


That side’s members also started laughing as well.

From my point of view, they all looked pitiful. The strongest one only had a single level 4 equipment and even that was a bow that killed the eagle.

Guys like this could be taken care of by Soo-ah alone.

I was thinking about leaving it to her but considering my personality I couldn’t leave dirty work to someone else just because it was annoying. It was more comforting to do so on my own.

I took out the Dancing Sword from the manual.

Looking at the blunt and dull looking sword their laugher escalated another level. Idiots that judged the level of an item by its outer appearance really existed.

“Is this funny?”

“Hahaha. Is that a sword? Isn’t it a club? If I got hit by that then I wouldn’t be cut but bruised.”

“Ah. Well certainly. It would be now.”

“Would be now, he says. Talking like a middle schooler. What, does a dragon come out if you put in strength?”

“Not a dragon.”

Aura Blade.

A shouted the technique in a small voice. A milky colored Aura Blade came out of the Dancing Blade.

The laughing suddenly stopped.

“Are you not attacking?”

As I said so the plate armor warrior started talking while stuttering.

“Wh, what’s that? It can’t be Aura right? It’s my first time seeing Aura more than 1 meter in length.”

“It’s Aura Blade.”

“There’s no way. Aura Blade can only be used by swordsmen at level 10!”

“Should we see? If it’s a lie or not.”

I threw the Dancing Sword.

The Dancing Sword that flew around forest with me as the center came back into my hands.

The plate armor warrior looked around with an anxious expression and had a proud look again.

“Hah. Fuck. Got scared for nothing. Wasn’t even worth someth…….”

Before his words ended a tree started falling.

With that as the start, the trees in the forest started falling one by one.

It was quite a sight seeing them fall like dominoes. Of course the thing that was even better of a sight were the pale white faces of those in front of me.

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