Jang Moon-bok’s party prepared the meal. They had a cooking specialist among them so we were able to take care of food easily.

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It was nice to have people that did this and that for you.

However, it wasn’t like we could take them around with us forever.

There was the issue of item distribution and although I wasn’t able to make them suffer enough in the ruin it was time to let them go.

As I gestured Jang Moon-bok nervously stood in front of me. He seems to be getting more nervous as time goes on for some reason.

“You called for me?”

“Why are you so tense? I won’t tell you to die so loosen up.”

“It, it’s not like that.”

His expression loosened up a bit but he still couldn’t meet my eye. Did he think that I was that scary. I think that I have a pretty tame expression though.

“Then what’s the problem.”

“It’s my first time seeing a level 10 hunter and…… it’s my first time meeting a person as strong as party leader.”

“Well…… is that so.”

It seems I showed too much power in front of these guys.

I certainly did openly use Aura Blade and use it to destroy the stone statues so from a level 3 hunter’s perspective it did make sense to be nervous.

I let out a light laugh. I was partly trying to let him loosen up but he had a look of discipline.

“Please speak if you have something to say.”

“You’re free to go.”


“Your actions did enrage me but it is partly our fault as well that the misunderstanding grew so I’m thinking that this much is fine.”

“That means…….”

“I won’t make you suffer anymore so disappear.”


Jang Moon-bok looked at me with eyes of surpise.

Wow. I’m thrilled! I can finally escape from this shitty suffering! I didn’t expect such exclamations but I wonder what this bitter expression is.

“May we have a meeting for a bit?”

“Ye, yeah. I’m not sure what the meeting is about though.”

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Jang Moon-bok’s reply was unexpected so I unintentionally stuttered.

Even now, Soo-ah was bullying the luggage carriers so I wondered why he was conflicting inside.

Jang Moon-bok said something to Soo-ah and then gathered their members, starting the meeting. Soo-ah came towards me.

“You’re going to send them off?”

“Yeah. We don’t need them anymore.”

“That’s a shame. I trained them well though.”

“I agree that they’re useful. But we can’t restrict them against their will.”

“Then wouldn’t they say that they will follow us around?”

Soo-ah’s eyes flashed.

“What nonsense are you saying. Why would they follow us around after all that they’ve been through? If it was me, I would just spit and run away.”

“It might not be like that you know?”

What did she have backing this thought for her to be this way?

“May we follow you around for a while?”

“No, wait…….”

I grasped my head at his words. I wonder what he’s thinking.

“I think that it’s a great honor just to be with such a strong raid team.”

It seemed like a prepared comment.

There wasn’t even 1 gram of his soul in those words. I surveyed the others. They all seemed to be thinking the same thing.

At the very least they didn’t seem to have been threatened by Soo-ah.

“Let me hear what’s on your mind for now. Don’t say things you don’t mean. Even if you follow us around you won’t get a share from the distribution.”

“The monthly profit of our team is about 100m per person. We will follow you around if you give even just half of that.”

“Since it’s ten people. You’re asking for 500m per month?”


“I can’t understand. As a level 3 party, if we suppose you hunt in the forest region you can get at least 500m per person. 100m sounds far fetched.

The amount of money our team gets in one month was at the very least several 10b. Even if they lacked the skill 100m per person was too low.

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“Of course we got more than when hunting in a dungeon but it’s not like we actually get that much. As you know, killing monsters is difficult to the point that we’re sensitive about even a single monster after all.”

Is he talking about the eagle incident. Certainly, I was wondering why a level 3 party was making such a fuss about a single monster.

Even if our party received injuries it was possible to heal them with potions and since my power was high the amount of time spent fighting was short.

However for a normal level 3 hunter party, in the case of a same level monster, it is difficult to kill that many.

It is okay if they fight by outnumbering but in the forest region it was not uncommon for more than ten to appear at the same time.

In such a case, they would become exhausted to the point of having to rest the entire day after the battle to be able to retry the next day.

Taking that into account, 500m would be unreasonable but half of that would be an appropriate amount.

“How long would we be able to spend a good time hunting like that. There will be a day the Yellow Sea runs out of monsters. And if that happens we would have to go to higher level zones. If that happened there is no guarantee that normal hunters would survive among large raid teams.”

“We are also a small scale raid team.”

“However, team Delta has much potential. It is certain that it will grow from now on. We want to be the start of that growth. You may adjust our pay after that.”

“In other words, you’re saying will invest in us after seeing our team’s future?”


“I don’t want to thought?”


“Why do I have to guarantee you guys’ future. I could just work you to the bone for a month and then chase you out you know?”

“Th, that is…….”

Jang Moon-bok’s pupils shook greatly. I didn’t know what he was expecting from me but I didn’t want to increase the number of people for no reason.

The number I can care for right now was about the size of my current party.

More than that, I couldn’t and didn’t want to pay attention to it personally.

Soo-ah opened her mouth.

“Accept them since they’re putting on a collar on their own.”

“You encouraged them right?”

“About that. I did say that they wouldn’t have to worry about starving to death if they stayed under you. They pretend that it’s not but it’s a fact that they’re uneasy. That’s especially so in times like this.”

“Can you take responsibility?”

“I will at least prevent them from causing trouble.”

Soo-ah laughed as she linked her arm to mine. I could feel something soft. Where did she learn such a wicked skill from?

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Certainly, it wasn’t like we were going to give them a lot and they were just following so there was no reason to refuse. Could this be called passion pay I wonder.

Considering that 50m per person was a bit tough.

“Do as you want.”

“Thank you! I will work hard!”

Jang Moon-bok shouted loudly. His team members also all cheered. It wasn’t like there was no reason to do so but I couldn’t understand. Did these guys have any dark thoughts about Soo-ah?

For now, I took in Moon-bok’s team as a temporary Delta Team 2.

Of course, the one leading team 2 was Soo-ah. Jang Moon-bok had the role of team leader with no real authority.

The first job that Delta Team 2 did was none other than making a flag.

“To say that you have been going around with no flag. This is the face of a raid team so we will create it.”

After saying so they immediately started a conference.

I did make one before but it was made without care and I lost it somewhere in the middle so I couldn’t remember where it was.

Well, it wasn’t bad to see them trying to do their part.

While those guys were creating and doing work on their own I habitually turned on my smartphone.

As I accessed the Hunter Market, the hot topic was the disappearance of the level 5 dungeons as expected.

Due to raising the proficiency to fight the Black Tiger it had gone up to level 5.

– Level 5 dungeons gone! Is it just my imagination that the time period in between is getting shorter?

– Nope. It’s actually getting faster. It might only be a matter of time before all dungeons disappear.

– What happens if they all disappear? Is humanity regaining peace?

– No way. The field monsters are still there. There’s the Yellow Sea too.

– But the monsters in the Yellow Sea don’t respawn. If they all disappear would only the field monsters remain? With just that it would be difficult to gather rare earth metals though?

– The only thing would be the Red Holes.

– Those appear for a single day before disappearing though.

– Yeah. What was it, a beta test?

– But I heard people died a lot during that time. Saying that it was a lot more difficult.

– There was some bastard that said that it was a great place so there were quite a few guys that went in without preparing.

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– I’ve heard that even level 3 hunters had to start from level 1 dungeons for Red Holes?

– There are a lot of monsters, it’s said that monsters up to 2 levels above the dungeons appear. It’s also said that there’s a boss monster that’s a lot harder. So it’s said that a full level 3 party is needed to clear a level 1 dungeon.

– Is there even someone that cleared that?

– I’ve heard there is. I heard that a team did an interview because they cleared it. But they didn’t put it up on the bulletin board since the dungeons disappeared in a day.

Certainly, if dungeons slowly disappeared then there would be a problem in rare earth metal gathering.

Even if there was the Yellow Sea it was not comparable to the dungeon where it could be farmed infinitely.

That was the reason I didn’t want to make dungeons disappear as much as possible.

Gathering rare earth metals was one of the main missions of a hunter.

In reality, the price of rare earth metals rose to the point that the world’s economy shook a bit. A few places like the Yellow Sea rose in a few places but it wasn’t like it appeared all over the world so it was obvious that the supply would be lacking.

To think that the world shakes because of me. It might sound like middle school syndrome but this was a clear fact.

Field hunting was not an answer either as the efficiency was too low.

It was more dangerous than a dungeon and the reward was much lower.

In the end, it was necessary to open Red Holes for hunters.

However, if I opened them hastily then people would enter carelessly like before and cause many casualties.

For now, I was planning on opening them one by one and look at the situation.

After looking through the bulletin board I saw something strange.

[BJ PaCheonGeom Forest Region Live Cam Broadcast]


What’s this?

Going to the thread, there was a link to an internet broadcast. Some bastard was just live streaming as a personal broadcast.

There was a great number of 5,000 in the forest region at the moment.

Unlike the other regions where groups were drawing lines standing face to face, that place was going to be a literal warzone so the people’s attention focused there.

As much as it was focusing the bulletin board was actively updating information.

He was literally idly broadcasting when a war was about to break out.

Going to the broadcast, a magician type dandy looking guy was working hard broadcasting.

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