He endured while clenching his teeth.

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I held up the spear just like that.

“Huh huh?”

His body rose into midair. Exclamations came out from the people watching.

“Wow. That…… damn, is such a thing even possible?”

“Did he only raise strength or something…….”

“Doesn’t he have a skill that raises strength?”

“Hey. Even so that’s a bit…….”

Park Sang-young’s expression was a sight to see. He wouldn’t have been able to experience this anywhere after all. Wasn’t level 4 good enough for him to walk around proudly?

However, he met the wrong person today.

As I lightly swung the spear.

“Ahhh! Save me!”

In the end, he let go of the spear and got sent flying ten or so meters.

At that moment, an arrow came flying at me.

As I dodged it a fuss rose behind.

“Hey. You crazy bastard. Why are you shooting arrows in a place like this!”

“Shut up. I’m killing that guy today.”

The last of Kim Jin-woo’s group.

Name : Lee Dae-hui

Equipment : Vermilion Bird Bow (4) , Black Leather Armor (3)

Skill : Concentration (3)

“Fuck…… I think a rib broke…….”

Kim Jong-oh also appeared seemingly having regained consciousness. As expected, was it too rash to fight with only a level 1 sword. Even so, it seems like they would die if I didn’t control my strength properly so it can’t be helped.

Looking at how he even got hold of a shield on the way, it seems he was properly angered.

“Damn it.”

Park Sang-young also appeared holding the spear again. Since I got a hold of his it seems he borrowed it from somewhere. Thinking about positions, it was a balanced team with a tanker, melee attacker, and a ranged attacker.

It seems they think they can do it if there’s 3 of them.

I lightly breathed out and kicked off the ground.

The first target was Kim Jong-oh.


The shield he had was a level 4 Reflection Shield.

It had the option of returning 3% of the taken damage to the opponent.

It couldn’t be looked down upon just because it was only 3%. Even if one were to just keep blocking, the opponent would collapse after the damage stacks you see.

That’s why, there was no need to directly attack.

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I stepped on the shield he was holding and jumped into the air.


A arrow shot towards me who was in midair.

I was going to hit it away with the sword but it suddenly burned up and took the shape of a vermilion bird. Burning heat swept towards me. I swung the long sword towards the flying vermilion bird.

The vermilion bird got split with a single strike and turned into dust.

“Im, impossible! How did he do that to the vermilion bird!”

Lee Dae-hui let out a shrill scream. It would look like it didn’t make sense from his point of view.

However, this was a minor version of the Dragon Killer that Han Joon-suk had.

Whether it was a vermilion bird or a dragon, what made it was an arrow and if I found and destroyed that then it would lose its strength and disappear.

After getting rid of the vermilion bird, I jumped down towards the guy and kicked his head.


The moment Lee Dae-hui collapsed on the ground a spear flew in.

Since it was quite a sharp thrust I lightly hit it to turn it towards the shield Kim Jong-oh was holding.



Park Sang-young held his own two hands and kneeled on the ground just like that, the power of 3% reflection damage.

I knee kicked him straight in the face. He got flustered and tried to dodge but it was too late.


With the sound of something breaking, teeth fell out.

If it was a normal person, they would lose conscious and collapse.

I twisted my body and kicked Park Sang-young’s face with my heel.

He spewed out blood as he got sent flying backwards.

If he still retains consciousness after getting hit by this then I will acknowledge his endurance.


Kim Jong-oh who was the only one left suddenly rushed in like a madman after throwing the shield away.

Did he let go of his mentality after his comrades got done in I wonder.

Or did he get overcome with anger.

It was just surprising that he managed to survive with that level of skill.

“Die! You bastard!”

“I don’t want to though?”

I swung my sword towards his wide open chest.

The sword and armor collided fiercely as sparks flew and he collapsed on the ground while vomiting blood.

“Kuh…… fuck…….”

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Too weak.

Was he being so arrogant with just this amount of strength.

I thought I would feel a bit better after beating them up as much as I want.

However, it wasn’t so.

I got more angry instead.

“Is this all you have?”

“You asshole…… you’re fucking dead.”

Kim Jong-oh kept swearing even while vomiting blood.

It was pathetic.

Trying to beat up someone with that meager amount of strength.

If it wasn’t for me they would have messed with someone else.

What did I have to do to make this kind of guy not be able to do it again.

“Would it be better to kill you?”


He breathed in and closed his mouth.

I took out the Bloody Sword from the manual and held it against his neck.

There were murmurs from the crowd that asked shouldn’t he be stopped. However, nobody stepped up to stop me.

It was a fight between hunters anyway, and in a situation where it wasn’t certain if I was a Chungho Group member they would lose out if they carelessly interfered.

As I put strength into the hand holding the sword, blood came out of his nape. The Bloody Sword got dyed crimson after quickly sucking that blood.

“Don, don’t do it…….”

Kim Jong-oh said so with a pale expression.

I looked down at him without a word.

I could feel fear from his expression.

“I’m telling you, don’t do it, fuck…….”

“You don’t want to die?”

“Of course. Who would want to die?”

He opened his mouth with a trembling voice.

“Then you shouldn’t have done something that would get you killed. You halfwit.”

I held up the Bloody Sword after saying so. I would hear oh my god sounds from the surrounding. Whatever though.

“Ahhh!! I was wrong please have mercy!”

“It’s too late.”

I struck down with the sword. At the point it was 1 cm away from his neck.

Kim Jong-oh’s pupils were looking at me after expanding.

His pants got soaking wet.

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It seems he leaked thinking he was really dying.

“Fuck…… this is embarrassing…….”

Swear words came out of his mouth. He really was a guy that didn’t change.

I put the Bloody Sword into the manual and stood up. I wasn’t planning on killing him in the first place. I was just trying to scare him a bit.

My future would be bleak if I killed a government team affiliated hunter you see.


Looking at the long sword there were cracks here and there. I used this since I thought there would be casualties if I used a high level item but it lacked durability. I should give this to Kelby as food or something.

I put the cracked longsword into the manual and took out the Dancing Sword.

This was comfortable as expected.

Since I destroyed an entire four hunters, they probably won’t stand still.

I didn’t have any thought on coming to an understanding so I was thinking about going to the end.

I was looking around while looking for a prey when.

Clap clap clap.

I could hear clapping from one side.

That got louder and louder until the onlookers all started cheering.

“Wow! That guy is amazing? I never saw someone move so fast.”

“I couldn’t even see properly.”

“Is it even possible to do something like that with a level 1 sword?”

“There’s probably a skill.”

“Did you see him use a skill?”

“Do you not even know what passive is? Look at him moving so quickly. It’s not the movements of a human being. It’s probably something that increases physical abilities.”

“Even so, what’s amazing is amazing. I don’t think I can fight like that even if I could move that quickly.”

“Certainly, he did seem to have good skill as well.”

It took quite a bit of time for the cheering to die out.

These guys were framing me as a spy so what the hell were they doing all of a sudden?

“I’m sorry. Public order management is my responsibility.”

Son Aram bowed down. I nodded my head while thinking that it wasn’t really her fault.

Regardless of whether it was because of a misunderstanding or not they had attacked first and the disciplinary punishment was a matter of course accordingly.

It wasn’t like there weren’t any complaints but it seems lieutenant Son Aram’s reputation had been built up as being good these past 2 weeks as it was resolved without much problems.

“Either way, weren’t you in a meeting?”

“It was over after just grasping the scale of damage. There was too little information as well after all.”

“Ah. Come to think of it. What happened to that?”

“The Chungho Group right? I didn’t get a separate report. The other teams are telling us to not worry since there’s nothing off.”

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“Certainly. There was no other stories on the bulletin board too.”

The government team hunters were uploading their situation on the bulletin board in real time.

I did think that it was a stupid move that leaked information to the Chungho Group but it was good in this kind of situation to understand the state of things.

Everything in the world was double sided.

“Ah. Where is the rest of your party members by the way?”

“Why are you asking that?”

“It is difficult to grasp the movement of the Chungho Group you see. We had a fair bit of information until now so we estimated their locations but now it’s not like that you see.”

She let out a deep sigh.

“That information, it was given by Han Jung-ho I see.”

“Yes. We looked at the other routes but it was all information from Ezekiel affiliated members.”

“Then those people are…….”

“For now, some people from team 1 are pursuing them. The things that could be used as evidence such as their phone or other objects have been confiscated. There was a phone that didn’t have a password so we checked so it seems something suspicious has been found. It looks like the problem of Ezekiel will be resolved somehow.”

“It should be enough for now with that.”

It felt like mending the barn after the horse is stolen but it’s a good thing that they realized at this point.

“Anyway, it’s difficult to know the exact location of the Chungho Group now. That’s why I’m thinking that it would be good for your party to join.”

“We were planning on going back.”

“Ah. Already?”

“It’s has been 2 weeks though.”

Son Aram let out a deep sigh at my words.

“That much time has passed already has it. Being here, I can’t tell how a day is passing.”

“Well, that can happen when you’re busy. The government team is going to keep progressing like this right?”

“Yes. There was no large damage after all. I think we will be moving while inspecting a larger area though.”

“Doesn’t that mean that the hunters will split up more than now?”

“That can’t be helped. We can’t even grasp the locations of the enemies right now after all.”

It was at that moment.

Ding dong – a message has arrived –

Son Aram got a message. Her face rapidly got dark as she checked the message.

“What is it?”

“The government team is…… getting attacked…….”

It seems the thing that was going to happen arrived. Wee Oong-bee that bastard, it wasn’t a farce. Either way, to arrive without being late I had to grasp the situation quickly and go help.

As long as I was here, it was difficult for me to ignore it and was planning on helping if need be.

“Which side is it? Team 2? Team 3?”

“Both of them.”

Both of them you say? Is it possible for 1,500 to attack both government teams?

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