Evolution Theory of the Hunter (ETH)

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Volume 1 Chapter 60

“This is an ability of my skill. I am able to virtually save and store items.”

It was easier to explain it away in this way than to to tell that it was an additional ability that came with the glasses and manual.

If I were to really get technical, it’s not like they completely have nothing to do with one another so it wasn’t a complete lie…right?

So I finished storing the items in that manner.


-Escape (0) 5 sheets: Takes the user directly outside the dungeon

-Light Healing Potion (0) 5 bottles: Heals light wounds

-Ventilation Potion (0) 1 bottle: Resets the cooldown period

-Leather Agile Armor (2): Increases reaction rate by 30%

-Floodplain Cane (2): Can adjust range of attack. The wider the range, the lower the efficacy and vice versa.

-Ingot Sword (2): Increases equipment’s durability by 100%


“Damn…the Ventilation Potion is something.”

With that, I would be able to use Sooah’s one person buff more than once in a day. It could really end up being useful one day.

“Other than this, we also have a Level 3 no name armor. We also have some no name level 2 items – if there is something that interests you – feel free to take them.”

“What’s the point of 100% durability though? I thought items don’t break.”

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Cho Youngoo picked up the Ingot sword and asked as he looked it it.

“Just because something is an item doesn’t mean it is indestructible. They do restore naturally with time  but if it breaks during a fight, it would be difficult to restore…because what would you do without a weapon in the midst of a fight. In such a case, that sword is much more reliable than a no name.”

I finished distributing the items.

The level 3 armor that Ban Shihyung had been wearing came to me.

Cho Youngoo took the Ingot sword, the Floodplain Cane went to Manager Kim, and the Leather Agile Armor went to Jong Sawon.

And everyone else took the level 2 equipment.

Sooah decided to take and use both the level 1 Agile Sword and Level 2 no name sword.

This was because it she couldn’t let the increase reflex option the agile sword provided go to waste.

Since she was plenty strong, it would be fine for her to fight holding a sword in either hand like I do.

It’s also true that most higher level hunters lean toward using dual swords instead of just one because their skills and abilities allow them to do so.

Now that everyone had graduated from level 1 gear, excitement was etched all over their faces.

“To think we came up on this much in just one fight…I think I can kind of relate to those hunters that weasel talked about.”

Han Joonseok whispered.

The items we had left over after everyone taking what they wanted was still valued at over 3 million dollars.

With that kind of money, we could buy two level 4 equipment.

All this…in just one day.


A sleepless night came and passed.

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I had raised all my abilities that night save for endurance – for a total use of 9000 points.


Proficiency: 24

Reward Points: 230

Abilities: Strength 250? Endurance 300 Reflexes 250? Focus 200? Defense 200?

Upgrade: 1/1,000


My next available upgrade required 1000 ores. I could think that it was a lot but, if we kept up the pace, I would be able to save that much in a month.

I couldn’t even imagine what the next upgrade would bring.

“Sunbeh Oppa. Look at this.”

Sooah said while touching her smartphone.


“It’s some news about the Yellow Sea.”


[Officials are in shock over news that there have been killings amongst hunters. Corpse count for just yesterday has been at over 100 and rising. It is estimated that there are over 200 dead. These unexpected events have set in motion the decision by the government to station a large number of police forces in the West Sea.]


“Seeing this, it’ll stop alot of people from coming.”

“This was probably what those hunters had been aiming for.”

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Han Joonseok spoke up. Compared to dungeons, it was possible to make 10 times the amount on this land.

This would have easily convinced most hunters to venture here.

But this new piece of news could change everything.

“But wouldn’t it make more sense to just mobilize the army? I don’t think the police would be enough to regulate all the hunters…”

Cho Youngoo said. Hunters were vulnerable to firearms. Of course the police carried firearms as well but they were nothing compared to the army.

At the same time, it wasn’t that easy a solution.

“If they decide to mobilize the army, the Chinese will do the same. It’s better to send out the police instead – to at least keep the peace.”

“What a headache.”

“Well it’s not our problem. That’s the government’s headache to deal with. We just need to concern ourselves with hunting.”

Our main focus was not everyone else. It was to milk out as much as we could from this new land before things got too crazy.

We continued hunting for three days straight until we ran out of food, water, and fuel.

We were able to gather 250 ores and a total of 45 items in 4 days. Most of the investments were put into my upgrade. And after dividing up the items, we had about 31 unclaimed left.

I calculated the price of everything once sold to be somewhere around 4 million dollars.

Distribution contribution was split with me taking ⅓ and everyone else taking amounts according to their ranking.

Since I took all the ores, I wanted to do the split evenly with everyone ..but surprisingly Manager Kim pushed for me taking the larger split.

“If we don’t give this much to him, this bastard might just leave us. We need to give him as much money as we can so that the thought won’t even occur in his head.”

With those words, everyone nodded their heads.

I had no intention of breaking our party. I felt a kind of bond with everyone now.

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“Where’s the trust?”

“Trust is empty. You need to back it up with money. Empty trust is easily shattered like glass.”

“Is that so…”

Is it because he’s had a lot of life experience? I felt a sort of wisdom in his words.

In any case, thanks to him, I was able to save 2 million dollars. Since there was now a Hunter’s Market at Manripo, there were no issues.

Everyone else took away 400,000 each. As soon as the money was deposited into their accounts, everyone’s face looked ready to rip from such wide smiles.

“Sunbeh Oppa. You want to get married with me? I’ll buy the house.”

…What the hell is this girl talking about?

We decided to take a day of rest so that the car could get maintenanced. Cho Youngoo went to the auto shop while Manager Kim and Han Joonseok went to rest at a hostel.

Jung Sooah, Bae Yeonkyoung, and I went out.

The number of hunters had increased much more than the first time we were here.

Even with the recent news, it seemed that everyone was dreaming of the riches to be earned instead.

“Why are we going to the market? Didn’t we sell everything we needed yesterday?”

“I was thinking of buying a skill.”

“What? Why? You’re going to throw away your effort skill? What a waste.”

“You crazy? Why would I throw that away?”

“Then ….?”

“I can learn one more…additional skill.”


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