Evolution Theory of the Hunter (ETH)

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Volume 1 Chapter 63

“Do you think…that the government knew things would turn out this way?”

Bae Yeonkyoung asked. This girl was sharp every once in a while.

“Could be. That might have been why they offered up partial ownership. I didn’t understand why they would make such a proposition but that might be why…”

“Then we could assume that other teams have made their moves just as team Ezekiel had.”

“Yes. It might be team Ezekiel in the south but if we go further somewhere else we might find mercenaries or some other pro teams.”

“Ultimately it looks like we just might end up serving honorary hunter roles without being able to do any real hunting.”

Cho Youngoo said with an annoyed look.

I felt the same annoyance.

We were a group of new hunters. Hunters who were not able to join any other teams.

But we had caught a glimpse of the riches this land that could have been ours.

Land of opportunity. The West Sea.

Where you could earn as much as the work you put in and rise up in levels quickly to become a real hunter.

But it was a silly pipe dream. We were naive.

I knew what had to be done now. We needed to build a team.

The hard part was convincing people.

Convincing them to put their lives on the line to fight against team Ezekiel.

Would there be anyone willing to do that and join our team?

Surprisingly, my problem was solved with the help of Manager Kim.

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When I looked up, a number of buses, trucks, and cars drove up behind our car. Clouds of smoke kicked up into the air.

It felt like the scene of a movie.

“Hm….what kind of magic did you do?”

“Hm? What? Me?”

Manager Kim wiped his brow as he answered. He then said as if it were no big deal.

“It wasn’t even that hard…something like this.”

“How did you get together so many people? It couldn’t have been easy. And it’s for something as crazy as fighting against team Ezekiel.”

Han Joonseok responded.

“Normally it would be difficult but this is a special case. Everyone came here with big hopes. There are also probably alot of people who were not able to hunt for a long time due to the disappearance of dungeons. I would assume that there are also a number of them who were having a hard time just surviving for want of money and food from the lack of dungeons. You just need to say the right things to them.”

“But I still don’t see how people would want to go through the trouble.”

Cho Youngoo said.

He was looking around at all the vehicles gathered. It seemed he still couldn’t believe they were all here.

“So I said we would take responsibility for them. I told them not to worry and follow us.”

“But that’s a lie right?”

Jung Sooah said.

“Of course. You think that team Ezekiel will just peacefully let us through? I’m sure they’ll try to kill every last one of us.”

“But will it be ok? What if they said something later?…”

“They just needed the right excuse to do something like this. They were just afraid to do something on their own. They don’t really expect us to take care of them….they just needed us to give them that reassurance. Of course someone might say something later on. But if we were concerned about something like that, we shouldn’t have tried something like this in the first place.”

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“It feels like we’re putting people in unnecessary danger…”

“Don’t worry. It’s my guess but I don’t think we’ll face too much backlash.”

“Do you have some kind of plan?”

I asked. Manager Kim gave a smirk and said.

“No. I just feel it in my bones.”

His words sounded kind of prophetic.

And it happened just in that way.

The closer we got to the road that team Ezekiel was blocking, the number of vehicles following us grew and grew.

Around the time we arrived to our destination, there were over a hundred cars behind us.

At this pace, we would get to the spot with over 200 cars.

How the hell did this happen?


As soon as a group of 20 some vehicles moved together, the rest of the people who needed an excuse were converted just as Manager Kim had said.

Would team Ezekiel be able to block all of us from passing?


“Now, I think it’s time for party head to say something.”

Manager Kim patted my shoulder. I nodded my head and got out of the car. Clouds of dust all around me…and I could hear the boom boom of running car engines behind me.


Sooah said as she looked out of the window.

One by one, people were getting out of their vehicles. Hundreds of them. And there were even more still in the vehicles.

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As soon as I started toward the barricade, I could almost hear the members of team Ezekiel shaking in their boots.

Among them, one of their bows caught my eye.

Level 3 Grassland Horn Bow.

An item that raised shooting accuracy. Put simply, it allowed someone to easily make a moving shot.

The owner of this bow was a man with a pretty big build. He was probably the boss here.

“You, you need to all go back or else…”



When it seemed awkward, all the vehicles behind me began to rev their engines.

The roar of engines only grew louder and louder.

My heart was starting race.

I was getting antsy.

I shook my shoulders up and down and said.

“Are you going to shoot me?”

“You, you think we’ll let you pass if you do this?”

“I’m just putting it out there but…I can’t stop those people from doing anything at this point. If I die here, they’ll storm this place…with you still standing here. What do you think will happen then?”

“Eu eu….”

Shake shake shake.

The hand that was drawing the arrow in the bow was shaking almost comically now. It was game over. They only had about a dozen men at the barricade while we had about a thousand behind us now.

“Shut up! Not even one of you will pass!”

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Big guy yelled out as if to shake off his fear.

“Hey dumbo. You think that any of us would come all the way here just to turn back quietly?”

“If you don’t want to die, back off!”

“Are you a parrot? Say something else why don’t you.”


We were going to fight anyway. If we let it drag out and government officials showed up, we would be in a pickle. We needed to get it over with.


They had all drawn their bows.



I stretched my arm out into the air.

Cho Youngoo’s shield appeared instantly in my hand and every single arrow bounced harmlessly off.

“Heuk? Where the hell did that come from?”

A few of them fell to the ground from the surprise of seeing me draw my shield from my storage.

“Leave your equipment on the ground and go. Then I’ll let you live.”

“This, this nobody bastard…?”

“Who’s calling who a nobody bastard?”

I raised my hand to signal.



An arrow flew out from our car and hit its mark. Han Joonseok’s stalker.

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