Evolution Theory of the Hunter (ETH)

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Volume 1 Chapter 66

“Stop over there. Just stop.”
As soon as I spoke, everyone looked at me.
“Huh? Aren’t you Jeon Sangmin?”
“Eum….how did you know my name…?”
“How could we not? Weren’t you the one who allowed all of us to pass through that barricade?”
“I guess but…”
It seemed my name was becoming quite famous. But that also meant I was infamous now to team Ezekiel.
It didn’t matter. Fame had a tendency to bring in negative attention as well as positive. I could handle that much at least.
It wouldn’t have been possible to pierce through the barricade all on our own. At least bringing everyone else over allowed us to not only come through easily but also have a whole slew of people as a sort of ally.
“Anyway, there’s no point in causing unnecessary trouble here. It’s better to just not fight and step away. Same with you guys from Ezekiel.”
I Looked pointedly at the other guys.
“What are you saying! This is our land! We even got confirmation from the government!”
“Shut up. Isn’t that only after you’ve cleared the entire land of monsters? It makes no sense for you to claim the land like this when we see monsters crawling all over it.”
“I love that way you put it. You’re 100% correct.”
He said as he clapped me on the back. Ezekiel’s side was now grinding their teeth, but I paid them no mind.
They were the minority right now and, short of losing their mind, they wouldn’t try and fight now.
“Don’t pick any fights and just focus on hunting. That would be the smartest move right now.”
“No. Was it us who picked the fight first? They were the ones who blocked our way first. We had half a mind to just push past them forcefully with our trucks before deciding to try and settle it out peacefully by getting out and trying to talk.”
The person who looked to be the party leader explained.
“Don’t make me say the same thing twice and just leave. If you don’t want to die, that is.”

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I spoke a bit more roughly than I meant to.
Was this because of my memories from the Baeksapyoung Dungeon? The faces of all the unnecessarily slaughtered men and the melted faces of the survivors came to mind.
Finally the Ezekiel group moved aside. That was their only option.
The truck party’s leader came toward me and said.
“I had wanted to use some force against them but I will let it be only because of you. Then…until we meet again.”
All of them loaded back into the truck and disappeared into the horizon.
And then the Ezekiel group looked to me and said.
“You said you’re Jeon Sangmin…? You were the cause of all of this?”
“Whatever. Watch yourself. From now on, there will be plenty of other people not as forgiving as them.”
I turned around after saying my piece.
It would have been nice if they just left it at that.
“You didn’t think we would just let you go after you did all this shit?”
“No. I just saved you guys from getting killed, so what the hell are you talking about?”
“Save us? Like hell! You’re looking down on us!”
“Looking down on you? If that means saving your life…then yeh…I’m looking down on you.”
“Oh. I’m sorry if my speech is a bit rough, but I’m not wrong.”
“This bastard! Just know today is your funeral.”
The sword he had sheathed just a moment ago was drawn again.

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I made a sigh and said.
“Don’t do this…really.”
“I will make you regret letting those guys pass.”
[TN: Sorry for the interruption but my translations are being stolen by a certain website. I wanted to put this in here to see if those idiots will catch this or copy paste this exactly. All you readers, this novel translation is from just fyi]
“It’s nice that you have so much confidence but…think of it from the other side. Why do you think they left us like that?”
The doors to our car opened and both Han Joonseok and Jong Sawon got out. When everyone else looked ready to get out too, I raised my hand to stop them.
“Just wait on stand by. I’m enough to handle these guys by myself.”
“Nice bluff…I’ll give you that much.”
The biggest of them all, wielding a Bastard Sword, stomped his way toward me.
Glancing at his equipment, he had level 2 equipment and a level 3 sword.
Hm. Not bad.
But even if he had a level 3 skill, he was still no match for my effort skill.
“Keu keu. I will make you rue the moment you had your friends stay back.”
“Sorry. What did you say?”
I piledrived right into his chest in a split second.
The moment I gave a good hard squeeze to the hand holding the sword, he released his weapon and let it fall to the ground.
The moment he stepped back in surprise, I stepped on the sword and put it into storage.
“This bastard! Doing a surprise attack!”
“Whatever. Just go. I don’t want to fight.”

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“Wait…where’s my sword?”
“What are you talking about? What sword?”
“The sword you just ook…”
I raised up both hands to show that I had nothing in them. His face froze. Even a non name level 3 sword sold for about 600,000 dollars.
He must have felt like crying from losing something like that.
“Wait…wait….really…my sword.”
“Stop whining. If you want to fight then just hurry it up.”
I could hear Sooah trying to stop from laughing behind me
His face kept getting redder and redder.
“Shit! I’m sure it’ll turn up somewhere. Everyone attack!”
He yelled confidently, but no one behind him moved.
Unless they were idiots, they would have been able to assess our power.
It should have struck them as odd that a bunch of hunters left just on my word alone.
It meant that they acknowledged my power enough that they would not only listen to me, but trust that I would be safe even after they left.
Only this one idiot didn’t understand all of this.
“What are you guys doing! I said to kill the bastard!”
“I mean…he looks pretty strong. And it’s not like we have to fight him. I’m sure someone higher up will do something about him.”
Everyone started to walk away.
Only the guy who had his weapon stolen was still mad. But he couldn’t fight alone…and weaponless at that…so he followed everyone else.
“Shit! You just watch!”
“So there are idiots who say cliche things like that.”

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He let out a final frustrated yell at my nonchalant words before running at me.
It wasn’t hard to fight off a foe who didn’t even have a weapon.
I punched him in the face.
“You use this.”
I passed the level 3 no name sword to Sooah.
“Are you just passing things out now?”
“Return what you had instead.”
She passed back the level 2 sword she had strapped to her hip.
After scattering team Ezekiel, we made a small change in course. There was no need to unnecessarily go on a course they knew so that they could find us again to fight.
Our aim was to fight monsters…not people.
Of course the items we gained from fighting people were very very nice, but not enough to kill.
We arrived at a piece of land that didn’t overlap with any other parties’ hunting grounds.
Park Hanbum spoke.
“How many do you think we can kill?”
“If they’re level 2 monsters, I’m sure we can easily do about 20 at one time?”
Armed with level 3 equipment now, we were far stronger than we had been at the Baeksapyoung dungeons.
But it was better not to overwhelm ourselves since we were fighting on a more open landscape.
“Then I’ll be right back.”

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