Evolution Theory of the Hunter (ETH)

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Volume 1 Chapter 90

A green message popped up on my glasses lens.


As soon as I spoke the command, the sword I had placed on the table began to vibrate.


The low frequency sound kept ringing out.


The sword defied all law of physics and began to float in mid air.

“Oh, insane.”

Sooah said as she watched the sword. She looked like she was on the verge of clapping.

I just stood by and watched the sword carefully. I noticed ever slight changes happening before my eyes. In some parts it almost looked like fine powder moving around, and then it would looks like small bits of light moving around. Strange.

-Upgrade completion: 81%.

It was all happening fairly quickly. Not even 1 minute had passed since the process began and it was almost already 80% complete. And then the upgrade was done.

It didn’t really look any different. It was still as blunt as it had been before the upgrade.

If I had to point something out, I’d have to say it was the red gem that was now on the hilt of the sword.

-Upgrade complete. The ‘Blunt Sword’ has been upgraded to the “Blunt Dancing Sword’.

A green message appeared again above my glasses.

Blunt Dancing Sword (0): Stands by in the vicinity of the user to attack and defend against attacks from surrounding enemies. Depending on the setting, a variety of different attack methods may be used.

The name is too long. (TN: not in english but in korean it is pretty long). I’ll call it the Dancing Sword from now on instead.

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“It doesn’t look like it changed at all really…”

Sooah said as she inspected the sword.

“Hold it up for a minute.”

“Is it ok for me to hold it first?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Then I’ll….ahhh?”


As soon as she tried to pick up the sword, the Dancing Sword wooshed and dodged her hand on its own.

Surprised by the sword that was floating in midair, she tried to grab hold of it once more but the sword evaded her again.

“This damn sword…”

Clearly annoyed now, Sooah bolted up from her seat to chase after the animated weapon. The sword was able to take basic commands and the setting I had initiated was ‘avoid’.

Sooah continued to race after the dancing sword like an angry bull but it dodged and evaded her as if it were child’s play.

“Huff huff.”

“It’s pretty fast. It looks almost fast enough for me to be unable to catch it too.”

“If I only had my necklace on, I’m sure I would have caught it.”

She was not wearing her Redemption Necklace. Because there was no reason for her to have on any of her hunter gear while in the hostel.

“Why don’t you stop for now so we can see what else this thing…huh…? Wai…wait.”

“I got it!”

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In the brief moment I wasn’t paying attention, she had thrown herself at the sword. For all her confidence, the sword was still able to slip out of reach at the last moment. Having lunged into the air with abandon, she was about to crash right onto me.



But right before she did, I shifted a bit to dodge that bit of disaster. Sooah, not so lucky, tumbled across the floor until she slammed to a stop against the wall. The a cacophony of noise rang out all throughout the hostel.

“Hey! Are you trying to bring the building down!”

“….Couldn’t you just catch me that one time?”

Sooah whimpered with tears welling up in her eyes.

“I was going to catch you but.”

“But what?”

“Lunging at me with such bloodlust in your eyes – anyone would have dodged you.”

“Pft. Anyway. I’ll be going into my room now.”

I chuckled a bit as I watched her walk away while muttering some things under her breath before I turned to grab the sword. Using it was fairly simple. If I just give it a simple command, it would follow that command.

While I only used a preprogrammed command as a test, the manual explained that the dancing sword would also be able to understand other commands in a sentence structure as well.

Additionally, the sword would be able to attack in infinite patterns with the freedom to move in the air.

I kept testing the sword out from here and there in the room, but I was unable to unlock the full potential just in this way.

I needed to perform a stress test that would be similar to a real battle.

And Sooah was the perfect candidate to help me out in that respect. That girl, she’s never available when she’s needed.

Anyway, what in the world is she up to that she’s so quiet?

Is she sleeping?

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“What are you doing? I’m coming in.”


I opened the door to her room.


I sat on the sofa and turned on the television. The male anchor on the screen was loudly going on about something or another.

But none of that was registering.

The only thing running through my head was the image of Sooah, clad in her underwear, putting on her equipment.

And that equipment, of all things, was the Chongmal garter belt.

Her underwear, matching her garter belt, was also all black. Physical fitness, a requirement for all porters, was evident in her firm and well formed thighs.

And her tight round buttcheeks….


I let out a sigh without even realizing it.

It was the first time I had seen her in those garter belts. There was no reason for me to have ever seen them since she always wears them inside her armor.

And I think it might be better if I don’t see them again.

If anything, it would be better for me to not see it again just so that I can be objective and not change my view of her.


“Did you see?”

Sooah asked with just her head poking out of the doorway.

“No. Not anything.”

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“Fine, I saw. What do you want. It was an accident.”

“If you saw, you need to take responsibility. Are you going to just wash your hands of this even after you’ve seen a grown lady in her underwear?”

“Hey, is this the medieval times? The 22nd century is right around the corner. Making a big deal out of me seeing a wee bit of skin. You didn’t even have much to look at.”

“Really? Then I guess it’ll be ok for me to show you a bit more then.”

What the hell is with this girl. Surely she doesn’t mean to come out like that.

No. No no. I can see the corners of her lips slanting up.

Can she see me sweating?

“If you do anything weird, I’m going to get really mad.”

“What if I do..”

“I’m never going to talk to you again.”

“Hmph, I already mentally prepared myself for that.”

She stepped out out of the doorway. I turned my head around and quickly closed my eyes.

“What are you doing?”

“I am putting in my best efforts to preserve our relationship the way it is.”

“Haa, it’s fine. Just look.”

“What? If it’s something weird I’ll really get mad.”

With a little bit of expectation mixed in with a little bit of dread, I opened my eyes.

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