I looked at the Ansan dungeon slowly get activated. And the moment it became 99%.

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A blue colored screen appeared on the computer monitor. It was a blue screen.

“Eh. The computer stopped.”

“It just had to be at the most important moment…….”

I hurriedly rebooted the computer. However, it seems the computer had completely broke down after the blue screen as it didn’t start up.

“Wow……. It really has amazing timing. You have no choice to buy one. Let’s go with me to buy one tomorrow.”

“I will also pitch in. If it’s something the party leader uses then it’s an object necessary for the team as well after all.”

Yeon-gyeong also held my hand as she showed her support.

I stared at the computer that stopped functioning with an empty expression. All types of information that I had piled up for several years disappeared just like that.

The other data was fine since it was in my head but there was no way to recover those precious lost girls.”

No, it wasn’t that that was important right now.

I had to check if that program was actually functioning properly.

“Either way, we couldn’t find out what that really was in the end.”

Soo-ah pointed at the USB and said so.

“I should at least go to a PC cafe.”

“What are you going to do if it stops again there.”

“That can be thought about at that time. I have to check what has to be checked for now.”

I couldn’t just give up because I didn’t want to lose the money.

“More importantly, the sun will rise soon…….”

Soo-ah pointed at Edward.

“Ah. Right.”

He was a vampire.

Seeing how the guy called Baras was also found as an item it seems he wouldn’t do well surviving under sunlight.

Edward opened his mouth.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“You don’t be able to handle sunlight. I will have to find a coffin for you to stay in.”


“Vampires usually stayed in a coffin in a dark basement during the day.”

“Are you telling me to stay shut inside of that during the entire day?”

“You will have to if you don’t want to die.”

“Hm…… a sun you say.”

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There was no sun in the dungeon so he probably didn’t have to worry until now. But it was unsettling to leave him in my house all day.

He was a vampire for now, and the possibility of him attacking a human couldn’t be ignored.

To prevent that I had to keep him under my watch but in a situation where I had to go to the Yellow Sea soon I couldn’t leave him alone separately.

“Don’t you think it will be fine to use this?”

Soo-ah held up her smartphone. There was an object that she had searched for in the Hunter Market’s item section.

Ultraviolet Blocking Coat (1) : Clothes that blocks the sunlight. Do not need sun cream.

“Ah. Those are clothes that madams use a lot.”

For now, it was clothes that could perfectly block the ultraviolet light.

Because it covered that parts that most clothes didn’t cover it was mostly used by madams that were greatly concerned about their beauty.

Although it was a beauty related item it didn’t have much of a merit compared to other items so it was something sold under 100m.

Even I who memorized most equipment and their ability couldn’t know even all of the beauty related items so I couldn’t think of it immediately.

“BUt would that work?”

“It blocks sunlight so wouldn’t it work?”

“Well, there’s nothing wrong with testing it. We can just sell it if it doesn’t work.”

The Shinchon main store of the Hunter Market operated 24 hours a day.

It seemed like it would be better to buy it before the sun rose so we decided to go with Edward.

I was curious about the dungeon creation but this side was desperate.

I was finishing up the preparation to leave when the phone rang.

I was wondering who would call me at such a time and looked at the screen, it was none other than Han Joon-suk.

I had the feeling.


[This is the party leader right?]

“Yes, what is it at such a time? Did a dungeon appear by any chance?”

[Yes, did you see the news?]

“Yes, but what’s the location? Is it Ansan?”

[Yes? It’s not thought?]

“Then where is it?”

[I’m not sure how to say where…… I think the dungeons that disappeared all came back.]

I delayed the shopping for now and checked the news on the smartphone.

Soo-ah this girl was on her smartphone all the time so I had no idea she was even later than Han Joon-suk at getting this kind of information.

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“Wow. Amazing. Dungeons really appeared all over the country. Level 1, 2, 3, 4 are all in the same locations.”

The only dungeon created using the ‘Mystic Dungeon’ was the Ansan dungeon, just that one.

However, they had reopened everywhere. It wasn’t important whether it was a program error or if it happened because the computer suddenly stopped working.

The more important problem lies elsewhere.

The entrance of the dungeons were all red.

Of course I couldn’t not think of the vampire dungeon I went into before.

“No way…….”

The new system was continuously friendly to me.

It dropped good items and skills every time I was in a pinch and I was able to get stronger at a faster than anyone.

I had deleted the original dungeons and created the new system’s dungeon.

If I raised my proficiency more, then the dungeons level 5 and above will disappear as well.

And they will be replaced with the red dungeons.

If that happens then what would happen in the end. The old system will lose its meaning and the new system might be take place as the new order.

This might be a process of the new system eating up the old system.

Also, it might be that I am climbing up on that.

“Eh. No way.”

“What is no way?”

“No, there’s something like that.”

I glossed over it. There was no point to explaining something I wasn’t even sure about.

For now, we went to the Hunter Market to get the coat for Edward. I was able to buy it at 60m. There was a reason it came so cheap.

He opened his mouth as if conflicted.

“Are you telling me to wear this?”

“What’s wrong. It looks cool.”

It was difficult to say something I didn’t really mean while keeping a straight face. The shape was a bit different from what Soo-ah found on her smartphone.

The coat that Edward was wearing was a thick fur coat. It seemed like it would be hot just looking at it and it was too eye catching.

It was a good thing that his good looks covered for it to some degree.

“I will die of embarrassment before dying due to the sunlight.”

“You complaining when you got it for free.”

“It wasn’t exactly free though.”

“Where would your abilities be useful.”

I decided to hire Edward as a miscellaneous jobs worker as I took him around.

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It was unsettling to leave him be on his own and it wasn’t like he was useful for hunting either.

His ability was only able to tame monsters at the same level or lower so thinking of the level of our party it was the same thing as not being there.

“You overconfident human.”

“Give it back if you don’t like it.”

“Who said I didn’t like it?”

“You did.”

“I don’t remember.”

Are you some politician.

The Ultraviolet Blocking Coat performed brilliantly. He slightly slipped his hand towards the sunlight just in case after taking it off and he got burns in an instant so I had fun watching him hurriedly wearing it again.

The next thing to do was to plug the USB into a nearby PC cafe.

However, the computer soon became broken and had to compensate them with almost 1m won.

In the end, we had to return home with no other accomplishment than using money.

“I can’t tell what the problem is.”

“Isn’t it because the specs are lacking?”

“I guess I will have to invest a bit?”

I nodded my head. The total amount of money I had in my account right now was about 20.3b. It was an amount that would allow me to buy a supercomputer.

However, I decided to buy the best among the personal computers first as a test instead of buying the most expensive one from the beginning.

If I could just get it to run properly then it would be possible fiddle with the red dungeons that suddenly appeared.

I hoped that I could take care of this problem before left to the Yellow Sea.

It wasn’t like the merit of the Yellow Sea dropped because of the newly appeared dungeons after all.

The opportunity to kill a bunch of monsters all at once was plentily tempting.

I ran Mysics Dungeon with the computer newly bought at Yongsan.

It was an expensive computer bought with almost 10m won.

The map came up and as I right clicked the selection window for creating dungeons etc appeared again.

It worked up to this point in the PC cafe. The problem was that the computer crashed when the selection window was clicked.

– You have selected the Dungeon Modification. You are able to select the monster type and level of the level 1 Ansan dungeon.

I tried raising the level 1 dungeon to level for now.

– Modified to level 2.

“It worked.”

It worked properly this time. The money spent was worthwhile.

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After confirming that the actions went smoothly I tried using this and that.

Currently, dungeon creation and deleting was easily possible. It felt like I was turning it on and off.

The thing was that there was a limit to how much the dungeon could be modified. The dungeon level could only be raised to the level of dungeons currently open.

In other words, it could only be modified to a max of level 4.

How did I know this? It was the process of annoyingly checking every single thing.

“It might be possible to get a fair amount of money from this?”

Soo-ah said so as she looked at me controlling the program from the side. It was something I agreed on.

This program was able to control dungeons all around the world and it was possible to change the monsters that appeared too.

The fact that the monsters could be changed meant that it was possible to make certain items appear well.

The type of monster that drops a certain type of item was kind of set after all.

That was why, it would be possible to get a good amount of money by making monsters that drop expensive items appear and go all out on clearing that.

However, it was also a problem that the dungeons themselves were under the management of the Dungeon Administration Team.

No matter how often I tried to clear the dungeons, once a day for 2 hours was a rule.

And if the appointments got delayed that even that would be difficult.

In such a case, I just had to make the expensive items come out of an unpopular dungeon though.

“How about we pressure the government with this as a weapon?”

“Are you trying to get killed? Even if word gets out that we have this we’re doomed. Do you think the government will stay still?”

“Seonbae oppa is strong though.”

“I’m not stronger than Lee Hui-seung.”

Nobody knew his true strength as he was the first hunter.

Dungeons and items all had the limit of level 10 but Lee Hui-seung had an unimaginable amount of money.

He could have several hundreds of skill slots. All of those filled with level 10 skills.

If it was like that then there would be a huge difference between the same level 10. Level wasn’t everything to strength.

I opened my mouth towards the two people and one vampire crouching in the small room.

“That’s why, this is all a secret. Got it?”

“What about our party members?”

Yeon-gyeong asked.

“It should be fine for Han Joon-suk. He looks like he has tight lips. But keep it a secret to the others. There is a person with a loose mouth, a careless person, and a person that hasn’t been in the party for a long time.”

“Yes, understood.”

Soo-ah replied while shooting her hand up.

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