
Chapter 12

Chapter 12

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  Xu Yue felt cold all over. Despite hearing Chu Yi loud and clear, he asked, “What did you just say?”

  Chu Yi tried to play it down as he spoke with a serene tone, “Murder is really difficult to digest[1].”

He looked down at his right hand. His eyes seemed to trace the lines of his palm as he recalled, “When I stabbed him, that person was still struggling… his body was still warm… the blood that spurted out was so thick and sticky… After a few moments, it was just like a deflated ball, one final sneer[2] and — everything is over.

 “I originally didn’t want to kill. But there was no other way. Did he have to trail me? If I hadn’t killed him, A’Yue, you would have been snatched away.

 “I had sworn to myself that if you would give me another chance, I would never let you go again.”

  Xu Yue was petrified. If it was before today, he would not have believed what Chu Yi said. But now that Chu Yi had knocked him out and lock him up, what wouldn’t he dare to do?

  He couldn’t help asking, “Who was it that you killed?”

  Chu Yi blinked and was all smiles when he replied, “Any guesses?”

  Xu Yue thought about it. There was only one person who met the conditions. He said the name with some difficulty, “Is it… Su Yanwen?”

 “Whoever tries to snatch you from me,” Chu Yi stretched out his hand to hook Xu Yue’s chin and said, “I will make them disappear from this world.”

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 “You are crazy!”

 “Yes, I’m crazy for you, A’Yue.”

  After Chu Yi said those words, he bent down to kiss him.

  Xu Yue turned his head to avoid it.

  Chu Yi didn’t let go, instead harassed Xu Yue once again.

  Xu Yue remained calm this time, and let Chu Yi kiss him. When their lips met and Chu Yi was engrossed in the kiss, he suddenly bent his knee and kicked Chu Yi in the stomach.


  Chu Yi grunted, doubled over in pain.

  Xu Yue jumped out of the bed immediately, but with his right foot locked by an iron chain it was difficult for him to move. Chu Yi caught up and quickly hugged him.

 “A’Yue, don’t go!”

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  Xu Yue broke off from the embrace, turned around and punched him.

  Chu Yi was long prepared and managed to evade in time. Although he was very coddled and pampered, he had learned self-defence as a child and could take on Xu Yue. The two of them punched and kicked. At the beginning, there was some level of finesse, but soon after, they resorted to relying on brute force. In the end, both fell to the ground and rolled into a ball.

  After brawling for a while, Xu Yue finally prevailed. He suppressed Chu Yi’s hands and feet, and was about to punch him. But he saw that Chu Yi had abruptly given up all resistance and was looking up at him with those jet-black eyes of his.

  Xu Yue’s heart jumped. He lessened the strength in his hand, lightly pressed on Chu Yi’s chest and asked, “Did you really kill someone?”

  Chu Yi’s face was injured and some blood was oozing out. Against his pale face, it brought about an indescribably bewitching mien. He curled his lips into a smiled, “A’Yue, I would do anything for you. Don’t you believe me?”

  Xu Yue was half-believing at first, but that hippy-dippy smile made Chu Yi even more unreliable. But in any case, he had to regain his freedom.

  Xu Yue frowned and asked, “Where is the key to unlock the chain?”

      “As I said, the key is with me.” Chu Yi laid on his back and said, “You can find it yourself.”

  Xu Yue stared at him, but didn’t do anything.

  Chu Yi asked, “What? Want me to help you?”

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  With that he raised his hand to unbutton his shirt.

  Xu Yue held his hands and asked, “What are you doing?”

  “Aiding body-search.”

  Does frisking require stripping?

  Xu Yue didn’t expect him to be so cooperative and had to say, “I’ll do it myself.”

  Chu Yi’s clothes were thin. He could not really hide anything. Yet, even though Xu Yue searched carefully he didn’t find the key.

 “Officer[3] Xu, is this how you’re going to search?” Chu Yi deliberately spoke into the shell of Xu Yue’s ear while his fingers captured Xu Yue’s hands and caressed his own body with them. “Just like this… do it.”

  His actions, at the beginning, were merely frivolous. But lower his fingers went, the more ambiguous his actions became. In the end, he was completely ill-intentioned.

 Xu Yue pulled his hand back and said, “Forget it. I will find another way.”

 “A’Yue, you seem to have forgotten something: you don’t have much of a gambit[4] in this situation.”

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Chu Yi’s hand hooked Xu Yue back. He flipped them over, sat on Xu Yue. While looking at him from where he sat towering over, he said, “I can’t give you the key for nothing. Why don’t you pay for it with your body?”


  Xu Yue was in raptures.

Chu Yi’s temples were drenched in sweat. Drops of sweat dripped down his chin and fell on Xu Yue’s neck. He gently lapped at Xu Yue’s Adam’s apple and said breathlessly, “A’Yue, I love you.”

[1] Kun Yi Wei Lou wrote ‘杀人的滋味可真是不好受。’ ‘shā rén de zī wèi kě zhēn shi bù hǎo shòu.’ Which literally means ‘The taste of killing is really uncomfortable.’

[2] Kun Yi Wei Lou wrote “‘嗤’的一下” (‘chī’ de yīxià). 嗤 refers to a sneer, scoff, or snort. An alternate translation will be: down with a ‘thud’.

[3] Police officer; ‘警官’ ‘jǐng guān’

[4] Kun Yi Wei Lou wrote ‘做主’ ‘zuò zhǔ’ which is same as ‘作主’ ‘zuò zhǔ’.  It means ‘to take responsibility and make decisions’.

[5] Euphemism for sexual content. A really long line of cars (车) is there in the current JJWXC version of the novel. JJWXC has the policy of censoring any ‘action below neck’.

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