
Chapter 17

Xu Yue knew that he had to stop-loss[1].

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  Being cajoled was good, but how long can it last? With others (the relationship) may last three to five years, but with Chu Yi it would be utmost three to five months.


  But Xu Yue was reluctant to expose him just yet.

  So, he took Chu Yi’s hand and walked back to the bed and said, “Go to sleep. Tomorrow is the first day of New Year.”

  Chu Yi let out an “um” and laid down on the bed obediently.

 The next day, the sky cleared after that night’s deluge. Weather was pleasant again.

  Even though Xu Yue did not sleep well during the latter half of the night, he got up at dawn. He was used to wearing new clothes on the first day of New Year, but he no longer cared about it. He picked up a random sweater and put it on.

  Chu Yi was still cocooned in the quilt, peering at him with just one eye open. He asked, “Where are you off to so early?”

  Xu Yue said, “To pray at the temple. Bye-bye.”

  He had thought that Chu Yi would not have faith in such things. Unexpectedly, as soon as Chu Yi heard that, he sat up on the bed and declared, “I will go with you.”

  Xu Yue’s parents had left (for the temple) before dawn. Xu Yue and Chu Yi were late to arrive and there was already a long queue of people who were there to offer incense.

  There is only one temple in the town, which was built on the hillside. There was barely anyone offering incense on regular weekdays, but it sure was bustling on the first day of the New Year. Outside the temple gates, there were all sorts of small vendors, some selling breakfast, others selling incense and candles, and a few had even set up stalls for ring toss game.

  While Chu Yi waited in line, Xu Yue went outside and bought them two egg pancakes, which the two of them gobbled with gusto.

  They had to queue for half an hour before it was their turn to worship.

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  The golden statue of Buddha[2] had eyes and eyebrows that exuded kindness[3]. Chu Yi, who has always been lackadaisical, knelt on the futon and kowtowed very reverently.

  Xu Yue took a stick of incense and stepped forward. What he prayed for, year after year, was the safety and wellbeing of his family. But this time, he hesitated a little, and quietly added a certain someone’s name in his prayer.

  They were free after offering incense. There was nothing fun in the town. Xu Yue and Chu Yi wandered around, and then took the same route to return home. Chu Yi originally wanted to make up for the sleep he lost, but he didn’t expect to find a box of game CDs in Xu Yue’s room. It was the hottest game of their time.

  Chu Yi was excited, and instantly dragged Xu Yue along to play. Xu Yue tried to connect it to the TV. It connected at the first try and they could play.

  Chu Yi had not played games for several years, but he was a decent player back then, and naturally assumed taking Xu Yue out would be a piece of cake. Unexpectedly, as soon as they started, he lost a few moves in a row, and a big “K.O” was displayed on the screen.

  Unwilling to succumb, Chu Yi shot Xu Yue a glance and called for, “Rematch!”

  Xu Yue didn’t fuss, just said, “Okay.”

  Next, Chu Yi played harder, fought Xu Yue with all he got. Both of them had their share of wins and losses, but Xu Yue had higher overall score.

  Xu Yue’s parents were out visiting relatives and were yet to return. So, they sat on the living room sofa, shoulder to shoulder, playing games. When the match was at its climax, Chu Yi suddenly asked, “A’Yue, when will we get married?”

  Xu Yue’s hand shook.

  The character he controlled on the screen erred on a big move, and suffered a series of hits from Chu Yi’s, and his life force drained rapidly.

  He settled down and said calmly, “All’s fair in love and war, right[4]. Sick[5] move.”

  Chu Yi laughed as he said, “I’m serious.”

  Xu Yue did not say anything; his eyes were glued to the screen.

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  Chu Yi said, “Sure enough, it’s too hasty to propose marriage like this. Forget it! Wait for next time.”

  As soon as his voice fell, the gamepad in his hand fell to the ground.

  Xu Yue had pulled his arm, huddled him into his arms, bowed his head and kissed him.

  Chu Yi murmured, “A’Yue…”

  Xu Yue kissed his lips reservedly, sucked on Chu Yi’s upper lips for a while, before moving down again.

  Chu Yi couldn’t get enough of that kiss, yet he licked his lips and said, “I almost won just now.”

  Xu Yue said, “You were the one who played dirty first.”

  Chu Yi seized the opportunity, “Then, how do you plan to punish me?”

  Xu Yue stared at him for a moment, and said, “Will tell you once we get back.”

  That could be considered as a promise.

  Chu Yi’s heart prickled so much so that that he did not even want to play the game anymore. He wished he could pack up and immediately return to the city with Xu Yue. However, with how rarely Xu Yue visited home, of course he should stay a while before leaving. The two of them did not dare to act too outrageously in Xu Yue’s parents’ house, and could only hold hands occasionally, when no one was paying attention.

  Xu Yue ate, drank and had fun with Chu Yi for the next few days, and on the fifth day of the Chinese New Year, he had to visit relatives. Chu Yi had neither the name nor the designation (to go with Xu Yue). No matter how thick-skinned he was, there was no way he could tag along, so he had to stay alone at home.

  In the end, when Xu Yue was eating at his uncle’s[6] house, the phone ping-ping-pinged with messages from Chu Yi.

 “A’Yue, have you eaten yet?”

 “What did you eat for lunch?”

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 “I’m so miserable. I only have instant noodles to eat…”

  Xu Yue send a few messages as reply. His cousin brothers and sisters, who sat beside him, upon seeing that, ​​laughed and concluded, “A’Yue is in love.”

  Xu Yue did not refute. On his way back home after dinner, he bought caramelized roasted chestnuts[7] from the street to bring home.

  When he had covered halfway back, his cell phone rang. He thought it was Chu Yi’s call, but when he picked it up, it was an unfamiliar number.

 “Hello! Who?”

 “Is it Mr. Xu Yue?”

  The one speaking was a young man whose voice sounded familiar. Xu Yue replied, “Yes[8].”

  The other party said, “I am Chu Yi’s brother.”

 “Mr. Chu?” Xu Yue was stunned. He asked, “What’s the matter?”

 “Sorry to bother you. I want to ask, Xiao… Is Chu Yi with you?”

 “Yes. He came along with me to my hometown for the New Year.”

  The person on the other side was breathing rather heavily. He paused for a while, and then asked, “Is he by your side now?”

 “No. I’m outdoors right now.”

 “Mr. Xu” Chu Yu cleared his throat and continued, “I have something to tell you. I hope you can listen to me patiently.”

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 “What’s the matter?”

 “In our ancestral home, there is a yard. When my grandma was alive, a parterre[9] was set up to plant flowers. After grandma passed away, the parterre was left largely unattended. In the heavy rain a few days back, a trellis of the parterre collapsed. When the workers were renovating, they dug up a corpse.”

 Xu Yue was taken aback, and his heartbeat peaked. He heard Chu Yu continue, “The body had decomposed. Police investigated and found that the that the deceased was killed a few months ago. After DNA testing, the identity of the deceased has been confirmed.”

  After Chu Yu took a deep breath, he said in a heavy tone, “…It is my brother Chu Yi.”

[1] Kun Yi Wei Lou wrote ‘折扣’ ‘zhé kòu’ which means ‘to discount’. ‘Stop-loss’ is a financial asset management stratagem of selling at a particular price point to limit loss (or gain). Xu Yue, here, means to check himself from falling for Chu Yi any deeper.

[2] Or bodhisattva

[3] Kun Yi Wei Lou wrote ‘慈眉善目’ ‘cí méi shàn mù’ which means ‘kind brows, pleasant eyes.’

[4] Kun Yi Wei Lou wrote ‘兵不厌诈’ ‘bīng bù yàn zhà’ which means ‘in war nothing is too deceitful’.

[5] Excellent

[6] Mother’s brother – ‘舅舅’ ‘jiù jiu’

[7] ‘包糖炒栗子’ ‘Bāo táng chǎo lìzǐ’

[8] ‘I am’.

[9] flowerbed

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