
Chapter 19

25 December, Christmas day.

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  Chu Yi had left home before finishing the meal.
  As it is, it was rare for him to go home. His father had started nagging the moment he sat at the table. He felt as though his ears were about to grow calluses. Didn’t he just play around with that starlet and land in a couple of entertainment magazines? What was the big deal?! His father had even called on his elder brother to admonish him, tut-tut!

 Chu Yi originally wanted to go out for a drive in his brand-new sports car. He failed to realize that it was Christmas and unwittingly got caught in a big traffic jam. Even the best car could only move forward no faster than a turtle. Chu Yi was stuck in the middle of the road. He irritably pulled his neckline, took out a cigarette and lit it, leaning on the steering wheel and took a long drag.

  He looked good, had a good family background, and everything was going well obviously. But lately, he had been feeling discontentment. He had always pursued novelty and excitement, but nothing could enthral him for long. Therefore, there were fewer and fewer things that could pique his interest. Now, everything bored him.

  Chu Yi took out his mobile phone, planning to call his group of friends to see if they would like to have some fun. However, as soon as he opened his contacts, a call came through.

  Chu Yi received the call and heard on the other side the starlet, whom he had thrown off not long ago, call out, “Mr. Chu…”

  The voice on the other end was particularly pitiful, but Chu Yi was merciless. He flicked the soot and asked, “What’s the matter?”

 “I miss you so much… I was in the wrong the last time… I shouldn’t…”

  Such clichés.

  Chu Yi had very little patience. He interrupted him and said, “Is break-up fee[1] the not enough? (If so,) you may discuss with my lawyer.”

  Once broken up, Chu Yi certainly would not get back together with any of his former lovers. That starlet, Chen Rui, was pretty good-looking. Incidentally, the two of them were on the same flight while returning to China. Chen Rui had thrown himself at him, and Chu Yi just played along. That’s all.

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 “Mr. Chu…”

  Chen Rui wanted to say more, but Chu Yi was unwilling to deal with him and hung up the phone (without listening).

  The congested traffic finally moved forward a bit. Chu Yi had driven out several tens of meters when his phone rang again. He had little to no patience when he asked, “What else is there?”

  Unexpectedly, it wasn’t Chen Rui who had called. A somewhat familiar voice asked, “Chu Yi TongXue[2], aren’t you coming to the class reunion?”

  Chu Yi was stunned. Only then had he remembered that there was such a thing.

  He had wondered as to which idiot had arrange for the class reunion to happen on the Christmas evening. He did not explicitly refuse at the time. He had only replied that he would make it if there was time.

  The other party urged, “Yo classmate, are you coming or not?”

  Chu Yi glanced at his watch. Seeing that it was already past eight o’clock, he asked, “Isn’t it over yet?”

 “Dinner is long over. Now, we are singing at KTV[3] .”

  To be honest, Chu Yi was not interested in this class reunion. He had no friendship with most of his high school classmates, except…

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  He thought for a while and asked, “Is he there?”

  The other party was at a loss, “Who?”

  Chu Yi drew in another mouthful from the cigarette, then slowly blew out the smoke ring. He replied, “Sent to me the address. I’ll come around.”

  Not long after he hung up the phone, he received a new message on his phone. Chu Yi glanced at the address and found that the location was not far away. Just as the traffic started to move slowly, he drove over.

  The destination was a karaoke club. Chu Yi’s classmates had booked a big room. He pushed opened the door and met with coruscating lights from a disco strobe, making it look like a demon’s lair.

  Chu Yi was suddenly left cold. But now that he was there, he could only go-through with it. He raised his foot and walked inside. Some people who were familiar with him greeted him. Most of them were chugging alcohol and playing ‘dice in the bar’[4]. Two others seemed to have drunk too much, cuddling each other and crying. There were a few others who were holding the microphone and howling.

  Chu Yi had excellent eyesight. After scanning the circle once, he found the person he was looking for in a corner.

  Xu Yue was still the same – tall and handsome, with neat eyebrows.

  There are probably many who would be consumed by regret over being blind in the past upon meeting their exes again. However, Chu Yi only secretly let out a sigh[5].

  He stood there for a while. Then, instead of approaching to strike up a conversation, he sat down on a nearby sofa. There were a few playing cards on the side. Chu Yi also joined them and drew cards at random. He didn’t care much for the game of cards. He had already played a few games absent-mindedly, when an old song poured out from the stereo. It was a very old melody. When sung in the singer’s hoarse voice, it emanated a special feeling.

  Chu Yi lit a cigarette. Through the hazy smoke, he caught a glimpse of Xu Yue sitting there alone, wearing a suit and tie.

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He probably did not have notice someone watching him. Or, he might have noticed, yet was indifferent.

  Chu Yi looked at him and suddenly felt an itch.

  He took out the lighter[6] from his pocket, clicked[7] it for a while, then dropped it to the ground. That was his usual trick. So, the aim was very accurate, and the lighter stopped right at Xu Yue’s feet.

  Chu Yi now had an excuse. He walked away from the crowd, seemingly to pick up his lighter. When he reached Xu Yue’s side, he pretended not to have noticed him. Chu Yi adopted the style of being focused on picking up the lighter: bending over and fumbling for a while, only that when he straightened up, his fingers deliberately touched Xu Yue’s leg.

  Xu Yue immediately held his hand.

  The love song was still babbling from the stereo.

Chu Yi raised his head, smiled suavely and said, “A’Yue, long time no see.”

[1] Similar to alimony.
Super sidenote: Must have been specified as a part of some non-disclosure agreement they signed at the beginning of their relationship. From the conversation going on, Chen Rui was probably responsible for them landing on the magazine. Yet, Chu Yi is keeping his side of the deal. Chu Yi may or may not have destroyed his acting career in the ‘story’ – there aren’t clues offered, only that Chen Rui is very distressed. Not sure if it is purely due to being jilted.

[2] classmate

[3] karaoke club/bar

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[4] A popular drinking game that involves rolling of dice and guesstimating. [在酒吧摇色子zài jiǔ bā yáo shǎi zi]

[5] Overall vibe of those who most likely undervalued their exes when they were together and regret it later. Chu Yi, unlike them, has always been perfectly aware of how awesome Xu Yue is. Chu Yi knows that he is his own undoing.

[6] Probably a Zippo lighter.

[7] “啪嗒”、“啪嗒” “pā tā”,“pā tā”

Translator’s Comment

Now you know the reason why I started posting the translation of this book on 25 December. It is so pivotal.
Happy Easter to all those who are celebrating.

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